Ch 13 Nervous System 18 02 2010 19 55 00 Don t worry about cross sectional surface anatomy Know muscles with skin over it and then origin insertion action and innveration Go ch 13 then ch 15 and then ch 14 not responsible for ch 16 Nervous system is quick and brief and disappears quickly Endocrine system is slow and has an extended response 2 parts of nervous system central nervous system o brain and spinal cord o functions peripheral nervous system o neural tissue outside the CNS nerves o sensory information info that is brought into the nervous system AFFERENT o motor information info that is brought out of the nervous system EFFERENT neurons cell body and all the processes cell body dendrites many axon only one synaptic terminals types of communication with another neuron with a muscle neuroglandular synapse structure of synapse terminal boutons o has synaptic vesicles functional classification of neurons sensory afferent o somatic come from the soma cell body the cell body is located outside the CNS ganglia ganglia collection of neuronal cell bodies outside the CNS o visceral input from internal source organs cell bodies are in ganglia o types of receptors exteroreceptors in skin from outside world to CNS propriocepters receptors in mucles and joints tells CNS the poisition of the body intereceptors receptors in organs tells CNS about status of internal organs motor neurons efferent o found in CNS o somatic output to skeletal muscles o visceral ANS output to cardiac and smooth muscle glands o neurons cell bodies in CNS and ganglia Peripheral Nerves Nerve fascicle nerve fiber axon Epineurium Perineurium One more layer Neuroglia supporting cells Functions Can divide and reproduce unlike neurons 5x more than neurons In CNS o Astrocytes Most numerous and largest Numerous processes Maintain blood brain barrier o Olgodendrocytes Found in white matter o Microglia phagocytosis o Ependymal cells Line chambers within the CNS Cerebrospinal fluid In PNS o Satellite cells In a ganglion Support cell body o Schwann cells Produces myelin for axons Cerebrum Telencephalon cerebrun Frontal lobe Temporal lobe Parietal lobe Occipital lobe Gyrus gyri the lobes the hill o Increases SA Sulcus sulci the indentation the valleys Cerebellum little brain 18 02 2010 19 55 00 18 02 2010 19 55 00
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