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Chapter 13 Using Visual Aids can be memorable with visual aids Crucial Advantages clarity makes the information clearer interest help liven up the speech retention stay with an audience longer than verbal messages credibility show what it is to discuss they believe that it exists persuasiveness prove the point you have Can help combat stage fright Kinds of visual aids Objects tangible thing Models represent other objects in details built to scale used when object is too big small Photos enlarge to be seen clearly convert to transparencies for projection show with multimedia presentations Drawings alternative to photos must be large enough sketches maps Graphs show statistical trends patterns Line graph uses one or more lines to show changes in statistics over time or space Pie graph highlights segments of circle to show distribution patterns must add up to 100 Bar graph uses vertical or horizontal bars to show comparison among items at least 2 Charts summarizes a long block of information and lists it in a list form helps listeners visualize information show steps of process keep simple clear Transparencies prepare in advance make large enough check ahead of time Videos use only when essential keeps short integrate into speech avoid low resolution Multimedia Presentations combines several kinds of audio visual materials Speaker use body to demonstrate procedure practice to coordinate words actions Preparing visual aids prepare in advance keep simple large enough easy to read fonts use limited number of fonts use color effectively can increase retention by 70 Presenting visual aids impact depends on presentation as well as preparation Avoid using chalkboard Display where listeners can see Avoid passing out visual aids during speech Display only while discussing Talk to audience not to visual aid Explain clearly concisely Practice

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FSU SPC 2608 - Chapter 13 Using Visual Aids

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