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REVIEW GUIDE FOR EXAM 3 Lecture 23 Homer s Odyssey Books 1 16 Homer s Odyssey story of Odysseus epic poem in 24 chapters Odysseus return to Ithaca after war in Troy first word of poem andra the man who is said to be polutropos much traveled focus on a man s dangerous journey and his cleverness Opens in medias res in the middle of things Telemachy Books 1 4 story of Telemachus Telemachus visits Nestor and Menelaus Telemachus aided by Athena travels to Pylos to speak w Nestor travels to Sparta to speak w Menelaus all follow xenia Nestor not aware of Odysseus location Menelaus says Odysseus is held captive by Calypso on Ogygia Xenia Theme throughout poem guest friendship Odysseus and Calypso on Ogygia Book 5 Hermes orders Calypso to release Odysseus who we first see weeping Odysseus washes ashore Scheria Odysseus builds a boat wrecked in storm by Poseidon washes up on island of Scheria home of the Phaeacians Odysseus and Nausicaa Book 6 Odysseus alone and naked comically meets Nausicaa princess of Scheria Alcinous and Arete Book 7 parents to Nausicaa accept Odysseus xenia again would love Odysseus to stay and marry daughter The Apologoi Books 9 12 tales Odysseus wanderings tells Phaeanecians of his journey from Troy to Calypso all fantastical elements occur here does he lie Why are all of his men dead Cicones and Lotus Eaters Odysseus men plunder the city of the Cicones so the reinforced ranks of Cicone turn on them in the land of the Lotus eaters the natives offer Odysseus crew the intoxicating fruit of the lotus which makes them lose all thought of home and wish to stay on the island Polyphemus the Cyclops Circe orb eyed represents anti civilization despises Zeus cannibal does NOT follow xenia Odysseus breaks free and yells his name so the Cyclops knows who bested him The Nekuia right to call upon and question ghosts regarding the future The Sirens desirable but dangerous women Scylla and Charybdis idiom meaning having to choose between two evils two immortal and irresistible monsters who beset the opposite sides of the narrow waters traversed by Odysseus Helius cattle sun god storm and death of the rest of Odysseus crew Odysseus washes up on Calypso s island Phaeacians return Odysseus to Ithaca Athena alters Odysseus appearance to look like a beggar to avoid suitors Eumaeus the loyal swineherd Odysseus stays on farm w him Telemachus returns to Ithaca Athena tells Telemachus to return home from Sparta disguises him from suitors Odysseus and Telemachus reunited hatch a plot to deal w suitors Lecture 24 Homer s Odyssey Books 17 24 Homer s Odyssey Odysseus as beggar goes to palace Eumaeus takes him encounters Melanthius a wicked goatherd encounters Argos old dog Abuse by Suitors Odysseus vs Arnaeus aka Irus Masculine form of Iris messenger of the gods because he runs errands for money Odysseus and Eurycleia Recognition of Odysseus scar The Contest of the Bow Penelope s idea whoever can string Odysseeus bow and fire an arrow through 12 axe handles wins Penelope Telemachus and suitors fail Odysseus finds it easy The mnesterophonia killing of the suitors Odysseus Telemachus Eumaeus Philoetius vs suitors all suitors killed Melanthius was severely punished The Test of the Bed Penelope and Odysseus are reunited they retire to bed End of epic Odysseus finds father Laertes Penelope soul of loyalty hostility between kinsmen of suitors and Odysseus averted by Athena Lecture 25 Perseus Argos Perseus is a hero from Argos Zeus and Danae Parents of Perseus Acrisius deals w oracle and then banishes Danae shower of gold and Perseus Dictys on Seriphos Takes in Danae and Perseus Polydectes Brother of Dictys king of Seriphos his decree and Perseus boast Quest for the head of Medusa Graeae 3 old women who have one 1 eye and 1 tooth between them they know the way to the nymphs Perseus steals their eye and tooth they give up the info he seeks Athena and Hermes Hermes gives him a scimitar Medusa Perseus slays Medusa and displays her severed head then puts it in the kibisis special bag Pegasus Emerges from Medusa s decapitated body winged horse Perseus and Andromeda Perseus sees Andromeda chained to rock rescues then marries her Return to Seriphos Perseus and Andromeda return to Seriphos rescues Danae and Dictys from Polydectes cruelty Perseus turns him into stone Snakes and coral Snakes in Libyan desert coral in sea Athena and the aegis Perseus gives Athena Medusa s head and the goddess puts it on her shield known as aegis Perseus returns to Argos Acrisius fled to Larissa Perseus follows him Accidentally kills Acrisius Perseus kills Acrisius in athletic games later founded the city of Mycenae where he was honored as a hero Lecture 26 Hercules Name means glory of Hera changed from Alcides Amphitryon and Alcmena Amphitryon s absence Zeus disguise twins were born Iphicles son of Amphitryon and Alcmena and Hercules Zeus and Alcmena Parents of Hercules Anger of Hera Sends two snakes to kill the twins Hercules strangles both of Hercules as sex symbol like Arnold Sleeps w all 50 of king Thespius Hercules and Megara Hercules settles down and marries Theban princess them daughters Megara The madness of Hercules Hera makes Hercules go crazy he kills Megara and their children in need of purification Servitude to Eurystheus Delphis oracle tells Hercules to go to Tiryns and serve king Eurystheus for 12 years The 12 Labors athloi contests undertaken for a prize prize is immortality through them Hercules rids world of evil aid often given by Athena The Nemean Lion Hercules fashions a club to use vs lion kills it keeps skin The Hydra many heads grow back after being cut off Hercules was aided by Iolaus would seal the wounds w a torch once Hercules cut their heads off Hercules dips his arrows in the dead Hydra s blood poisonous The Stables of Augeas king of Elis very messy labor Augeas had lots of cattle and their stables had never been cleaned Hercules aided by Athena diverts two rivers to flow through the stables to wash them out Cattle of Geryon Geryon is a three bodied monster who lived at the western edge of the world Hercules defeats Greyon and returns to Greece w his cattle Pillars of Hercules a monument to Hercules trip mark the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea Cerberus Three headed hound of hell Hercules must bring it to Eurystheus a triumph over death Hercules vs Achelou s a river god Hercules fights him for hand of Dei anira Hercules rips off Achelou s horn takes Dei anira Cornucopia offers endless food and

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