FAD3271 Test 3 Study Guide Chapter 11 Communication Communication a symbolic transactional process that involves creating and sharing meaning o a circular cumulative process no distinguishable beginning or end o involves sending and receiving information o humans use both verbal and nonverbal communication Assumptions about communication o 1 Family communication is not random o 2 Communication is transactional o 3 It is impossible not to communicate Verbal vs Nonverbal communication o Verbal sounds words language and speaking 2 kinds interpersonal and public speaking o nonverbal physical ways of communication tone touch smell and body motion o used to repeat or accent a verbal message Nonverbal messages Environmental Context o Chronemics use of time pause or silence Mono chronic people do one thing at a time Poly chronic people do many things at once o Proxemics use and perception of space Elements of the Communication Process o 1 The Communicator person who creates and sends the message we communicate by our entire body presence o 2 The Message Messages the units of information transmitted between sender and receiver 4 parts o 1 A subject telling who the action of the message is about o 2 A predicate telling the receiver what is being done o 3 An object showing to whom the action is directed o 4 The content of the action o 3 The Medium Medium The way a message is presented to the recipient Ex TV cost prohibits long messages therefore advertising has been shaped to fit a product s sales pitch into a short time frame o 4 The Recipient Recipient the receiver of the message Three factors contributing to the development of family meanings o 1 family of origin influences The family into which we are born If the adults had similar communication rules and patterns while growing up in their family of origin the transition to a new family system is easier Our family teaches us many of our perceptions and filters many others o 2 Family communication rules rules relationship agreements that prescribe and limit a family s behavior over time Explicit rules beliefs that are recognized acknowledged and known by a family and often can be talked about More formalized because they are spoken Ex Children can have friends visit only when parent is home Implicit rules hidden from view not discussed invisibility makes the rules powerful present in the community schools universities the workplace and social organizations o 3 Rule Development The world we live in is governed by rules particularly communication rules Most learned by repeated interactions Rules must be renegotiated as family members mature and go through developmental stages Ex young family member may not be allowed to disagree with adult decisions BUT when members reach 16 adults should be listening to their reasons and disagreements negotiating in different ways The Function of Rules o Three guidelines 1 What can be talked about refers to subjects open for discussion most families have topics they don t discuss 2 How it can be talked about most families have rules of how to communicate that lead to communication strategies o Ex we ll break this news to dad after he has had a good meal 3 To whom can it be talked about depends on age for some families o Androgyny refers to the human capacity for members of both sexes to be masculine and feminine in their behaviors Gender and Communication o Women use language to enhance intimacy while sharing their feelings o Men are less expressive Defend their independence by distancing and avoiding any discussion of their feelings Dominate and forceful when showing emotions Family Communication Frameworks o Patterned channels of information flow become the communication network used in the family o Horizontal communication when one sibling asks something of another sibling equal status o Vertical communication occurs when power differences influence the path of communication Occurs in families with non negotiable parental rules such as curfews Communication Patterns o 1 Horizontal chain negotiable rules Circle chain Vertical chain non negotiable rules Pattern resembling a chain has a hierarchy built into it with messages processed through individual members from an authority figure mom or dad o 2 Y Wheel o 3 Gap Tier The y and the wheel have a pivotal person usually mom in the center A gap pattern describes a lack of information exchange Network The network pattern provides two way communication channels between all family members Chapter 12 Family Stress Change and Adaptation Stressor Stress Crisis o Stressor a stimulus or event with potential to cause stress Physical external to the system primarily natural environment chemicals noise temperature Can be damaging but often a person can avoid them anticipate them or plan ahead for them Social traumatic or pleasant events Most difficult to handle and can cause most severe stressful response but don t happen often death of loved one Psychological strong emotions fear anxiety panic The most DAMAGING stressors o Stress response reaction to a stressor Involves pressure vs adaptability Stressor is an event stress is a response Naturally occurring and certain amount is needed to get things done o Crisis person or system is unable to handle stress A stressor no matter how big does NOT automatically lead to a crisis Remember Stressor event Stress response Crisis process not being able to handle the stressor and accompanying stress Family Stress and Crisis o Family stress state of tension arising when demands tax a family s resources o Family crisis sharper jolt to a family o Crisis 3 interrelated ideas involves change ABC X Model o A Stressor event Ex new member in family loss sudden change in income etc o B Crisis Meeting Resources Personal resources Family s internal resources Family cohesion Family adaptability Social Support o C Definition of event Meaning family attributes to event Objective Cultural Subjective Factors influencing definition Nature of event Degree of hardship Family s previous experience How family members hear of event Adjustment family attempts to make o X Crisis changes Adaptation family needs to restructure to restore stability Family Stressors o 1 Accession causing changing family structure by adding a member o 2 Dismemberment causing changing family structure by losing a member o 3 Loss of family morale and unity Ex dealing with alcoholism or substance abuse Stress pile up the stress individuals and families experience from
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