LINGUIS 100 1st Edition Lecture 4 Review Difference between consonants and vowels is one obstructs airflow and one does not consonants do not obstruct airflow Can completely stop airflow Can send airflow around the sides of tongue Referred to manner of articulation Where to make articulation is called the place of articulation Chart Go from front of your mouth to back Anything highlighted on chart given to you in discussion sections are voiced sounds Click Language Thought that they were only spoken in South Africa but one of students pointed out that there is indeed another part of the world Papua New Guinea over 800 languages spoken here A lot of islands near it that had clicks ceremonial language Would not grow up learning this language but you would have learned it later in life as you were initiated into their ethnic group Watched a video of someone trying to describe clicking sounds made in click language without linguistic terms No Language is Exotic What we have come to understand is that this is not true it is rather just different than what we have been exposed to Language is complicated but most languages follow same sets of rules 98 of our DNA is same Vowels There are four parameters for vowels How high is the tongue in your mouth height Making sounds of ah and e long e you can feel a difference in the height of your tongue and your jaw You have to make these adjustments to make these sounds Where is the tip of tongue Backness making long e sound and o short o you are moving tongue back and forth from front to back of mouth what shape do your lips make cheeks change in tightness These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Vowel Categories All languages have at least three vowels e u a Arabic only has these three vowels How many vowels does English have Most people would say that there are 7 vowels but in fact there are up to 14 Example is the word bag How to say the long a sound in this word normally pronounced two different ways Example names of Dawn Don Which one is she saying exercise Can be exactly the same sound depending on which dialect of english one speaks close close mid open mid and open these are categories of back of the chart for vowels Height How high is the body of the tongue High example is long e looks like lower case i in IPA Mid looks like lower case a in IPA Back Lip Rounding Are the lips rounded See words and are not pronounced the way that they look Hospital name Froedert people lost the lip rounding of this word and do not pronounce the oe the way it was originally it was supposed to in German vowel Which vowels are most common language need at least 3 distinct vowel languages pick the corners of the mouth and try to fill in the spaces in between in the chart no language has all vowel sounds Diphthongs Some languages have two vowel sounds pronounced in one beat diphthong as you sing you can only sing one sound at a time Examples from English I ai out aut hate h it Canadians do not say the word out in same way they have higher placement of tongue when they begin the word They take short cut but still have diphthong Suprasegmentals Some languages also have additional features for vowels Short and long vowel contrasts German Ire man from Ireland Irre crazy person kahl bald Karl man s name den the denn because Last Note Please contact TA s before you e mail Dr Patellio for any questions
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