UIUC SOC 100 - Authority and the State

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Lecture 21 Outline of Last Lecture I Impact of Science and Technology on Society II Pre Captialism III Enclosure Movement IV Technological Innovation and Agricultural Revolution V Technological Innovation and Industrial Revolution VI Early Capitalism Impact on Society VII Special Kinds of Persons VIII Externalities IX Environment X Labor XI Political Influence XII Corporations as Persons XIII Corporations as Individuals XIV How to Make Corporations Better Persons Outline of Current Lecture SOC 100 1st Edition XV Technology and Capitalism XVI Making Corportations Better Persons XVII Regulation Supports Capitalsm XVIII Future of Capitalism XIX Authority and State XX Power XXI Forms of Power XXII Authority XXIII Types of Authority XXIV Forms of Legitimate Authority XXV Obedience to Authority XXVI Resisting Authority XXVII Cliven Bundy v Federal Bureau of Land Management XXVIII Resistance to Authority Current Lecture I Technology and Captialsm a Rise of Milkbots i rising prices because increased global demand for milk ii robots make dairy farming more productive 1 more milk less labor iii dair farming more profitable iv better treatment of animals 1 cows getting milked 3 times a day II Making Corporations Better Persons a corporate social responsibility i greater recognition of stakeholders ii voluntary improvements to labor policies environ mental controls etc iii green washing b regulation i governements placing limits on economic activty 1 emission controls 2 wage and hour legislation 3 campaign finance reform III Regulation Supports Capitalism a Net Neutrality i access to the internet should be the same for everyone 1 consumers want this ii proposed rules from the FCC Coporations can pay internet service providers for special faster lanes to send video and content to customers 1 consequences a ISP s make more money by providing fast lanes b content providers pass costs along to customers so prices go up c make it more difficult for small content providers to compete iii form of regulation 1 federal governement regulating internet to boost corporate profits and harm consumers IV Future of Capitalism a Marx Captialism Will Self Destruct ii overproduction and low wages iii working class rising against capitalist calss iv new economic forms 1 socialism needs of the population are met through nonmarket methods of distribution 2 communism classless society where means of production are shared through state ownership b Captialism Will Adapt ii Fordism 1 Named after Henry Ford a manufacture low cost goods through mass production b pay workers a living wage so they can afford the goods iii Planned Obsolescence 1 you build stuff that breaks and you know it s going to break V Authority and State a The State ii Weber A human community that successfully claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory VI Power a being able to carry out one s own will despite resistance b getting your way ii How to essercise you power 1 persuasion 2 emotion 3 coercion VII Forms of Power a Weber ii Domination the probability that a command with a give specific content will be obeyed by a given group of persons 1 Two Types a domination by economic power b domination by authority i kind of power that state exercises of citizens VIII Authority a will of the ruler influences the conduct of the ruled i willed obedience to commands of authority ii those commands must be legitimate 1 justified 2 supported reasons IX Types of Authority a Social Contexts i parents ii professors and TA s iii textbook authors pg 763 b Political Contexts i the state and its laws X Forms of Legitimate Authority a Charismatic Authority i rests on the personal appeal of the leader 1 demonstration of exceptional qualities or talents 2 commands loyalty and obedience from follow ers 3 relationship between the leader and the follow ers is key ii criteria in Presidential Elections in the US 1 Who would you rather drink a beer with iii Hitler iv Risks 1 charismatic people can have really bad ideas 2 succesion is difficult so offers little in the way of stability b Traditional Authority i authority based on appeals to past or present tradition 1 Examples b hereditary monarchies i Queen Elizabeth ii King Abdullah of Jordan c religious authority i pope francis ii Advantages 1 Succession is easy iii Challenges 1 not particulary adaptive to widespread social changes c Legal Rational Authority i form of authority that is most familar in modern society ii authority based on impersonal rules law 1 rules define formal roles and particular conduct b even people in power are subject to these rules 2 routinization clear rule governed procedures used repeatedly for decision making 3 rationalized governed by efficiency ordering or organizing experience iii Source of Rules Law in the US 1 Democratic Institutions b legislature inact laws so congress will write legislation that guide us c courts interpret laws and determine disputres over meaning of those laws d executive bureaucracy enforces laws 2 Don t Always Act Together iv Mode of Administration Bureaucracy 1 governments that depends on formal rules and emphasizes meritocracy 2 emphasizes efficient decision making 3 Characteristics b hieracrchical c specialization division of labor d impersonality e meritocracy XI Obedience to Authority a why do we obey the law i legitimacy of the authority ii coercion or threat of coercion b The State i human community that successfully claims the mo XII a XIII a XIV a b c nopoly of the legitimate use of force within a given territory Resisting Authority in certain conditions the state may lose its monopoly on the use of force i civil war and insurrections 1 syria 2 nigeria 3 The Bundys in Nevada Cliven Bundy v Federal Bureau of Land Management Bundy Grazing Cattle on federal land since 1993 i controversial 1 federal government owns grazing land that ranchers want to own themselves b has a series of goals it wants to accomplish on that land ii federal government ordered him to limit grazing 1 to protect wildlife a tortoise iii he declined and continued grazing cattle refused to pay fees iv Court orders Bundy to pay fees 1 BLM goes onto property to collect cattle and pay the fees v Range war Resistance to Authority Ammon Bundy i his father taught the federal government a lesson ii we were serious we weren t playing around Neighbor Alan O Neil i he calls himself a patriot and say he loves America And yet he won t follow any federal laws

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