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Unit 2 Study Guide Details matter a LOT in anatomy You can t make up things or wing it in anatomy Also this is just a guide not an exhaustive list You may need to connect the dots between bones and muscles Use a whiteboard and dry erase markers to write out things OVER and OVER and OVER We recommend making your own flashcards for the muscles The act of writing the flashcards will help you learn the material better than using someone else s materials If you are in lab the structures to know lists can be used for the lecture as well Just focus more on the functions of those structures Module 4 What are the functions of the skeletal system Support Protection Movement Hemopoiesis Energy Mineral Reserves What are the bones of the appendicular skeleton Axial skeleton Appendicular pectoral girdle upper limb pelvic girdle lower limbs Axial skull hyoid bone vertebral column thoracic cage sternum and ribs What are the three types of cartilage Where can you find them Hyaline ends of long bones costal cartilage respiratory structures fetal skeleton Elastic pinna outer ear epiglottis Fibrocartilage intervertebral disks knee joint pubic symphysis What is spongy bone What is compact bone Spongy Bone trabecular bone inside bones better at shock absorption Compact Bone cortical bone smooth dense external portion of bones strong rigid What are osteoclasts osteocytes and osteoblasts Osteoclast break down consume bone Osteocyte mature bone cells Osteoblasts build new bone Be able to give examples of long bones short bones irregular bones and flat bones Long Bone humerus Short Bone talus Irregular Bone vertebra Flat Bone sternum Be able to identify the parts of a long bone What is endochondral ossification What is intramembranous ossification Which bones form via endochondral ossification Intramembranous ossification Endochondral Ossification skeleton begins as hyaline cartilage model bone replaces cartilage epiphyseal growth plates ossify eventually most of the bones of the skeleton form this way Intramembranous Ossification bone grows within a membrane forms many flat bones bones of the skull as well as maxillae zygomatic mandible and center of the clavicle What is the epiphyseal plate Be able to identify it Epiphyseal Plate growth plate What is the pectoral girdle Pectoral Girdle includes left and right scapula and left and right clavicle What are the major parts processes of the scapula Scapular spine glenoid cavity supraspinous and infraspinous fossae subscapular fossa coracoid process and acromion What bones are found in the upper limb Arm forearm hand carpal bones metacarpals phalanges What are the major parts of the humerus Head of the humerus greater tubercle lesser tubercle anatomical neck deltoid tuberosity How many phalanges are in the hand How many carpals Phalanges 14 Carpals 8 What bones are in the pelvis Where do they articulate Pelvic girdle ossa coxae hip bone sacrum coccyx Articulate at the sacroiliac joint What are the major features of the femur What bones are articulate with the femur Head neck greater and lesser trochanters lateral and medial condyles and lateral and medial epicondyles Articulates with patella and tibia What features help you distinguish the tibia from the fibula Tibia larger and sturdier located medially Fibula thinner located laterally doesn t articulate with the femur at the knee and is only for stabilization at the ankle How many tarsals and phalanges are in the foot Tarsals 7 Phalanges 14 What are the three types of joints What are examples of each Fibrous skull sutures Cartilaginous costochondral joints epiphyseal plates intervertebral joints pubic symphysis Synovial most joints What is synchondrosis Symphysis Synchondrosis bones joined by hyaline cartilage Symphysis fibrocartilage between articulating bones What movements happen with plane joints hinge joints pivot joints condylar joints and ball and socket joints What are examples of these joints Plane Joint articulating bones glide past each other carpal and tarsal bones Hinge Joint flexion extension elbow joints interphalangeal joints knee joints Pivot Joint rotation proximal radioulnar joints atlantoaxial joint Condylar Joint one bone has a convex surface one has a concave surface metacarpophalangeal joints Ball and Sock Joint flexion extension adduction abduction and rotation shoulder joints hip joints Know these movements o Flexion extension o Pronation supination o Eversion inversion o Abduction adduction o Lateral rotation medial rotation o Dorsiflexion plantarflexion o Circumduction o Opposition o Protraction Retraction o Elevation Depression What bones make up the knee What ligaments Patella femur tibia Posterior cruciate ligament anterior cruciate ligament patellar ligament lateral collateral ligament medial collateral ligament meniscus What bones make up the temporomandibular joint Mandible temporal bone of the cranium What bones and ligaments are found in the elbow Bones humerus ulna radius Ligaments Radial collateral ligament annular ligament What bones make up the hip coxal joint Femur and os coxae What is the glenohumeral joint What bones Shoulder joint Scapula and humerus Module 5 What are the three types of muscle tissue How can you tell them apart Skeletal striated voluntary Cardiac striated Y shape involuntary has intercalated discs Smooth NOT striated involuntary What are the properties of skeletal muscle Contractibility Excitability Extensibility Elasticity Conductivity What is the function of skeletal muscle Produce movement Maintain posture Support Generate heat Storage movement of materials What are the three layers of connective tissue found in muscle What do they surround i e fascicles muscles Epimysium surrounds entire muscle separates individual muscles Perimysium surrounds each fascicle divides skeletal muscle into compartments Endomysium surrounds the muscle fibers within a fascicle What is a sarcomere Sarcomere basic functional unit of a skeletal muscle contraction of the sarcomere is what contracts the muscle each sarcomere shortens as muscle contracts What are examples of circular convergent parallel and pennate muscles Circular orbicularis oculi orbicularis oris Convergent pectoralis major latissimus dorsi gluteus medius Parallel sartorius sternocleidomastoid brachioradialis flexor digitorum superficialis Pennate unipennate extensor digitorum longus rectus femoris deltoid What is a synergist What is an antagonist Synergist muscles in the same compartment similar

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Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Unit 2 Study Guide

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