U of M ANTH 1602 - Biblical Archaeology

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Prehistoric Cultures Class Slides Set 01B Tim Roufs section Kinds of Major Finds and Announcements of the Past Quarter Century Biblical Archaeology Relative Dating places finds in a sequence but provides no actual estimate in number of years http news nationalgeographic com news 2005 11 1107 051107 oldest church html http www duluthsuperior com mld duluthsuperior news nation 13382304 htm The fish symbol is seen in the Greek word for fish ICHTHUS spelled Iota Chi Theta Upsilon Sigma That is an acrostic for Jesus Christ of God the Son the Savior Iesous Jesus CHristos Christ THeou of God Uiou the Son Soter the Savior An acrostic is an arrangement of words in which the first letter of each line ordinarily combines with others to form a word or words or the http news bbc co uk 1 hi world middle east 4411286 stm alphabet http news bbc co uk 1 hi world middle east 4411286 stm http www duluthsuperior com mld duluthtribune 9419042 htm http news bbc co uk 2 hi americas 4427144 stm http www cbsnews com stories 2006 01 18 ap world mainD8F7BDS03 shtml http www duluthsuperior com mld duluthsuperior news nation 13854051 htm http news bbc co uk 2 hi science nature 4648598 stm http www cbsnews com stories 2005 10 22 opinion polls main965223 shtml http www answersingenesis org http www duluthsuperior com mld duluthsuperior news 12804316 htm http www cbsnews com stories 2004 11 22 opinion polls main657083 shtml http www msnbc msn com id 5932128 http news nationalgeographic com news 2004 10 1018 041018 science religion html

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U of M ANTH 1602 - Biblical Archaeology

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