Berkeley COMPSCI 250 - Section 3

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CS250 Section 3 Yunsup Lee 9 11 09 Image Courtesy www ibm com Announcements Lab 2 Write and Synthesize a Two Stage SMIPSv2 Processor is out Lab 2 due on September 24th Thursday before class Four late days you can use Tutorial 3 Build Run and Write SMIPS Programs Tutorial 4 Simulating Verilog RTL using Synopsys VCS Uses SMIPSv1 as an example Tutorial 5 RTL to Gates Synthesis using Synopsys Design Compiler Talks about using the SMIPS assembler compiler linker Uses SMIPSv1 as an example Next week s September 18th office hour is 1pm 2pm Infrastructure Tool Servers ilinux 1 3 eecs cory353 2 n l eecs Notice that l is the lower case of L NX server installed on all servers except ilinux 2 3 eecs License Servers Two license servers Take a look at cs250 tools cs250 bashrc SVN Server https isvn eecs berkeley edu cs250 login Notice that you need to commit the directory that current points Infrastructure Please take care of your tracks Logout your NX session after done Make sure that you don t have any tools running I will email you twice a week if You have a NX session running You have a tool running It s going to be an automated script So if you are actually running something just ignore Lab 1 Feedback Clock constraints change build dc syn constraints tcl change src testharness v always clock cycle 2 clk clk Timing constraints met at synthesis but not after place and route Adding more buffers e g clock buffers Model is more accurate with extracted parasitics for wires Iterate between synthesis and place and route topographical mode Min Max power are the same Circuit too small Lab 1 Feedback Post Synthesis Area Post Synthesis Power dc syn current dc reports area rpt dc syn current dc reports power rpt Post Place Route Area icc par current icc reports chip finish icc sum UTILIZATION RATIOS Core Area Total Cell Count DFFX Cell Count icc par current icc reports chip finish icc sum MASTER INSTANTIATION INFORMATION Lab 1 Feedback Average Power min max pt pwr current pt reports vcdplus power avg min max report Peak Power min max pt pwr current pt reports vcdplus power time min max report Questions Any questions about lab 1 Question 1 Tell me about the toolflow Big picture What s the order you should go through the build directory Question 2 What s the difference between the following vcs sim behav vcs sim rtl vcs sim gl syn vcs sim gl par Why do we do all these simulations Question 3 What s the difference between the following icc par current iccdp icc par current icc Question 4 What else does PrimeTime analyze Question 5 I want to see the layout of standard cells What should I do Lab 2 SMIPSv2 Processor smipsTestHarness testrig tohost testrig fromhost smipsProc imemreq bits addr imemreq val imemresp bits data Magic Dual Port Memory dmemreq bits rw dmemreq bits addr dmemreq bits data clk dmemreq val clk reset dmemresp bits data reset Lab 2 Things you need to do Write Verilog smipsProc v smipsProcCtrl v smipsProcDpath v add more modules for example register file and ALU Run SMIPSv2 test assembly programs and benchmarks Globally installed stuff cs250 install smips tests smips bmarks Local stuff cs250 lab2 v smipsv2 2stage smips tests smips bmarks Complete the multiply benchmark Take a look at vcs sim rtl Makefile Lab 2 Things you need to do Stuff that matters in your build directory Write two assembly tests and two benchmarks We will synthesize your processor with 2ns time constraint Measure your IPC for benchmarks We will run your programs on other people s pipeline Optimize your design vcs sim rtl dc syn vcs sim gl syn Bonus question Build your own branch predictor We will post results on the course homepage pc sel killF ir 25 0 Jump TargGen IR 31 ir 20 16 ir 15 11 zero eq neg wa sel rf wen 16 ir 25 21 Instruction Mem Branch CondGen wb sel 4 Branch TargGen ir 20 16 rd0 Reg File ALU Reg File rd1 val nop ir 10 6 shamt ir 15 0 ir 15 0 Zero Extend Sign Extend Decoder Fetch Stage addr rdata wdata rw val pc 4 branch jump jr PC 4 alu fun ir 15 0 PC testrig fromhost Lab 2 dc syn is tricky Data Mem tohost en tohost testrig tohost Control Signals Execute Stage Lab 2 dc syn is tricky Core Processor Memory Two makefiles exist Makefile combinational Synthesizes smipsProc Use this makefile for vcs sim gl syn Makefile dummy Synthesizes smipsCore synth Use this makefile for critical path analysis Use this makefile for area analysis pc sel killF ir 25 0 Jump TargGen IR 31 ir 20 16 ir 15 11 zero eq neg wa sel rf wen 16 ir 25 21 Instruction Mem Branch CondGen wb sel 4 Branch TargGen ir 20 16 rd0 Reg File ALU Reg File rd1 val nop ir 10 6 shamt ir 15 0 ir 15 0 Zero Extend Sign Extend Decoder Fetch Stage addr rdata wdata rw val pc 4 branch jump jr PC 4 alu fun ir 15 0 PC testrig fromhost Lab 2 dc syn is tricky Data Mem tohost en tohost testrig tohost Control Signals Execute Stage Buffer Delays val IR ir 20 16 rd0 Reg File 31 ir 20 16 ir 15 11 wa sel rf wen ALU Reg File rd1 nop ir 10 6 shamt ir 15 0 Data Buffer Mem Delays tohost addr rdata wdata Zero Extend Sign Extend Decoder Fetch Stage zero eq neg 16 ir 15 0 Functionally Incorrect Jump TargGen ir 25 21 Instruction Mem Branch CondGen wb sel ir 25 0 killF pc sel 4 Branch TargGen rw val pc 4 branch jump jr PC 4 alu fun ir 15 0 PC testrig fromhost Lab 2 dc syn is tricky tohost en testrig tohost Control Signals Execute Stage Lab 2 Adding more modules build vcs sim rtl Makefile vclibsrcs vsrcs build dc syn Makefile vclibsrcs vsrcs not build vcs sim gl syn Makefile why Lab 2 Adding more test programs build vcs sim rtl Makefile global asm tests global bmarks local asm tests local bmarks build vcs sim gl syn Makefile global asm tests global bmarks local asm tests local bmarks Lab 2 SMIPS Compiler After you compile first run it on the funcational simulator to make sure it is running as intended to make sure it doesn t have any instructions that aren t SMIPSv2 The Compiler might generate some instructions that aren t SMIPSv2 Keep your memory accesses aligned Make sure you don t use arithmetic that aren t defined e g multiply divide Lab 2 IPC for benchmarks build vcs sim rtl make run bmarks perf Bonus question Build your branch predictor why would this make your IPC better Lab 2 Misc LAB2 ROOT pwd Notice you should use instead of A Latex weirdness does anyone know how to fix it

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Berkeley COMPSCI 250 - Section 3

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