Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture I Overview II Global Indicators III Questions IV Why V Assumptions VI Understanding Poverty VII Causes VIII Optimism IX Summary Outline of Current Lecture X What Does It Mean To Be Sick XI The Medical Profession XII Discrepancies in Health Current Lecture I What Does It Mean To Be Sick a Sick Role Talcott Parsons i Rights 1 don t have to perform normal social rocles 2 not held accountable for his her condition SOC 100 1st Edition ii Obligations 1 trying to get well 2 seek competent help b Problems With Sick Role i places emphasis on individuals rather than social context 1 ignores whether a person has access to health care 2 individuals are held responsible for their own illnesses c Illness as a Social Construct i what it means to be sick healthy has changed throughout history and differs from one place to another 1 Alcoholism and Addiction Obesity Autism d Social Construction of Autism i Biological Explanations for Increase in Diagnosis ii Social Explanations increase in medical research expertise circulation of knowledge policy making access to resources e Mental Illness and Role of Experts i diagnostic and statistical manual DSM provides a categorization of mental disorders and their definitions ii changes in this manual influenced mental illness and how to treat it f Influences on Medical Expertise i Politics DSM and Homosexuality 1 being homosexual was a mental illness ii Corporations DSM and Drug Companies 1 mental illness was thought to be treated through talk therapy and prescription drugs a primary means was that it opened the door for drug companies to become extremely influential on how we think about mental illness II The Medical Profession f as experts doctors have a great amount of social and political power and prestige ii they off universally valued product aka health and longetivity iii strictly regulated by profession 1 190 doctors 100 000 individuals g Professions ii oriented toward peers not clients 1 specialized training 2 standards of conduct prescribed by peers 3 intamcy and objectivity 4 props and scripts h The Power of Professions ii controlling the demand for their services iii self regulation iv medicalization 1 problems or issues not traditionally seen as medical come to be framed as such a child birth i Influences on the Profession ii Captialism Drug Companies 1 pay for the research the academuc conferences continuing education iii Regulation iv Technology 1 2 3 4 v Competition III Discepancies in Health f Health Disparities ii well established differences in health outcomes based on socioeconmic status 1 race 2 class g Social Determinants Theory ii social status can determine a person s health 1 psychoscoial explanations 2 materialist explanations 3 Fundamental Causes
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