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SPC1017 Exam 1 1 Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Communication Communication any process in which people through the use of symbols verbally and or nonverbally consciously or not consciously intentionally or unintentionally generate meaning information ideas feelings and perceptions within and across various contexts cultures channels and media o Abstract social process o Communication is always changing o 67 93 of what we communicate is nonverbal o You cannot not communicate o Transaction with a past present and future o Complex 3 principles of communication as a transaction 1 Continuous simulatious cannot not communicate 2 All communication has no definite beginning or ending past present future 3 All communicators play roles Elements of Communication Thought communication was linear Communication is very complex S R S sender R receiver MSG message V verbal NV nonverbal Sender receivers People get involved in communication because they have information ideas and feelings they want to share Not a one way process both sending and receiving at the same time Message made up of the ideas and feelings that senders receivers want to share Can be verbal and nonverbal o Symbol something that stands for something else 2 kinds Verbal symbols words in a language Nonverbal symbols ways we communicate without using words such as facial expressions gesture posture vocal tone SPC1017 Exam 1 2 appearance etc Can sometimes be misleading when we cannot control our nonverbal behavior yawning etc Concrete symbols symbol that represents an object Abstract symbols stand for ideas Although we attach certain meanings to symbols those meanings may differ depending on the person Channel the route traveled by a message the means a message uses to reach the sender receiver Primary channels sound and sight but channels can be all senses such as touch taste sight sound smell joke they smile Feedback the response of the receiver senders to each other Example you tell a o How we response o feedback determines how good of a communicator you are Good communicators know how to read feedback and respond to it environment Sensory acuity paying attention to all elements in the communication Context environment in which the communication occurs Noise interference hat keeps a message from being understood or accurately interpreted 4 Types of noises o Impedes the system of communication 1 Physical noise 2 Psychological noise a Examples cell phone fire alarm etc a Examples Bad text or phone call before class finical aid paying rent b How to take care of it talk about it write it in a journal 3 Physiological noise a Examples illness hungry 4 Symantec noise emotional reaction to words a Example words you do not understand Example mower outside making noises stepping closer to the crowd Key to public speaking find elegant ways of accepting distractions 3 SPC1017 Exam 1 Types of Context 1 Intrapersonal language use and or thought that occur within you the communicator where communication begins thoughts in your head 2 Interpersonal communicate with a one to one basis talking with doctor friends advisor 3 Small group small number of people meet to solve a problem defined as 3 12 people 5 7 is the optimal number for group work 4 Organizational 5 Public speaking sender receiver the speaker sends a message the speech to an audience must have an audience 6 Mass comm tweets social media prints TV Communicating Effectively Communication skills needed to communicate Where am I lacking How can I get practice Where can I get help Timetable to set baby steps Strategic flexibility SF expanding you communication repertoire to enable you to use the best skill or behavior available for a particular situation Chapter 2 Self Perception and Communication Self concept how you think and feel about yourself Perception how you look at others and the world around you Self perception the way you see yourself Good public speakers have good self concept 3 Pieces to contribute to self concept o based on the values of the culture and the community you come form 1 Reflected appraisals messages you get about yourself from others a Snapshot of self b Little kid wakes up mother greets him kid walks away happy c More important to women then men a More important to men b Downward comparison 2 Social Comparison comparing yourself to others to see how you measure up i Study for a test 85 on exam happy with grade neighbors got 87 and 91 not happy with your grade anymore c Upward comparison psychological risk SPC1017 Exam 1 4 i Asking the person that did well on an exam if you can study with ii Running stadiums with QB kept up still does stadiums years later them 3 Self perception the way you see yourself a Complex and ongoing b Going to the mall with your grandma she s dressed embarrassingly but c Gender Sex M vs W grandma is happy with herself i Mom and dad encourage healthy relationship and respect straight child Can you improve your self concept 1 Where should change begin 2 What do you want to change 3 Are circumstances keeping you from change 4 Are you willing to take some chances realistic goals 5 What would be a realistic goal 6 Are you discipline resisting impulse 7 Are there people who will support you abusive relationship think they deserve 8 Can you be more other centered Self awareness knowledge of and trust in your own motives emotions that Surround yourself with positive people preferences and abilities 3 steps in perceiving information 1 Select 2 Organize 3 Interpret All people perceive the same information differently Extroverts 75 Energy comes from interactions with Acts fast Will silent phone Job with socializing others Introverts 25 Likes variety and action Think before acting Will turn off phone Likes long slow jobs Energy supply depleted over time Quiet for concentration Trouble with names and faces Work on one project for a long time extroverts are offended by this Where your energy comes from Example o Extrovert boss people had donut and coffee while working o Introvert boss put up cubicles and everyone stopped socializing and hated 5 SPC1017 Exam 1 working Sensing 75 Live by the law Has to experience for it to exist Established way of doing things Realistic idea Thinker 50 Make decisions with head Hurt peoples feelings Intuitive 25 Always inspired by things Example ask why Feeler 50 Like to save things Make decisions with heart Need praise Pleasing people Perceptive 50 Adapt well Judging 50 Keep list Personality changes at work at class

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FSU SPC 1017 - Chapter 1: Basic Principles of Communication

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