Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture I Medicalization II Hypothesis III Childbirth IV Health Disparities V Sociogenomics VI Science and Society Outline of Current Lecture VII Scientific Communication VIII Social Impact of Biotechnology IX Climate Change X Impact of Climate Change XI Climate Change and Society XII Computers and Society XIII Impact of Internet Current Lecture I Scientific Communication a science is governed by pardigms SOC 100 1st Edition exisiting framerworks theories and findings that set the agenda for further research ii paradigms among working scientists consensus among working scientists b scientific communication are created through social process i labs ii publication 1 editorial boards and peer review iii funding 1 scientific research needs funding iv power and prestige c science occupies a priviledged position in society especially in the US i Normative View of Science 1 Truth Claims a widespread acceptance and scientifc findings d science and policy making i thought to be neutral and objective i e social and political factors shape what kind of science gets II III IV V VI produced i stem cell research ii funding streams 1 NSF and political sceince bureau of justice statistics and racial profiling public health and gun violence Biotechnology and Human Genome c development DNA and the human genome project i mapping all human genes 1 breast cancer 2 depression 3 alcoholism 4 genes related to violence Social Impact of Biotechnology c privacy d stigmitization e stratification f DNA in criminal justice system i reliable and stable means of identifying criminal suspects ii DNA banks 1 keeping records of criminal suspects Climate Change c widespread scientific consensus by that warming is caused laregly by human activity i multiple causation Impact of Climate Change c Agriculture i changes in temperature and rainfall d extreme weather and accompanying disasters i heat wave and snow storm ii hurricanes iii flooding e social organization i state response ii migration Climate Change and Society c climate change and politics i widespread scientific consensus about causes and impacts ii scientific consensus gets filtered by other actors and organizations 1 mediated through coporations political parties think tanks 2 scientists and poltical debate VII Impact of Climate Change Science on Society c policy making on climate change i carbon markets ii scientists frustrated by inaction 1 James Hansen Director of Nasa s Goddard In stitute for Space studies d resistance to carbon markets from some conservatives i redistribution of wealth increase in taxes ii tactic of challenging the science VIII Computers and Society c Development Internet i Galactic Network Conceptualizaed by JCR Lickliar of MIT in 1962 1 computers connected through networks 2 DARPA Defense Advance Research Projects Agency IX Impact of Internet c communication d commerce e education f politics i Arab spring 1 coordination of protest activity 2 causation a enhanced surveillance by repressive regimes g digital divide does internet promote equality i differential h social divide i reenforcing economic differences among those without access ii obama care and digital divide i Global Divide i economic development
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