Prehistoric Cultures Class Slides Set 01B Tim Roufs section Kinds of Major Finds and Announcements of the Past Quarter Century Australopithecines and other early hominids Australopithecus http www msnbc msn com id 10819471 http news bbc co uk 2 hi science nature 5363328 stm http news bbc co uk 2 hi science nature 5363328 stm http news nationalgeographic com news 2006 09 060920 lucys baby html 3 5 mya Australopithecus suggesting our ancestors were less chimp like than we thought 31 January 2003 http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pctimes html WT 17000 The Black Skull 2 5 mya Australopithecus aethiopicus aka Australopithecus boisei KNM WT 17000 Kenya National Museum West Lake Turkana Kenya Find 17 000 Fossil Naming Conventions KKN M W T 1 7 0 0 0 K e n y a N a t io n a l M useum W e st T u rk a n a F in d 1 7 0 0 0 http www archaeologyinfo com australopithecusaethiopicus htm KNM WT 17000 Source Braindance Other early hominids http www d umn edu cla faculty troufs anth1602 pctimes html http news bbc co uk 2 hi science nature 4900946 stm http www sfgate com cgi bin object article f c a 2006 04 13 MNGMII8GLK1 DTL o 1 http www newscientist com news news jsp id ns99996353 Orrorin tugenensis Femur http www eurekalert org pub releases 2004 09 ps chw090204 php http news bbc co uk 2 hi health 4021811 stm http www duluthsuperior com mld duluthtribune news nation 10212249 htm July 23 2001 Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba Toumai http www reuters com newsArticle jhtml type scienceNews storyID 8104820 http www reuters com newsArticle jhtml type scienceNews storyID 8104820 Toumai http news bbc co uk 1 hi sci tech 4416757 stm Sahelanthropus tchadensis KNM WT 17000
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