Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Ch 11 Appendicular Skeleton

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Ch 11 Appendicular Skeleton 16 02 2010 19 33 00 17 muscles on scapula 6 anterior 9 posterior 3 on both side the muscles that are inserted onto the scapula move it make notecards on movement of shoulders and muscles used elbow joint flexion muscles o biceps extension muscle o triceps 3 heads two off scapula and one off humerus medial head is deep to lateral head and long head connect to olcrecron process radial nerve wrist hand and digits in forearm anteriorly is the flexors o superior layer flex wrist gay man o middle layer extensor digiti minini o deep layer muscles that go to the thumb and the index finger medial nerve or ulnar nerve know which phalangx they go to Muscles that move the hip joint One muscles does not just do one thing Know all muscles that move hip and type of movement Knee joint Extensors and femoral nerve o Quadriceps femoris o Rectus femoris medially placed o Vastus lateralis medialis o Quadriceps tendon leads to patella and continues to attach to the tuberosity of the tibia Hamstrings flex the hip and extend the knee Leg lower leg 2 layers of muscles superficial layer o gastrocnemius comes off condyles of femur cross the knee joint extensor o calcaneal tendon inserts onto calcaneus heads of gastrocnemis muscle and soleus cant walk if tear o soleus from tibia and fibula and inserts into calceneal tendom o plantaris long tendon between the two muscles to form calcaneal tendon deep o posterior tibialis posterior plantar flexion and inversion flexor digitorum longus points the toes flexor hallucis longus points the big toe hallux great toe hallucis o anterior tibilas anterior extensor hallus longus extensor digitorum longus all muscles are on the lateral side not the medial side o fibularis longus eversion o fibularis brevis eversion compartments of muscle in the leg but happens in the upper limb skin subcutaneous fascia deep fascia sends very strong connective tissues septum and blends into periosteum septum separates muscles into comparments o there is an artery vein and nerve in each comparent o if break a blood vessel and pressure builds up Need an incision to release pressure comparment syndrome dorsal aspect of the foot very similar to the hand muscular injection no where near a nerve is the best on shoulder deltoid muscle On the butt lateral and superior Into quadriceps on midline 16 02 2010 19 33 00 16 02 2010 19 33 00

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Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Ch 11 Appendicular Skeleton

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