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Kinesiology 2501 Final Study Guide I Chapter Five International Sports in the 20 A The Olympic Games th century 1 International Olympic Committee created by a conference at Sorbonne University in Paris which was initiated by Baron Pierre de Coubertin a Officially credited with modern renewal of Olympics b Decide on only amateur athletes 2 1st Modern Games Athens a April 6 1896 b Athens Greece c Less than 300 participants 9 sport events 39 overall events d Marathon race 25 miles Michael Breal e No team or women International Sport Before WWI B 1 2nd Olympic Games of 1900 Fail Paris too long 1000 women play tennis and golf 2 3rd Olympic Games of 1904 Fail women play archery and too long a Paris b Very long lasted 5 months c No Coubertin d 1000 athletes e Women played tennis and golf a St Louis b Very long c No Coubertin d Women played archery 3 Interim Games of 1906 Success a Athens b Saved Olympic Movement 4 Olympic Games of 1908 Fail political problems btw Irish and Finns between Irish and Finns a London b Political problems c Both countries wanted to be represented under their own flag d Upheaval between Britain and America over this e Figure skating in summer f 43 women competing breakthrough 5 Olympic Games of 1912 Success 2000 Marathon pentathlon and Jim Thorpe a Stockholm b A lot of participants c No figure skating summer d Women compete in swimming e Marathon is lengthened to 26 miles and 385 yards by King Edward VII because the king wanted the race to end in front of his palace f Modern Pentathlon cross country riding fencing pistol shooting swimming cross country race is added Coubertin lasted 5 days but now only 1 day i Based off of the tasks soldiers had to do ii Won by Jim Thorpe 6 Olympic Games of 1916 cancelled a Berlin Jim Thorpe 7 a Native American Football player b Won decathlon pentathlon in 1912 c Letters in 11 sports d Greatest athlete in the world e Later declared a professional and had to return medals f Avery Brundage takes medals away and later returned by Juan Antonio Samaranch C International Sport Federations and World Championships 1 Number of federations increase after 1908 Olympics innovation of modern pentathlon 2 World championships in weight lifting tennis and ice hockey 3 Far Eastern Games of 1913 Hint thirteen unlucky eastern a Asian Multisport in Manila Philippines b 6 countries phillipines Thailand china japan Malaysia and honk kong 4 Davis Cup of 1900 a Tennis b Won by US Britain and Australia each a few times 5 Tour de France of 1903 Hint three tour a Cycling D International sports Between World Wars 1 Post World War I a Inter Allied Games of 1918 Military Initiative i 24 sports ii USA and French military initiative b Olympic Games of 1920 Antwerp No Germans flag and oath hint Antwerp anthem flag i Antwerp ii Primitive conditions iii Germany and allies cant participate iv No Archery v 5 ringed Olympic flag and Olympic oath Coubertin c Olympic Games of 1924 Success Paris no Germans most people winter Olympics i Paris ii Largest participation iii No Germans iv No tennis v Winter sports to be held in 1926 d 1st Winter Games of 1926 France i Chamonix France e Central American Games of 1926 i Mexico City ii 9 sports iii Mexico Cuba and Guatamala f Olympic Games of 1928 Amsterdam women controversy i Amsterdam ii Controversy Women in 5 track and field events iii International Federation of Women s sports create own world games renames Women s Olympics iv Last was in London 1934 v No more tennis until 1988 g The Workers Olympics of 1925 and 1937 i Frankfurt and Antwerp ii De emphasized athletic stars team oriented h Soccer World Cups in 1930 s i 1st 1930 ii 2nd 1934 i Quadrennial games i More teams iii 3rd 1938 i Political dispute ii Austrian players had to play for German team i British Empire Games of 1930 common wealth games i Ontario ii 11 teams iii Commonwealth Games j Olympic Games of 1932 neither fail or success LA inventions i Los Angeles ii Decrease in participation iii Photo finish camera and automatic timing devices 2 Beginning of World War II a Jewish Olympics of 1932 i Tel Aviv ii Yosef Yekutieli iii Always in Israel iv Maccabiah Games b Western Asian Games of 1934 i New Delhi c Olympic Games of 1936 Berlin Nazi Manipulation Hint 666 bad i Berlin ii Manipulated by Nazi for political supremacy and Aryan master race iii Most grandiose games in history iv IOC is fascist at this time d Jessie Owens i The most superlative feat ever accomplished ii Broke 3 world records and tied for another at the national intercollegiate meet in Michigan in 1935 iii Won 4 gold medals at 1936 Olympics iv Received advice from German rival Luz Long long jump v Hitler s Snub avoids acknowledging Owen s victories and refuses to shake his hand E International Sports and the Cold War 1 Politics influenced who was allowed to enter the games a No Germans in 1920 Olympics and Germany and allies not allowed in 1948 Olympics b USSR does not join until 1951 and only participate for political gain c President Truman desegregated the Armed forces 1954 supreme court decision 2 Olympic Games of 1952 a Helsinki i Women s squad only 10 athletes in 9 events 3 Olympic Games of 1956 Melbourne roger Banister Hint roger bailey lives on mel a Melbourne b Roger Bannister white from England broke 4 minute mile barrier c Several countries withdraw due to soviet unions invasion d Wilma Rudolph receives bronze in relay 4 Avery Brundage a 5th president of IOC b Strict amateur rules c Endure his political ideas d Non communists to be well represented at Olympics e Expelled Tommie Smith and Juan Carlos from games 5 In 1956 Noteworthy for Blacks a President Truman b Supreme Court Decision c Soviet union invades Hungary Great Britain and France 6 1960 s Noteworthy for Blacks a Women strides because of Rafer Johnson b Black college track programs c d Blacks are angry more than ever Indonesia expelled from Olympics 7 The Olympic Games of 1960 Rome Wilma and Rafer Hint rome and rafer a Rome b Rafer Johnson silver in decathlon in Melbourne carried American flag during open ceremony 1984 lit the torch c Wilma Rudolph won 3 gold medals i Fist African American woman to win 3 gold medals 8 Games of the Newly Emerging Forces GANEFO a 3RD world countries b Disbanded Sukarno removed from power defeat of Egypt in 6 day war cultural revolution of china 9 The Olympic Games of 1964 Tokyo Bob Hayes a Tokyo b Black Americans won 19 world records c Bob Hayes won 100 meters by 7 foot margin world s fastest

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