CLT3370 Exam 1 Section 1 8 points choiceSection 2 18 points 8 Questions worth 1 point each Matching fill in the blank Multiple Will Be given list of 15 terms of the following Must describe at least 9 of them in detail with at least 4 details each Each question worth 4 points Bronze Age Minoans o 3000 2000 BCE o characterized by the use of BRONZE o Developing of trade networks o Saw the first wars o 2000 1600 BCE o Lived in Crete o Worshipped the bull o Athenians rose once Minoans failed Mycenaean o 1600 1100 BCE o Took part in the Trojan war from 1250 1150 BCE o Dominated Peloponese in Bronze Age o The first Greeks Archaic Period o 800 480 BCE o Saw the rise of city states o End is marked by Xerxes invasion in 480 BCE o Known as the structural revolution Classical Period o New heights in art and philosophy o Began with Greek victory over Persians o Athens enjoyed greatest achievements o Rebuilding of the Parthenon Hellenistic Period o 323 BCE 31BCE o Begins with Alexander s death o City state was replaced by kingdoms o Mercenaries were more frequently used Hesiod o Writer of Works and Days and Theogony o Greek Poet around same time as Homer o Major source of Greek farming techniques o Sometimes thought of as first economist Chaos Gaia Uranus o Refers to intial gap separating heaven from universe o In Theogony it is prevalent in the creation of the gods o Beyond which lived the Titans o Could be affected by Zeus Thunderbolts o The Great Mother of all o Bore the hills and sea with no father o Gave birth to the Giants Titans and to the Earth o Had a union with Uranus o Roman name Caelus o Very first king of the gods o Son and husband of Gaia o Father of Cronus most powerful Titan Heiros Gamos o Means sacred marriage o Certain instance is of Zeus and Hera o Exchange of gifts o Sexual intercourse Titans o Most powerful was Cronus o Defeated by Zeus o Used force instead of guile o Prisoned in Tartarus Cyclopes o Only had one eye o Gave Zeus his power of lightning and thunder o No fear of the gods o No social manners Hecatonchires o Children of Uranus and Gaia according to Hesiod o Three giants of great strength o Overthrew Titans o Each had 100 hands and 50 heads o Guard gates of Tartarus Aphrodite o Roman Venus o goddess of love beauty procreation o Arose when Cronus cut off Uranus genitals o Doves sparrows and swans were sacred to her Cronus o Roman name Saturn o Ruled during the Golden age o Overthrown by his son Zeus o Leader of the Titans Rhea Zeus o Roman name Ops o Titanness daughter of Uranus and Gaia o Hid Zeus in Crete o Sometimes known as Mother of the gods o Roman name Jupiter o King of the gods o Portrayed carrying a thunderbolt o Ruler of Olympians of Mount Olympus Titanomachy o Also known as the Titan War o Ten year series of battles o Won by Zeus Olympians o Titans were sent to Tartarus Typhoeus o Age of Gold o First in a series of periods o Peace prosperity harmony stability o Humans did not have to work o Perikles leadership Age of Silver Jupiter Zeus introduce seasons o o Agricultural boom o Architectural boom o Lived 100 years Age of Bronze o Age came to an end with the flood of Deucalion o Characterized by the use of bronze o Ovid says men prone to warfare o Ovid says men are not prone to impiety o 3000 2000 BCE Age of Heroes o Age of Iron Prometheus War Pandora o Very first woman o Formed out of clay o God of prophecy o Was ordered to be chained to a rock and have his liver eaten daily by Zeus o Gave fire to humans o Sided with Zeus knowing that Zeus would win the Titan o Took everything from humankind except for hope using Pandora s box o Zeus ordered her creation Prometheus Bound o A tragedy about Prometheus the god of prophecy o Punishment from Zeus Eagle eating liver daily for giving man fire give in overthrown o Theme of stubbornness Neither Zeus nor Prometheus will o Prometheus prophesizes that Zeus will need his help or be Io Xenia Aegis o Seduced by Zeus and turned into a heifer by Zeus to hide from his wife Hera o A priestess of Hera o Gives birth to Ephaphus in Egypt o Wanders the Earth o Ancient Greece philosophy about hospitality o Zeus is thought to have created this philosophy o Giving gifts was approved o Treat guest with respect be treated with respect o Doing something under the protection of a powerful source o Carried by Athena and Zeus o Breast plate of Zeus o A cover of some type created by Athena Section 3 3 points Will be given map of 5 places Must name 3 of them Worth 3 points Cities from map quiz
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