Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Ch 7 and Ch 8 Appendicular Skeleton and Joints

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Ch 7 and Ch 8 Appendicular Skeleton and Joints 02 02 2010 Go to Lecture Hall 2 for the test At 1 15 2 30 70 questions similar to quizzes and practice test all MC no fill in the blank will be bonus questions that will come at clinicals terms at the end of the chapters Go Over Clivus Sigmoid Sinus Transverse Sinus Internal Auditory Meatus Appendicular Skeleton Pectoral Girdle o Made up of clavicle and scapula o Clavicle Medial end articulates with sternum Lateral end articulates with scapula o Scapula Know all the things she highlighted Acrominion articulates with clavicle Corocoid process bends anteriorly Sternoclavicular joint only place where the clavicle articulates with the manubrium where upper limb articulates with the axial skeleton Upper Limb o Arm humerus branchium Medial head articulates with the gleno fossa Groove between greater and less tuberacle inter Lesser is only seen anteriorly Deltoid tuberosity where deltoid muscle attaches Medial epicondyle larger end on the humerus Olcreanon fossa where olecron articulates with the humerus o Forearm radius and ulna Thumb side radius lateral Pinky side ulna medial Interossisous membrane in between the radius and ulna Radius goes more distally and wider Supination anatomical position where the bones are parallel to each other Pronation radius is pulled over ulna anteriorly Trochela articulates with the radius Capituhum articulates with the ulna When elbow is extend goes into fossa When elbow is flexed olecranon is felt o Wrist carpals Articulates with radius and a little with ulna Short bones 2 divisions proximal row and distal row proximal row S L T P lateral to medial scaphiod most lateral worst blood supply lunate triquetrum pisiform distal row trapezium has saddle joint to allow thumb to have specific movement trapezoid capitate hamaid look at powerpoint to know order of ossificationgoes in a swirl shape o hand metacarpals 5 of them distal end connects to proximal phalenix 3 phalanges in each finger besides thumb 2 3 4 5 2 phalanges in the thumb 1 called proximal middle and distal one hand 14 phalanges 5 metacarpals 8 carpals lower limb o hip b0ne ossa coax ilium pubis ischium acetabulum where head of femur articulates with the hip bone ischial tuberocity what you sit on Female vs Male Pelvis Female is lighter less prominent marking wider So they can have a baby o Femur Head goes into acetabulum Greater trochanter and lesser Greater is the lateral side Lesser is on the medial Neck is what gets fractured in older people still a pelvic fracture o Tibia and fibula Tibial tuberocity Anterior ridge Medial malleus just above ankle bone on tibia Q 35 is wrong on answer sheet Lateral malleus on fibula Tarsal bones fits in between o Tarsal bones 7 tarsal bones Talus VERY IMPORTANT articulates with tibia fibula Calcaneus heel bone Navicular medial Cuboid lateral Cuneiform 3 of them o metatarsals and phalanges big toe is 1 only 2 phalanges other 4 have 3 Joints Fibrous joints o Sutures of the skull no movement o Membraneous b w radius and ulna and tibia fibula very little movement Cartilangious o Epiphyseal plate growth plate Hyaline cartilage not very elastic o Fibrocartilage In b w the pubic bones Hormones will affect this joint and it will start to pull it apart during pregnancy Intervertebral discs b w bodies of the vertebrae Highest between c2 and c3 Lowest between L5 and S1 Lose water in disc and causes it to shrink Synovial o Articular cartilage o Hyaline cartilage o Fibrous portion continous of the periosteum o Has a cavity in between o Types Ball and socket Saddle Gliding joint Pivot joint Plane Hinge condylar Movements abduction away adduction bringing it to flexion bending extension straightening hyoerextension over straightening supination palm up pronation palm down dorsiflexion flexing your feet ankle flexion plantarflexion pointing your toes ankle extension inversion eversion opposition bringing the thumb to the pinky lateral flexion TMJ opens or closes the mouth Retraction Protraction Ligaments Connects two bones Series of collateral ligaments on radial side and ulnar side Radial collateral ligament and ulnar collateral ligament Pubofemoral ligament Ishialfemoral ligament One other in hip Ligament of the head of the femur gets bllod supply to the head of the femur Minisucs medial and lateral cushions the joint Collateral ligaments Tibial collateral ligament is connected to the meniscus only on medial side not the lateral ligament 02 02 2010 02 02 2010

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Mizzou PTH_AS 2201 - Ch 7 and Ch 8 Appendicular Skeleton and Joints

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