LINGUIS 100 1st Edition Lecture 13 Exam Prep Remember to bring a Number 2 pencil and she also put a bonus question on the exam just so that you are aware Closed notes so do a lot of prep work Abstract concepts help us communicate language and contribute to the study of linguistics which essentially separates us from other types of language we have the ability to think about language where as animals do not nor do computers have this ability Language is arbitrary and you have to learn the association between these things and it is different across languages Grammar two different approaches a prescriptive don t end a sentence with a preposition you should say please when you have a request things to make your language sound better b descriptive what we have done in this class what languages do in their grammar in this language you have to end the sentence with a verb can t end a word with a consonant in insert language here IPA Chart one side there is a rectangle of consonants and on the other side you have a vowel chart looking at this you can see if I see this symbol I can figure out where in the mouth is is made place of articulation and also what you are doing in your vocal tract to restrict airflow manner of articulation What are your vocal chords doing Are they open or closed You can also tell this by looking at the chart Consonant Chart The place of articulation The manner of articulation Voiced or Voiceless Vowel Chart High or low Where the tongue is Can look at vowel pairs and tell which one is rounded and which is not rounded Word Pairs Review definitions or Phonemes and Allophones In Ukrainian Having the same phonological environment of a word except one difference in phoneme what is this called These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute The little j in the words we looked at made a difference in the word and made them separate phonemes Sometimes we will find a word with two variations but are not allophones free variation If you had two different environments with different sound but the meaning is the same then we have an allophone Looking at examples from other languages in conjunction with test questions a Data i palu ii ku ba iii spalube iv sku babe v spalulu vi sku balu b Consonant cluster spalube or sku babe i The sp and the sk c Open or closed syllable i Open because they both end in a vowel d Does it have prefixes or suffixes Yes but no infixes e Inflectional morpheme when you have a word like was and look it up in the dictionary you will not find the word in some languages because it is a form of a another word or in this case it is often the conjugated form of the verb to be Isolating versus Agglutinating When same stem is there but there are suffixes prefixes or another affix is added is an example of agglutinating What is the difference between grammar and syntax Syntax is a part of grammar we can talk about the sounds morphemes or the sentence structure word order as well What is the difference between a phonological system or non phonological writing system Same symbol with the same meaning and have all of these different pronunciations the symbol represents a word but not the sound of the word this is a non phonological writing system each symbol represents the pronunciation of a symbol and this is a phonological writing system Morphology Looking at the part and the order of the words love ly the ly must come after the stem it cannot come before the stem which is love Where as syntax discusses how number words work together and their order All of this put together is grammar
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