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Lennon Edwards Summer 2015 NTDT 200 194 195 EXAM 3 REVIEW SHEET The exam contains 64 multiple choice questions and a matching section The exam is worth a total of 80 points Chapter 10 Vitamins know how they differ from macronutrients and how to properly store them Structure individual units Function provides no usable energy assists in energy release Content in foods amounts are typically in micrograms ug or milligrams mg vs grams gm Refrigerate fruits and veggies Store cut vegetables and fruits in air tight wrappers Store open juices in closed containers Rinse before cutting not after Avoid high temp long cooking time Don t add veggies to water until it is boiling Use microwave oven or steam veggies Understand term of bioavailability The rate and extent that a nutrient is absorbed and used by the body Compare contrast water soluble Vitamins B and C hydrophilic absorbed directly into blood circulate freely excreted in urine need to be eaten regularly vs fat soluble vitamins A D E K hydrophilic Enter lymph then blood Stored in cells associated with fat and liver Held in fatty tissues and liver until needed Less readily excreted More likely to be toxic Coenzyme function coenzymes enter directly or indirectly in energy metabolism facilitate energy releasing reactions A B and CD need coenzymes to respond to their enzymes compounds are attracted to their sites on the enzymes with coenzymes The reactions are complicated with either the formation of a new product AB or the breaking apart of a compound into two new products C and D and the release of energy B vitamins Function Coenzyme Deficiency or toxicity Thiamin B1 Conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA TCA cycle used in energy metabolism Thiamin Pyrophosphate TPP Riboflavin B2 Niacin B3 Coenzymes pick up 2 hydrogen ions TCA cycle energy metabolism fatty acid oxidation Glycolisis TCA cycle alcohol metabolism tryptophan is a precursor Flavin mononucleotide FMN and Flavin adenine dinucleotide FAD Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide NAD NADP phosphate form Beriberi enlarged heart cardiac failure muscle weakness and weight loss poor short term memory No toxicity Ariboflavinosis sore throat cracks and redness at corners of mouth purplish tongue with greasy scales No toxicity Pellagra deficiency Seen in early 1900s when people consumed a diet centered on corn that was very low in protein Symptoms Significant food source Whole grain fortified or enriched grain products moderate amounts in all nutritious foods pork Milk milk products are greatest whole grain or enriched bread and cereal 1mg of niacin can be made in body by 1mg of tryptophan meat poultry legumes nuts all protein foods 1 Lennon Edwards Summer 2015 whole grains enriched grains The 4 D s Diarrhea Dermatitis Dementia Death eventually Niacin flush toxicity dilation of capillaries due to meds 3 4 x RDA symptoms painful flush hives rash sweating and liver damage Rare can induce Avidin by feeding raw egg white Symptoms lethargy depression hallucinations numb or tingling sensation in arms legs red scaly rash around eyes nose and mouth hair loss No toxicity reported Synthesized by intestinal GI bacteria widespread in foods liver egg yolks soybeans fish whole grains Widespread in foods Organ meats Mushrooms avocado and broccoli Whole grains Meat fish poultry are great sources also legumes potatoes and starchy vegetables fortified Cereals Deficiencies Rare vomiting nausea insomnia fatigue depression inability to walk numbness muscle cramps Toxicities None reported Deficiency Several neurotransmitters diminish seen in alcoholics Symptoms scaly dermatitis anemia depression confusion convulsions Toxicity Nerve damage seen in reported self dosing 2 Biotin It acts as one Acts as a coenzyme that carries CO2 Critical in TCA cycle delivers a carbon to pyruvate to generate oxaloacetate Also involved in gluconeogenesis formation of glucose from non carbohydrate sources fatty acid synthesis Part of PLP PMP pyridoxamine phosphate used in amino acid and fatty acid metabolism helps convert tryptophan to niacin and to serotonin helps make red blood cells Pantothenic Acid Same CoA that forms acetyl CoA used in multiple reactions Part of coenzyme A CoA used in energy metabolism Vitamin B6 Pyridoxal Phosphate PLP Folate Tetrahydrofolate THF and Dihydrofolate DHF Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin and Deoxyadenosylcobalami n Part of coenzyme used in DNA synthesis Important in new cell formation such as red blood cells Helps to convert vitamin B12 to its coenzyme form B12 and Folate are dependent upon each other and work closely with each other Part of coenzyme used in new cell synthesis maintains sheath that surrounds protects nerve cells makes folate active by removing CH3 helps break down fatty acids and amino acids when released by HCL and pepsin from protein in stomach Binds with intrinsic factor IF in small intestine must be bound to IF to be absorbed Lennon Edwards Summer 2015 Spinach leafy green veggies legumes seeds liver easily destroyed by heat oxygen Meat Fish Poultry MF Milk egg and cheese for vegans B12 fortified soy milk or B12 supplements of 2gm day 1st reported in 1980s Neural tube defects Folate deficiency impairs cell division and protein synthesis Macrocytic megaloblastic anemia large immature red blood cells can t carry oxygen or travel through capillaries efficiently Folate Toxicity masks symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency Vitamin B12 Deficiency usually occurs due to inadequate absorption Pernicious anemia Lack of intrinsic factor to bind to B12 or due to atrophic gastritis prevalent in older adults and it damages stomach cells and decreases IF and HCL production Symptoms anemia of folate deficiency large cell type irregular cell shape fatigue Vegans may be at risk if not taking fortified sources Can take 3 years to develop because B12 requirement is small since our bodies recycle it Giving folate can mask B12 deficiency because it corrects blood symptoms but not neural degeneration of 3 Vitamin C ascorbic acid Acts as an antioxidant and Cofactor in collagen formation helps form fibrous structural protein of connective tissues known as collagen Lennon Edwards Summer 2015 peripheral nerves can progress to paralysis No reported Toxicity Deficiency Scurvy common in sailors 1700 voyages due to lack of citrus on ships bleeding gums pinpoint hemorrhages Toxicity Supplement use can result this nausea abdominal cramps diarrhea Citrus fruits cantaloupe papaya mangoes cabbage type veggies dark green

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