Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Ch 17Nervous System

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Nervous System 16 03 2010 18 21 00 Somatic motor system Spinal cord ventral root spinal nerve ventral ramus or dorsal ramus skeletal muscle Autonomic Nervous System Visceral motor system Regulates body temperature Coordinates many system functions o Cardiovascular o Respiratory o Digestive o Excretory o Reproductive Innervates o Smooth muscle o Cardiac muscle o Glands 2 sub systems o sympathetic system thoracolumbar system 2 neuron systems preganglionic neuronal cell body and fiber axon postganglionic neuronalo parasympathetic system craniosacral system 2 neuron systems preganglionic neuronal cell body and fiber axon postganglionic neuronalPathways for visceral motor output Two neuron system o Preganglionic neurons Visceral motor neurons cell body in the CNS Axon is preganglionix fibers Axons synapses on postganglionic neurons o Postganglionic neurons Visceral motor cell bodies located within ganglia in PNS Axon is postganglionic fiber Innervates o Smooth o Cardiac o glands Off of ventral primary ramus Grey communicating ramus White communicating ramus Somatic motor skeletal muscles One neuron system Visceral motor smooth cardiac glands Two neurons system ANS Sympathetic System Thoracolumber division T1 L2 Where preganglionic neurons are located T1 L2 Postganglionic neurons in sympathetic chain trunk or collateral ganglia o The beaded structure on the outside of spinal cord found all the way down sacral nerved Function o Stimulates tissue metabolism o Increase alertness o Prepares body to deal with emergencies Fight or flight Sympathetic trunk grey communicating ramus skin sweat galds erector pilli muscle blood vessels Organs visceral nerves from trunk to organs Grey communicating rams postganglionic White communicating ramus preganglionic Parasympathetic system craniosacral system Brainstem and cranial nerves 3 7 9 10 Sacral nerve Mainly from vagus nerve to organ of thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity and sacral part innervate organs of abdominopelvic cavity Dual innervation o Many organs Adrenal Gland Gray communicating ramus connected to sympathetic postganglionic fibers to the skin to innervate sweat glands erector pili and blood vessels 31 to 32 pairs of gray communication rami collateral ganglia postganglionic sympathetic neurons innervate abdominopelvis Parasympathetic cranial oculomotor nucleus in brain stem oculomotor cilia muscle allows to see things focused at a distance and up close dual innervation sympathetic dilator muscle parasympathetic constrictor muscle Neurotransmitter release All pre Ach acetylocholine Post para release Ach Post sym release NE norepinephrine epinephrine 16 03 2010 18 21 00 16 03 2010 18 21 00

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Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Ch 17Nervous System

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