Berkeley COMPSCI 250 - CS250 Section 2

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Image Courtesy NVIDIA CS250 Section 2 9 9 10 Yunsup Lee Any questions on Lab 1 so far Paper Discussions We have two paper discussions this semester September 15th Low Power ARM Power7 Server Processor September 22nd Scale VT Processor Energy Performance Exploration You need to turn in summaries for each paper hard copy before class the day we are doing discussions Start with a brief 1 paragraph summary of the main ideas of the paper Next address the following What are the strengths of the technical ideas presented 1 3 sentences What are the weakness of the technical ideas presented 1 3 sentences Rank the writing quality 1 10 Does or did this paper open new research areas If so what 1 3 sentences What specific comments would you make to the authors to improve the quality of their work or their presentation Changes to Labs and Projects Original plan was to use Maven but I ve decided we re going to use RISC V Reasons Research is shifting to RISC V and your work will be more relevant We re going to upgrade to RISC V next year and making Maven labs and tutorials this year is just more work that we know that we re going to throw away This means New compiler new ISA simulator new test cases basically new infrastructure Major revisions to the labs and tutorials This is the reason why labs and tutorials are getting a little bit delayed New baseline RTL processor Upcoming dates 9 13 10 10 30am Lab 1 due Submit using SVN src build writeup 9 13 10 Lab 2 3 out not sure about lab 3 at this moment but will do my best Write and Synthesize a Two Stage Three Stage RISCV v2 Processor ASIC Implementation of a Three Stage RISCV v2 Processor with On Chip Caches Did you know about tutorials Bits and Pieces of CS250 s toolflow Build Run and Write RISC V Programs Simulating Verilog RTL using Synopsys VCS RTL to Gates Synthesis using Synopsys Design Compiler Some other stuff SVN Server is up and running https isvn eecs berkeley edu cs250 login Guarded with your instructional login password Your source tree should look like lab1 trunk src commit code build manual build commit python script dc syn icc par pt pwr commit most recent build vcs sim branches tags Some other stuff Directory structure a proposal if you already committed to the svn server don t do this put lab harness on your home directory and tmp then make a symbolic link to the src directory on your home directory and work in the tmp directory Now it looks like tmp yunsup vc lab1 trunk src home aa grad yunsup vc lab1 trunk src build build manual vc lab1 trunk src build build manual You can commit the source code to the svn server from the lab harness on your home directory Some other stuff Please exit the tools after using Don t keep your tools occupying a seat It s a shared resource and you should be fair Labs and tutorials have version numbers I m trying my best not to change the version whenever it s in transit Writeups should be in text or PDF Section on September 23rd moved to September 21st Same room 310 Soda Same time 5 6pm Extended office hours 3 5pm this day September 21st Scripting Tools generate a lot of data and you shouldn t go through the files by hand Scripting is essential We re going to use Python for this class Python list usr bin python alist alist append 1 alist append 10 alist append 3 print alist alist 1 9 for aelement in alist print aelement def mul2 x return 2 x alist map mul2 alist for aelement in alist 2 print aelement Python read file usr bin python import sys import string if len sys argv 2 print usage s file sys argv 0 sys exit 1 f open file lines map string strip f readlines f close for line in lines print line Python line split usr bin python import sys import string if len sys argv 2 print usage s file sys argv 0 sys exit 1 f open file lines map string strip f readlines f close for line in lines strs line split for str in strs print str Python group activity Let s form groups of two and write python scripts which gets the data we need out of the report files You can find data files in cs250 examples python The data you need to extract is Critical Path Length Post Synthesis Area Post Synthesis Power Verilog Guide Lines 1 Sequential Block always posedge clk Only use non blocking assignments Combinational Block always always have a default assignment at the top Only use block assignments continuous assignments try to use continuous assignments rather than always blocks Do not mix blocking and non blocking assignments in the same always block Do not make assignments to the same variable from more than one always block What s wrong always posedge clk begin state reg state next operands reg operands next end always begin state next state reg if operands val begin state next 2 b01 signal rdy 1 b0 end end always begin if signal val signal rdy 1 b1 end Correct Way always posedge clk begin state reg state next operands reg operands next end always begin state next state reg signal rdy 1 b1 if operands val begin state next 2 b01 signal rdy 1 b0 end end assign state next operands val 2 b01 state reg assign signal rdy operands val Verilog Guide Lines 2 Always reset your registers except registers in the datapath which are normally very wide always posedge clk begin state reg state next operands reg operands next end always posedge begin if reset begin state reg operands reg end else begin state reg operands reg end end clk 2 d0 32 d0 state next operands next Verilog Guide Lines 3 Don t have mux statements inside always posedge clk Keep your sequential block simple always posedge clk begin if reset operands reg 32 d0 else if state reg 2 d1 operands reg operands A else if state reg 2 d2 operands reg opernads B end end always posedge clk begin if reset operands reg 32 d0 else operands reg operands next end always begin operands next operands reg if state reg 2 d1 operands next operands A else if state reg 2 d2 operands next operands B end Verilog Guide Lines 4 Never assign X values except when assign default values in a case statement and last assignment in a ternary statement always begin state next state reg signal rdy 1 bX if operands val begin state next 2 b01 signal rdy 1 b0 end end always begin state next state reg signal rdy 1 b1 if operands val begin state next 2 b01 signal rdy 1 b0 end end Verilog Guide Lines 5 Always populate all possible cases when using case statements But turning this case statement into a ternary statement is better always begin operands next operands reg …

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Berkeley COMPSCI 250 - CS250 Section 2

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