Communication SPC2608 Exam 1 study guide Communication helps us find our place in the universe Communication the process of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages to create a shared meaning o A dynamic process not linear o Verbal messages words o Nonverbal messages everything else o Successful communication occurs when there is a mutual understanding between the sender and receiver o 67 93 of communication is nonverbal Communication contexts o Communication is a continuum Context refers to where the continuum occurs o Intrapersonal communication with one s self i e journal writings self talk making decisions in our heads o Interpersonal communication between people with an identifiable relationship i e interviewing counseling relationships can occur in public speaking when we self disclose o Impersonal communication between two people about general topics i e small talk o Small group communication that occurs in groups of 3 10 Usually centered around a specific task to reach a goal to discuss ideas or to serve social needs Multiple senders and receivers Often forced o Computer mediated communication that occurs when using technology that facilitates communication and interactive sharing through networks email texting etc o Public communication to an audience of 10 or more o Intercultural communication that occurs whenever 2 or more people from different o Mass communication produced and transmitted via media to large audiences i e TV Digital literacy cultures interact print movies music etc Communication Apprehension fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with others o Trait like Communication Apprehension when a person feels anxious about speaking in most situations whether it is one on one or in front of a group of people o State like Communication Apprehension fear of speaking in some situations o Audience based Communication Apprehension when a person is anxious about speaking in front of a certain group e g classmates coworkers or person e g professor boss o Situational Communication Apprehension A short lived anxiety that occurs during a specific encounter e g interviews speaking to a professor about an assignment speaking to a significant other about a specific situation o Context based Communication Apprehension when a person is anxious whenever he or she has to speak in a particular setting e g public speaking meetings group discussions one on ones Three formal approaches to communication apprehension o Systematic desensitization becoming more comfortable by doing through experience o Cognitive restructuring getting us to think differently o Skills building most people think that they lack the skill but they don t Number one thing to manage anxiety is to prepare well Suggestions that may help you combat anxiety o Identify your fears write them out o Self talk Use positivity instead of negativity o Visualize yourself succeeding o Practice until you feel like you have 80 o Know your material o Learn how to relax and breathe o Concentrate on your message not the medium o Avoid stimulants or strange food prior to speaking o Aim to achieve controlled nervousness o Act poised and confident o Look audience members in the eyes o Do not let individual listeners upset you o Forget perfection do your best o Don t apologize for nervousness o Remember your audience wants you to succeed o Gain experience to build skills and confidence The same nervous energy that causes stage fright can be turned into positive energy Unconscious incompetence things we do unconsciously that inhibit our speech e g saying like and um Conscious incompetence when we are consciously aware of our incompetence Conscious competence trying hard to be competent Unconscious competence when we are competent without trying too hard this is the goal Content and Delivery Content words we use Delivery how we convey those words Methods styles of Delivery o Impromptu Speaking with limited preparation Spontaneous and conversational o Manuscript Speaking from a manuscript written out in its entirety Choose your words exactly May sound mechanical and lack eye contact o Memorized Speaking a full manuscript from memory Can make eye contact Difficult to commit to audience s feedback o Extemporaneous Speaking from an outline after careful research and preparation Sounds organized and coherent while still being spontaneous and conversational Dr MLK s I Have a Dream speech is considered the best Always the goal Four things to consider o 1 Our audience Audience centered taking into account the needs attitudes and values of our audience o 2 Our content We can analyze demographics of audience We must make subject matter clear Research well and use credible sources o 3 Our structure o 4 Our delivery Intro body conclusion head body feet Aristotle The way we communicate our message orally and visually through our use of voice face and body Conveyed through the nonverbal channel Effective delivery is listener centered Reinforce the verbal message Principles of nonverbal communication o It is inevitable Most of our communication is nonverbal 67 93 We cannot not communicate o Nonverbal cues are culturally and situationally bound They mean different things in different cultures and situations o Nonverbal cues are believed If given contradicting views between verbal and nonverbal audience will believe nonverbal Example someone saying I m fine in a sad tone and you don t believe them o Nonverbal cues are seldom isolated We are usually conveying through more than one nonverbal channel at once Types of nonverbal cues o Proxemics the way in which we use space and distance to communicate o Chronemics the meanings we attach to time o Appearance professional appearance and neat grooming convey credibility o Eye contact The most expressive source of nonverbal communication The goal is 90 eye contact and 10 reference to notes o Body Language the body communicates in several ways Facial expressions Gestures can reinforce certain words Motivated movement avoid unintentional movement Posture good posture conveys credibility o Voice Paralanguage all elements of language other than words Vocal quality what distinguishes your voice from others o i e rate volume pitch pronunciation enunciation Vocal variety includes elements of vocal quality plus stress and pausing Conversational style Introductions and Conclusions Primacy Recency Effect between Developing and Introduction o Get attention of audience with a o We
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