Ch 11 Appendicular Skeleton 11 02 2010 20 02 00 Shoulder joint Abduction adduction flexion extension rotation Moves arm posterior o Trapezius posterior and lateral aspect of the humerus o Levator scapulae raises the scapula Innervated by cervical spinal nerves o Rhomboid muscle Pulls the scapula towards the vertebrae Anterior o Pectoralis minor muscle Inserting onto the corocoid Depresses and protracts Innervated by the medial pectoral nerve o Serratur anterior muscle Origin is anterior and goes posteriorly Inserts on the medial border of the scapula Pulls and keeps the scapula next to the rib cage Long thoracic nerve innervation Movement of the shoulder and arm o anterior Deltoid Subscapularis muscle Bicep brachi muscle Short heads of biceps innervated by musculocutaneous nerve Coracobrachilais muscle Origin on corocoid process and inserts on the brachium humerus Pectoralis major o Posterior Latissimus convergent muscle Deltoid arises from lateral aspect acromion and spine of scapula Supraspinatus muscle in the supraspinatus fossa Infraspinatus muscle in the infraspinatus fossa Both insert onto greater tubercle Innverated by suprascapular nerve Teres minor Greater tuberacle Rotator cuf Axillary nerve Teres major Subscapular nerve Tricep brachi muscle Insertion onto olecranon Rotator cuf o Subscapularis o Supra spinatus o Infra spinatus o Teres minor Elbow joint Flexion and extension moves forearm white part ligamentum lugi tough connective tissue helps hold the head up 11 02 2010 20 02 00 11 02 2010 20 02 00
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