CLT 3370 Final Exam Study Guide Terms Part 1 of Final Thespis o Of Icaria o First stage actor playing a character rather than speaking as themselves o Other sources say he was the first to introduce principal actor in addition to chorus Phrynicus Aeschylus o Pioneer of Greek Tragedy o Famous for The Fall of Miletus o Famous Greek Tragedian o First whose plays still survive the others are Sophocles and Euripides o The Father of Tragedy Sophocles Euripides o One of the three tragedians whose plays survived o Famous for the Oedipus plays Antigone Ajaz o One of the three tragedians whose plays survived o Famous for Medea Hippolytus Andromache Heracles etc Theatre of Dionysus o Open air theatre o One of the earliest preserved in Athens o Used for festivals in honor of Dionysus Persian Wars o Series of conflicts between the Achaemenid Empire of Persia modern Iran and Greek city states o 499 449 BC o Greek Victory Peloponnesian Wars Sparta o War fought by Athens and its empire against the Peloponnesian League led by o 431 404 BC o Peloponnesian League victory resulted in Spartan hegemony of Athens Punic Wars o Series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage o 264 146 BC o Largest wars in the world at the time Agamemnon o Son of king Atreus and queen Aerope of Mycenae o Brother of Menelaus o Myths make him king of Mycenae o When Helen is kidnapped Agamemnon commands united Greek army in the Trojan War o In the Odyssey he is murdered by Aegisthus his wife s lover Clytemnestra o Wife of Agamemnon o Son of Agamemnon Orestes Electra Iphigenia Aegisthus Cassandra Atreus Tantalus o Daughter of Agamemnon o Planned with Orestes to avenge their father o Daughter of Agamemnon o Sacrificed by Agamemnon to secure safe passage to Troy o Clytemnestra s lover o Daughter of Priam King of Troy o King of Mycenae o Famous for his eternal punishment in Tartarus The Underworld o Made to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree but the fruit and water evaded his grasp before he could eat or drink o Father of Pelops Niobe and Broteas o Son of Zeus Dike Pylades o Goddess of Justice o Daughter of Zeus and Themis o Son of King Strophius of Phocis and Anaxibia daughter of Atreus o Mostly known for his friendship with Orestes his cousin son of Agamemnon Multiple Causation o Etiology is the study of origination causation o Mostly associated with creation myths Over Determination o Tendency to discover two levels of causation one human and one divine The Furies o Also known as the Erinyes o Female deities of vengeance o Also known as the infernal goddesses o The Iliad invokes them as those who beneath the earth punish whoever has sworn a false oath o According to Hesiod they emerged from the drops of Uranus blood when it fell on the earth after his castration The Eumenides o The Kindly Ones o The final play of the Oresteia of Aeschylus o The furies go before Athena and 11 other judges to decide whether Orestes is guilty of murder for killing his mother The Areopagus Court o The high court of appeal for criminal and civil cases o Ares was supposedly tried here by the gods for his murder of Poseidon s son o Mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a beautiful woman Alirrothios The Sphinx sometimes with wings Polybus of Corinth o King of Corinth and adoptive father of Oedipus o True father of Alcinoe Merope Jocasta Laius o Wife of Polybus o Adoptive mother of Oedipus o Birth mother of Oedipus o Mother Grandmother of Antigone o Wife of Oedipus o King of Thebes o Husband of Jocasta o Birth Father of Oedipus o Killed by Oedipus at a crossroads Tiresias o Blind prophet of Apollo o Famous for his clairvoyance and for being transformed into a woman for seven years Antigone Eteocles Haemon Medea Jason o Play by Sophocles as well as a character o Daughter of Oedipus and his mother Jocasta o Defied King Creon s rule to not bury Polynices and was caught o Betrothed to Haemon o King of Thebes o Son of Oedipus o Ruled alongside his brother Polynices o Cursed by their father for disrespect towards him o Killed his brother Polynices Polynices Ismene o Son of Oedipus o Killed his brother Eteocles o Daughter half sister of Oedipus o Sister to Antigone Eteocles and Polynices o Compassionate but rational and prudent counterpart of the headstrong Antigone o Does not agree with Antigone about burying their brother o Was to be martyred with her sister for her crime even though Ismene didn t commit it Eurydice of Thebes o Wife of Creon o Killed herself after Haemon and Antigone s suicide o Son of Creon and Eurydice o Betrothed to Antigone o Killed himself along with Antigone o Daughter of King Aeetes of Colchis niece of Circe granddaughter of Helios o First Wife of Jason o After Jason s betrayal she slays their children o Leader of the Argonauts on their quest for the Golden Fleece o Husband of Medea o Became engaged to Creusa princess of Corinth o Medea killed Creusa with a cursed dress Creon of Corinth nor Thebes o King of Corinth o Promised his daughter to Jason o Burned with her trying to save her Pelias Aegeus o King of Iolcus o Son of Tyro and Poseidon o Murdered by his daughters o Archaic figure in the founding myth of Athens o Goat Man who gave his name to the Aegean Sea o Father next to Poseidon of Theseus Apsyrtus o Son of Aeetes brother of Medea Romulus and Remus o Twin Brothers o Raised by Lupa wolf goddess o Founders of Rome o Sons of Ares o Romulus kills Remus to found the city of Rome o Created the first Roman Legion and Senate Numitor o King of Alba Longa o Father of Rhea Silvia o Grandfather of Romulus and Remus Rhea Silvia Gravitas o Mother of Romulus and Remus o Roman virtue of dignity o Roman virtue of religion duty Pietas Frugalitas Julius Caesar o Roman virtue of economy frugality o Roman General and Statesman and Consul o Dictator of the Roman Republic o Formed first triumvirate with Crassus and Pompey o Trojan Hero Iliad o Son of Aphrodite and prince Anchises ancestor of Romulus and Remus Aeneas Juno o Roman form of Hera o Queen of the Gods o Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth Neptune Venus o Roman form of Poseidon o God of the Sea o Roman form of Aphrodite o Goddess of love o Another form of Aphrodite Cytherea Amor Dido Elissa o Roman form of Eros Cupid god of love o Founder and first queen of Carthage o Appears in Virgil s Aeneid Sychaeus Acerbas o Appears in the Aeneid o Priest of Hercules husband of Elissa Dido Teucrians Creusa o The people of Troy o Named after King Teucer o Daughter
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