UW-Milwaukee LINGUIS 100 - Omniglot

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LINGUIS 100 1st Edition Lecture 8 Review What should you be taking away from this course What can you do with linguistic training What will I be tested on What can you do with Linguistics Fastest growing area right now for jobs with Linguistics is computer related and deals with voice recognition Also teaching is the second widest application to studying linguistics What is it that she might as us to do on an Exam Differences between animal and human communication Speech production and how sounds are made difference between consonants and vowels IPA Chart does not need to be memorized but you should know how to use it so that if she asks Is this sound b voiced or voiceless and what is the place of articulation of this symbol Phonology and be able to recognize if something is an open or closed syllable Is this la an open or closed syllable open because it ends in a vowel Whats the difference between a syllabary and an alphabet A syllabary represents a full symbol where are a letter in an alphabet represents a sound Omniglot http www omniglot com writing arabic egypt htm Here you can find an example on Omniglot and play around with the site and how it works The example that I have included here has the writing system for Arabic in the way it is spoken in Egypt which I feel is maybe the closest thing to what our TA was trying to teach on Monday the 16th in Lecture but I could very well be wrong There are tons of languages and writing systems available for you to view on Omniglot however so take advantage of this to see examples of exactly what we are talking about 1 Writing Systems are a Cultural Artifact a Representational i Language ii Writing systems can be older and they are invented by humans Language is kind of just there but we can learn to read and write later on in life We can speak the same language and use a difference writing system to talk about that same language Different codes and things that humans invent to represent their language b Symbolic i Cultures ii People c Mark Identity These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Religious National having nations within a country where people may choose to have the same language but a different writing system to symbolize the distinction of this nation within a country of other nations Historic ii Political Gender example of this is syllabaries used in Japanese identity could be marked by the writing system Educational d It is possible that you can have the same language or very similar languages except in different scripts 2 Similac Languages Different Scripts Hindi and Urdu are an example of this Arabic and Judeo Arabic another example where Judeo Arabic uses a Hebrew based script Bosnian and Serbian used to be considered the exact same language but there was a civil war that separated the two You would have no problem talking with each other in full understanding but if you wrote down what you were saying you could not understand what the written symbols and script is 3 Very Different Languages Similar Scripts Russian and Ket Ket is very similar in writing system to Russian Can have similar languages with very different scripts but can have different languages with same or similar scripts this is most important part to know rather than the specific examples of certain languages 4 Languages with more than one script How languages change with policial turns and tides Cyrillic based to Latin to Arabic based script These things change and these things do happen But why would someone want to change scripts We will look at this in how German changed over time 5 German Script Changes Below on the next page is a picture of the different fonts that German used to use There were a lot of debates as to whether printing presses should use this or if it was too ugly and harsh and if it was too hard to read The S s all have three different symbols one symbol will appear at the beginning of the word one will appear at the end of the word and another in the middle German shows something phonologically with this symbol as well because the s s exhibit different sounds There is also another different kind of handwriting in cursive that needs a certain training to read this handwriting in German What changed The nazi s taking over and they didn t like it so there was a change in ideology within Germany and with that the script changed Another thing that German does is updates and changes it s spelling to help portray better how people pronounce things Changes one words changing to two words being respelled 6 English Spelling a homophones homographs i Why don t we get rid of all of them and choose one We could go the german way and change our spelling but we don t want to and want to do things different ii We are not updating our spelling at all iii If we make these changes we will use the historical meaning 1 Example knight is historically related to German where the gh is related to the ch in the German word knecht b sounds that are spelled differently c same spelling different sounds d kn silent e sound ough and many more In the below image Dr Pattillo is writing in one of the languages she has learned Weger which is spoken by 10 million people in China and can also be written in a latin text as well as a Russian Cyrillic system because of political involvement of Russia with China

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