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Study Guide Exam 3 This guide includes everything from the text book slides and videos Good luck CHAPTER 11 Communication Communication Symbolic transactional process that involves Creating sharing meaning All behavior is communicative Non verbal verbal body language etc Communication is essential to continuing relationships Message sent is not necessarily what is received There is a difference between hearing and listening Listening actively listening thinking reacting Hearing merely hearing the sounds Communication takes place internally externally Family Communication is not random Humans use both verbal nonverbal communication Social media has changed the way we communicate Cell phones texting internet media Facebook twitter etc Some people rarely use regular wall phones these days Verbal Vs Non verbal communication Are often combined Verbal sounds words language speaking 2 kinds Interpersonal public speaking Words influence Emotions senses of recipients Messages that are received Everyone sees things and does things differently Verbal K I S Statements K I S keep it simple Be concise when speaking There is no need to be extremely wordy Could be appropriate at times but usually not Nonverbal physical ways of communication tone touch smell body motion language Used to repeat or accent a verbal message Used to complement the verbal message A steeple message deals with power and authority Bad form of steeple pointing at you kind of like using finger as a weapon Nonverbal Messages Environmental Context Produced by the broad setting chronemics Chronemics use of time pause or silence Mono chromic people do 1 thing at a time Poly chronic people do many things at once Proxemics use and perception of space Cultural differences may make things hard to interpret cross culturally General Appearance Dress Bodily Movement Posture Facial Expressions Paralanguage vocal characteristics that you do when you yawn cry burp etc the sounds faces volumes you do these things Some people don t like hand shaking because Eye Contact Gaze Touch Smell Gestures Germs Hygiene 62 Awkward 15 Don t Like Touching 7 Grip Weak or Firm 5 Do Not Know Person 5 Sweaty Palms 4 Prefers Hugs 2 Communication roles The Communicator Person who creates sends message Factors influencing message Gender Report vs rapport talk Females tend to have rapport talk including self disclosure more body language eye contact etc Men tend to have more report talking Concise and straight to the point less eye contact more distractions Appearance Posture The Recipient The communicator must understand the receiver be aware of the context in which the receiver or audience will take in a message The message that is sent is not necessarily what is received All based on perception and listening Family Communication family rules that mean certain things Can change over Family Communication Rules who can talk to who and what are appropriate things to Facial expressions Gestures Mannerisms Tone of voice Furnish our surroundings Family of Origin time say Explicit Implicit Rules Explicit rules Implicit rules Functions of Rules What can be talked about How can it be talked about To whom it can be talked about Communication patterns Horizontal Chain Negotiable Rules Vertical Chain Non negotiable Rules Circle chain Wheel Y chain gap chain Network Tier 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FAMILY STRESS CHANGE AND ADAPTATION It can be positive or negative Some enjoy the adrenaline rush Stressor A stimulus or event with potential to cause stress Physical External to the system primarily NE Social Traumatic or pleasant events married graduating parties Psychological Strong emotions fear anxiety emotions related to death in family abuse Can be bad or good Examples Papers or projects due Time constraints Moving Marriage Breaking up or Divorce Having a baby Stress Reaction response to a stressor Involves pressure vs adaptability Stressor is an event stress is a response Naturally occurring certain amount is needed to get things done Crisis Person or system is unable to handle stress A stressor no matter how big does NOT automatically lead to a crisis REMEMBER Stressor is the EVENT Stress is the RESPONSE Crisis is the PROCESS of not being able to handle the stressor accompanying stress Family stress state of tension arising when demands tax a family s resources Family Crisis sharper jolt to a family Crisis 3 interrelated ideas Crisis involves change change in family structure roles etc Crisis is a turning point health issue and you change the configuration of your family Crisis is a time of relative instability move away from family homeostasis ABC X model A B C X A Stressor event family stressors Addition of family member Loss of family member AMBIGUOUS LOSS loss of a family member can be physical or psychological will explain more below Sudden change in family income or status Conflict over family roles Care for disabled or dependent family member Demoralization Daily hassles Crisis overload characteristics of a stressor Expectedness Normative expected vs Non normative not expected Source Extra family vs Intra family Extra outside of the family Usually others from outside of the family help Intra inside of the family This is usually worse of the two Very disruptive to the family It includes things like abuse alcoholism etc Timing Onset Duration Onset when it begins Sudden Duration how long it lasts Effects Family Configuration outcome Event can affect family roles etc Type of Event Impact control status shift Lose your job Shifts financial and living situations B CRISIS MEETING RESOURCES Personal Resources Family s Internal Resources Family Cohesion families willingness to help Family Adaptability Social Support support services victims advocacy etc C DEFINITION OF EVENT how do you perceive the event Meaning family attributes to event how family views event Objective Cultural 911 affects primarily Americans Subjective more individual persepective Factors influencing definition Nature of event Degree of hardship Family s previous experience How family members hear of event news Friends Other family members X The Crisis experience Adjustment family attempts to make changes you tweak things with Adaptation family needs to restructure to restore stability Adaptation Continuum Maladaptation don t adapt well Bonadaptation adapt well ABC and X all define your degree of stress Resilience Ability of individuals families to handle stress crisis situations come out being able to

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FSU FAD 3271 - CHAPTER 11: Communication

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