Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Ch 25 Digestive System Part 2

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Ch 25 Digestive System Part 2 15 04 2010 18 22 00 Know differences between the different parts of the small intestine Duodenum Jejunum Ilium Liver has first shot at anything in our diet Good and toxic things First organ exposed to anything digested in our system Accessory Digestive organs Liver o Endocrine and exocrine functions o Metabolic and hematologic regulation Removes waste products and toxins Monitors circulating levels of glucose Also make coagulation factors o Blood reservoir o Produces bile pigments o Makes plasma proteins alpha and beta globulins o Dual blood supply and portal vein o 4 lobes left right quadrate lobes and caudate lobe gallbladder just underneath right lobe o falciform ligament and continues with coronary liver gallbladder stores bile small gallstones are bad o get stuck in hepatic portion so bile is being made but can be released o block common bile duct or pancreatic duct bile dissolves lipids o only way to break it down pancreas in curve shape of duodenum and then goes back towards the spleen has two separate arteries off the aorta endocrine and exocrine o there for good blood supply and a duct system acinar cells exocrine islets of langerhan endocrine has capillaries o occur in the tail maglinant in head and can remove without making the patient diabetic since endocrine is in the tail cell types o alpha cells glucagon o beta cells insulin o d cells somatostatin o can t tell difference between cells histomatically functions of insulin o stimulate uptake of glucose from circulation o 2 receptors for insulin and glucose and both must be present Age Slowing of perstalsis Clinical terms at the end of this chapter 15 04 2010 18 22 00 15 04 2010 18 22 00

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Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Ch 25 Digestive System Part 2

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