Male Reproductive System 04 22 2010 Harder to put a catheter in Testicular artery and vein Vein drains right into inferior vena cava Artery Inguinal canal on outside of body and connects to the testes Need to have descending testicles otherwise will be sterile because too warm inside body Descend around 7 months Layers of scrotum Skin on the outslde Dartos mscle smooth muscle Superficial scrotum fascia Cremaster fasica and muscle skeletal muscle o Pulls scrotum closer to warm sperm and scrotum o Cremaster reflex Tunica vaginalis serous Tunica albuginea a capsule that surrounds the testes Penile urethra goes through the corpus spongiosum Corpus spongiosum is closest to body when flaccid 04 22 2010 04 22 2010
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