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NTDT 200 Exam 3 Study Guide This document serves only as a guide to assist you in narrowing your study focus Any material discussed in class is fair game on exams Chapters 10 11 Vitamins Water Fat Soluble Roles as outlined KNOW THESE Antioxidants A C E Energy Production B vitamins Bone Health A D K Blood Health folate B12 vit K Coenzymes B vitamins Fat Soluble Water Soluble vitamins Food Sources major functions deficiency disease names toxicity UL RDA AI all should be on pink blue sheets Know concepts surrounding terms Vitamins definition organic essential nutrients required in small amounts by the body for health regulate body processes that support growth and maintain life spina bifida folate helps to protect against spina bifida a NTD where the spinal cord closure is incomplete Water soluble vitamins absorbed in blood travel freely circulate in watery body party removed by kidneys toxicity is unlikely with supplements Fat soluble vitamins absorbed in the lymph require bile to digest need transport PRO stored in fat cells and remain in fat cells toxicity is likely with supplements Antioxidants neutralize free radicals added to foods VIT C AND VIT E Precursor inactive form of provitamin used to make another compound beta carotene is the precursor for vit A Coenzyme biotin is a coenzyme in metabolism B6 coenzyme form is PLP DHF THF folate coenzyme B12 coenzyme methylcobalamin and deoxyadenosylcobalmin Intrinsic factor a glycoprotein secreted by the stomach cells that binds with b12 in the small intestine to aid in b12 absorption Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome Thiamin deficiency malnourished alcoholics Bioavailability amount absorbed and used by the body Prothombin promotes clotting

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UD NTDT 200 - Exam 3 Study Guide

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