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BIO EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE STUDY GUIDE 12 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Vocabulary Photon particles of light fixed quantity of energy which is inversely related to wavelength the shorter the wavelength the greater the energy of each photon of that light Ex Purple is shortest and red is the longest but purple has 2x as much energy Concepts and Principles Know what photosynthesis is why it is important and the organisms that use it as a source of energy o Photosynthesis process that converts solar energy to chemical energy Sunlight is used to break down CO2 and water Sugar and O2 Directly or indirectly nourishes almost the entire living world Ex Photoautotrophs Takes place in the chloroplasts of plants o Redox process in which H2O is oxidized CO2 is reduced electrons are released from water and added to CO2 as it is converted to sugar o Two stages light reactions photo part and Calvin cycle synthesis part Know what photoautotrophs and heterotrophs are o Photoautotrophs self feeders that use light as a source of energy to synthesize organic compounds o Heterotrophs consumers who live on compounds produced by other organisms Know the plant plant cell and chloroplast anatomy depicted in Figure 10 4 and where the different parts of photosynthesis occur in the cell o Chloroplasts the organelle where photosynthesis occurs in plants Photosynthesis specifically on thylakoid membranes light reactions and in the stroma Calvin cycle Present in all green tissues of a plant mostly in leaves specifically the mesophyll cells which is the inner tissue of the leaf A single mesophyll cell 30 40 chloroplasts Stroma the dense fluid inside the membrane Granum stack of thylakoids Know what stomata are and their functional significance to the plant o Stomata microscopic pores by which carbon dioxide enters the leaf and oxygen exits Know what the electromagnetic spectrum is and which parts of the spectrum are important to photosynthesis Be able to relate the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll pigments to the action spectrum of photosynthesis o Electromagnetic spectrum entire range of radiation Most of the visible light range is used in photosynthesis Violet blue and red work best absorbed while green is o Absorption spectrum graph plotting a pigment s light absorption vs least effective reflected wavelength o Action spectrum profiles the relative effectiveness of different wavelengths of radiation in driving the process Measures the rate of photosynthesis by the O2 production o Relation of absorption to action spectrum The wavelengths of light absorbed by chloroplast pigments perfectly correlate to the wavelengths of light that promote photosynthesis Know the overall reaction of photosynthesis including products and reactants and be able to follow the path of atoms through the process as depicted in Figure 10 5 Know the two pathways of photosynthesis where they occur and the reactants and products of each pathway Know the pigments that are important for photosynthesis and how chloroplasts use these pigments to harvest light energy o Pigments substances that absorb visible light Different colors due to which colors they reflect 3 types in photosynthesis Chlorophyll A B and carateniods Chlorophyll A appear dark green blue ish Chlorophyll B appear slightly lighter green Caratenoids appear orange ish color o When light is absorbed the energy is not lost It is used to push electrons to higher orbitals Electrons in higher orbitals have more potential energy Excited state electrons in elevated orbital unstable Ground state normal state Fluorescence light heat energy released when electrons in excited state drop down to ground state Know what a photosystem is the components of a photosystem how energy is transferred from light to the reaction center complex and how photosystem I and II are connected Know where electrons come from to replace those lost to the primary electron acceptors in photosystems I and II o Photosystem large complexes of proteins and chlorophyll that capture light energy and consist of chlorophyll a and b and the carotenoids o 1 Sunlight excites electrons 2 Electrons transfer energy as change states 3 Energy released is used to excite another pigment molecule 4 This chain reaction continues until it reaches a special pair of chlorophyll molecules below the reaction center 5 This molecule is the primary electron acceptor and is reduced by the reaction 6 Light energy has been changed to chemical energy Be able to compare and contrast the electron transport chains in photosynthesis and Electron transport chain connects the two photosystems cellular respiration Understand the steps involved in the Calvin cycle and know what enzyme fixes carbon in this cycle STUDY GUIDE 13 The Hereditary Material is DNA Vocabulary Chromosomes made up of chromatin Chromatin complex of DNA and proteins DNA substance of our genes Double helix structure of DNA Concepts and Principles Know the central dogma of genetics and the names of the component mechanisms Genes hereditary determinants direct cell to make Proteins carry out functions Know what somatic and germ line cells are and how their DNA content supports the idea that DNA is the genetic material o Germ cells reproductive cells like eggs sperm pollen Contain half the amount of DNA as somatic cells o Somatic cells all other cells of the body Know how the nitrogenous base composition of different organisms supports the idea that DNA is the genetic material o Nitrogenous base composition is constant within a species all cells of all individuals of a species have same DNA content differs between species Be familiar with the work done by Griffith and then later by Avery McCarty and MacLeod on transformation in bacteria Understand the experiments they performed and how the results supported the idea that DNA was the hereditary material o The introduction of pure DNA to bacterial cells can change the characteristics of bacteria Be familiar with the work Hershey and Chase did with bacteriophage T4 Understand the experiments they performed and how their results supported the idea that DNA was the hereditary material o Bacteria phage replication stages 1 Phage attaches to bacterial host 2 Phage DNA injected bacteria chromosome destroyed 3 Phage DNA replicated protein synthesis 4 Mature phages assembled 5 Host cell lysed phages released o Experiment Radioactive phages vs radioactive phage DNA Conclusion when phage infects E Coli DNA not the protein enters the bacterial cell Thus DNA has

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