Exam 2 Review Sheet 1 Achilles Parents are Thetis and Peleus Greek hero of the Trojan War Warrior in the Iliad Thetis tried to make him immortal but was made vulnerable in the spot where she was holding him heel Partly brought up by Chiron centaur Killed in the Trojan War by Paris when he was shot with an arrow in his ankle heel is his weak spot 2 Acrisius Daughter is Danaee mother to Perseus Heard the prophet that said his grandchild will kill him so he places his daughter in a brazen chamber so no one would reach her Unknowingly killed by Perseus when he enters the discus competition 3 Aeetes Ruler of Colchis which is the destination of the Argonauts Daughter is Medea who falls in love with Jason and helps him 4 Aegeus In a war with his borther Pallas and wants to rule Athens Sleeps with Aethra and has son with her Theseus Wants it to be a secret so he leaves her a sword and sandals and says he ll recognize his son by these items 5 Aegisthus Son of Thyretes and his daughter Pelopia Clytemnestra s lover in the play the Agamemnon 6 Aerope Wife to Atreus son of Pelops Children are Agamemnon and Menelaus Stolen by Atreus s brother Thyretes and has two sons with him that are eaten by their own father 7 Aeson Jason s father Married to Polymede Non divine parents Part of Medea s trick to kill Pelias His blood is drained and is boiled in a pot to be rejuvenated 8 Aethra Daughter to Piltheus who rules Troezen Aegeus gets Piltheus drunk so he can sleep with Aethra Together produce Theseus Wants to keep it a secret so he leaves a sword and sandals for his son says give it to him and it ll make me recognize him 9 Agamemnon Brother is Menelaus Marries Clytemnestra who is Helen s sister Live together at Mycenae Have many children but most important daughter is Iphegenia King of Mycenae 10 Alcmena Married to Amphitryon and has a son Iphicles Zeus comes to her pretending to be her husband and produces the child Hercules The two children are seen as twins Hera is very mean to her and makes her pregnancy and labor really hard 11 Amphitryon Married to Alcmena Wife sleeps with Zeus when he is disguised as Amphitryon to make Heracles Husband comes back a day later from the war against Teleboans and they have Iphicles Two children are seen as twins 12 Andromeda Daughter of Cepheus dad and Cassiepea mom King and Queen of Libya Mom commited hubris by saying she was prettier than the sea nymphs and Poseidon got mad and send a flood and sea monster to their town Consulted the oracle of Zeus Ammon and it said to chain Androemda to a rock and sacrifice her to the monster to end turmoil Is saved by Perseus who saves her and kills the monster 13 Argo Ship built by Argus Built with magic wood from Dodona that can speak prophecies Ship is dedicated to Poseidon and receives help from Athena Later becomes the Constellation Argo Narvis Voyage starts in Iolcus Jason is the chief 14 Ariadne Daughter of King Minos of Crete Falls in love with Theseus when he comes to Crete to kill the minotaur goes aboard a ship to leave and in a rush Theseus leaves without her and is found by Dionysus and they fall in love and get married When she dies because she is mortal he turns her into the Constellation Corona 15 Athamas Married to Nephele but Nephele leaves Later marries Ino who hated Athamas s previous children Phrixus and Helle and makes a plan to kill children 16 Atreus One of the twins of Pelops Brother to Thyestes Hears that Mycenae is to be ruled by the son of Pelops Competition for the throne with his brother With the help of Pan he wins throne Children are Agamemnon and Menelaus Married to Aerope House of Atreus is cursed 17 Augeus Ruled the city of Elis Was part of Hercules s fifth labor If Hercules could clean his stables in one day he promised to gie him 1 10 of his herd When Hercules does this he breaks his promise and is later killed by Hercules 18 autochthonous Means self born out of the ground Seen in the first king of what would be Athens 19 Briseis Princess described in Book 1 of the Illiad Agamemnon was raping Chryses s daughter and Apollo made him give her up and he demanded Briseis in return Achilles and Agamemnon exchanged women and Achilles sulked off doesn t want to go to war 20 Cassandra Lover of Apollo Gives her the gift of prophecy but is later rejected by her He can t take away the gift but he puts a curse on her that she will never be believed by anyone Famous for the thought about Alexander being killed Trojan daughter of Priam 21 Cecrops First King of Cecropia later known as Athens Had snake legs When the competition between Athena and Poseidon takes place it is renamed because Athena won 22 Charu Charun Most popular demon in the Etruscan afterlife Is blue or grey in color Gender is unknown because charu wears a dress but has facial hair Carries the hammer 23 Clytemnestra Sister of Helen Married to Agamemnon Mortal Parents are Leda and Tyndareus Queen of Mycenae 24 Colchis Ruled by King Aeetes Destination of the Argonauts Location where the golden fleece was held Had task here to yoke bronze footed fire breathing bulls to plow the field sow dragon s teeth and kill soliders 25 Creon Figure in Greek mythology ruler of Thebes in the legend of Oedipus Two children with his wife Eurydice 26 Danae Has a child with Zeus named Perseus Phophecy that her child will kill her dad Acrisius so he places Danae in a brazen chamber where no one will reach her 27 Deianira Meleager s sister Wrestling competition for her hand in marriage Hercules wrestles with Achelous and breaks off one of his horns Becomes the cornucopia Stolen and tricked by centaur Nessus who tells her about a love potion to use if she ever feels like Hercules doesn t love her Suspicious about Iole Puts blood on robe and sees that it burns Hercules and kills herself 28 Dictys Brother of the current king of Seriphos who is Polydectes Person who finds Perseus in a chest on the ocean washed up on the Island of Seriphos Made King of Seriphos after brother is turned to stone from Medusa s head 29 dike Means justice in the Greek language Major unifying theme in the trilogy written by Aeschylus Plays contain the Agamemnon Libation Bearers and Eumenidies 30 Electra Daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra and princess of Argos Known for plotting revenge with her brother Orestes against their mother and stepfather Aegisthus the mom s lover for the murder of their father Agamemnon Sister was Iphigeneia Seen in the Iliad 31 Er Legend that
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