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SPEECH FINAL STUDY GUIDE Chapters 3 4 5 6 16 the persuasive speech section Professional Communication and anything else covered in lecture Persuasive Speaking Verbal Communication Non verbal Communication Listening Interpersonal Relationships Professional Communication Special Occasion Speeches Special Occasion Speeches 1 Public prayer should give a spiritual centeredness for the room Don t use it to convert 2 Eulogies acknowledged shared sadness but do your best to be optimistic 3 Toast 4 Presenting an Award tell what the person did to get the award introduce the award and then the person and how they met the requirements to get it 5 Accepting an Award 6 Introducing a Speaker don t oversell by saying everything they ever did never introduce while people are eating Persuasive Speaking Why persuasion is so difficult o The sheer amount of persuasion that occurs everyday o We are lazy o Values beliefs and attitudes are firmly entrenched o It works slowly over time o A threat to freedom What is my purpose Who is my audience Writing the Speech o What are their beliefs attitudes etc o Aristotle gave us our def of rhetoric it s all means of persuasion o Get audience members to believe a certain way get them to act change beliefs etc Authority credibility Ethos Credibility 4 things o Trustworthy o Become an Expertise how 1 Do research 2 Make a commitment 3 Have experience o Ethical framework integrity o Dynamism energy enthusiam emotional appeal maslow s hierarchy of needs more important like to start w it causation logical proof Pathos Logos Inductive deductive reasoning Correlational Causal reasoning Reasoning by analogy How to organize points o Problem solution o Cause effect o Motivational sequence 5 steps ANSVA 1 Attention Grab attention of the audience 2 Need Create a need in the audience 3 Satisfaction Satisfy the need 4 Visualization Visualize engaging in the behavior 5 Action take action Verbal Communication Concrete symbols and Abstract symbols o Go to a lower level abstraction to maintain clarity be more concrete o Words operate in concrete levels and abstract levels Language environment o Helps us define context 1 People 2 Purpose 3 Rules that govern the exchange 4 The actual talk the transcript Differences between men and women o Women use rapport talk match experiences establish intimacy create a social network o Men use report talk main center stage achieve status exchange information in a way that person stays number 1 What we use to give our words more power o No likes basically uh vocal fillers o Get rid of tag questions Non Verbal Communication Nonverbal vs verbal communication o Differences Brain processing Verbal is linear NV is holistic Verbal is conscious NV is not Can stop verbal cannot stop NV Verbal is conscious We will believe nonverbal before we believe verbal o Varies by gender o Both cultural Functions of Nonverbal Communication 1 Complement 2 Regulate 3 Substitute 4 Accent Types o Paralanguage rate pitch volume quality vocal fillers o Body Movement kinesthetics o Facial Expressions o Eye Messages o Attractiveness Elective physical characteristics you can control clothings makeup etc Non elective things you can t change height bone structure o Clothing o Body Adornment o Space and Distance proxemics Listening Listening process o 5 steps 1 Listening preparation 2 Receiving the message 3 Constructing the meaning 4 Responding 5 Remembering Difficult because information overload cognitive dissonance anxiety controlling listeners passiveness What a good listener does and what a bad listener does o Good eye contact attentive to V and NV patient responsive paraphrase constructive feedback empathic shows interest caring non judgemental open minded interrupt eyes wander distracted not interested no feedback changes subject o Bad judgemental close minded talks too much SOLER o Square off o Open up o Lean in o Eye contact o Relax Interpersonal Relationships 5 different things about managing emotions 1 Being self aware 2 Managing emotions 3 Motivating yourself 4 Recognizing emotions in others 5 Handling relationships Why we re attracted to people o Similarities o Differences o Proximity people we see more often o Perceived Gain o Attractiveness Motives for interpersonal communication o Pleasure relaxation affection control inclusion health escape How we do it o Small talk o Bids bidding process Focus on people around you Set a positive tone in conversations Avoid harmful criticism Avoid becoming physically or emotionally overwhelmed Create a climate of praise and gratitude Self disclose and connect Johari window Professional Communication Principles Integrity Respect Openness Responsibility Teamwork Self Improvement Ethics Communication with Professional Setting 1 Give more attention to face to face 2 The key is effective listening 3 Speak clearly with good diction 4 Maintain positive attitude 5 Give and receive feedback 6 7 Build your credibility If you are angry calm down before responding The Resume The Cover Letter The Interview Follow up Communication Reference Letters

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