Exam 2 Review Sheet Classic Mythology Elizabeth Richey FSU Authors and Texts Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite Homeric Hymn to Hermes Callimachus Hymn to Artemis Homeric Hymn to Apollo Homeric Hymn to Pythian Apollo Euripides Bacchae Homeric Hymn to Demeter Lucian Dialogues of the Dead selections Myths Birth of Aphrodite two variant myths about her birth 1 PLATO HESIOD she is born from Ouranos castration His penis lands on the sea foam and she rises she I born form the gods genitals thus she represents sex 2 HOMER Aphrodite was a child of Zeus and Dione and as their child she is an olympian not a titan Aphrodite and Ares Aphrodite is married to Hephaestus who is ugly and his feet legs are weird he has a limp Aphrodite has an affair with Ares god of war Hephaestus finds out and contract a magical golden fin net and puts it above their bed and traps Aphrodite and Ares Hephaestus gathers the gods to come and see and point and laugh but the plan backfires and the gods find her so beautiful that they say its worth being trapped in the net with her Aphrodite and Anchises Zeus decides to make her fall in love with a mortal Anchises the last time a god ever fell in love with a mortal bc she always mocked and made fun of the other gods Anchises is good looking like a god In this myth Aphrodite disguises herself as a normal persoin she tells Anchises a story that she is a princess participating in a festival when Hermes captured her and dropped her off on the Mt with him and that he is meant to be married to Aphrodite Anchises desires her and suspects she is not human but she swears she s not So he tests her and they have sex in the morning she wakes him and says behold me in her large godlike form he is scared and says please don t hurt me Aphrodite tells him the story of Aoses love for a mortal and how bad that turned out She tride to talk herself out of the idea o floving him she promises she will not hurt him and that she will bare their son Aeneas but she wil give him to the nymphs to raise and then when he is grown he will be given back to Anchises Hermes Steals Apollo s Cattle Hermes gets a job from Apollo to be in charge of the herds He steals the cattle of Apollo and steals them from a sandy place he is afraid the footprints will give them away so he leads the cattle backwards and wears these sandals He puts them in a stall for the night and cooks some food he stole the cattle to eat he invents the kabob BUT he doesn t eat it gods eat ambrosia NOT food and meat Apollo figures out his cattle are gone and who took them because of a witness from the vineyard nearby Apollo take Hermes who plays the baby card but is not amused He takes the baby to be judged by Zeus Olympus Zeus says they need to work it out and be friends Apollo gets his cattle back but is still mad and wants to handcuff Hermes with cuffs made of branches BUT Hermes throws down the branches and creates a basket over the cattle Then Hermes plays the lyre and apollo is no longer mad because of the music and gets th elyre from Hermes Hermaphroditus crossing of gender lines Exceptionally beautiful young man went to a spring and a nymph in the spring falls in love with him Nymph seizes young man and he struggles to get away she grabs him so closely that they meld together into one person with both male and female sexual organs Binary gender Mercury and Larunda Roman myth Laruns is a nypmh whom mercury has to escort to the underworld On the way down he falls in love with her They have sex and she gives birth to the Lares in the underworld Artemis Gets Her Attributes Asks Zeus for gifts 1 virginity to keep forever Refer back to hymn to aphrodite never have sex with men and will never marry She will often be called artemis the maiden virgin Artemis associated with period of a woman s life before she gets married Protector of her own virginity and other women 2 titles epithets all gods have different epithets representing the different spheres of influence and wants to have as many as her bro Apollo 3 arrows and bow oh wait no never mind bc im gonna fo to the cyclopes and have them make my arrows Goddess of the hunt Mistress of Animals goddess holding two wild animals and has wings Protector of wild animals but also their hunter 4 Bringer of Light the moon Other moon goddess Celine binatural moon goddess and actually is the moon 5 nymphs wants 9 year old nymphs and to be her attendants Most closely associated with nymphs She is also like a nymph Daughters of Okeanos 6 mountains wilderness Doesn t need to be a patron of any cities She plans on staying in the wilderness and having fun 7 childbirth will occasionally go into cities to help women 8 cities Zeus says im going to give you some city A ton of cities And you ll be the patron god of all of them Terms Aphrodite Plato one naturee that is Ourania a more universal love a more sexual love Born from castration of Ouranos and represents sex considering she was born from his genitals and the sea foam Hesiod says she gets her name from aphros sea foam but that is false entimology She is terrifying in Hesiod s view bc she can make force love between humans and mortals She rules over anything that can have sex Cytherea Aphrodite was washed ashore on this island She is also known as this name or Cyprian Eros Aphrodite is depicted on a shell in the sea with cupid who is the Roman counter part of Eros Aphrodite is depicted as holding a tiny Eros winged with Zeus in his thrown And also in a similar way but Eros is older Eros is duplicated driving a chariot by 2 Eroes cupid is similarly duplicated In Greek life Eros is imagined as a young man in Roman ar cupid is a baby cestus kestos It is a garment that has the power to entice men make them desire her sometimes translated as the girdle of Aphrodite or as a golden belt in later depictions as a body chain Atalanta a Greek heroine depicted wrestling or killing a bore In one version of the myth she agrees to marry anyone who can beat her in a race but she is so fast and o man beats her But then Aphrodite throws golden apples at her during the race and distracts her into losing Lemnos Aphrodite can prevent anyone from having sex again she makes the women of Hephaistos very smelly Anchises the man who Aphrodite falls in love with she has his …
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