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KIN 2501 TEST 4 International Sports in the 20th century Chapter 5 Game summary o Many sports became recognized o Pierre de Coubertin French created the international Olympic committee Decided to hold the first modern games in 1896 The early years of the 20th century this is considered the beginning of the modern Olympic games Goes through many trials and tribulations on getting the Olympic We see changes in open and closing events increasing amount of games started countries etc Not a supporter of women competing in the Olympic games He believed it was against the laws of nature o 1900 Paris Lasted 5 months 1100 athletes o 1904 St Louis Lasted between 4 5 months Half the size of the Paris Olympics Not as many athletes about half 500 athletes International sport more attendance in Europe because more people lived there and not in North America Considered a o 1906 o 1908 London tied into anniversary of the first Olympic games in 1896 10th Staged in Athens brought back to the ancient site of the games Restored attendance and life of the games There were political problems Finland and Ireland part of Russian and British empires respectively wanted to appear under their own flag Always customary that the host country decided what countries could participate and make their own rules One of the biggest contributions was the marathon distance change used to be distance between Marathon and Athens 1 King Henry VII wanted to watch the race from his palace so the distance changed from the Olympic Stadium to the Royal palace 26 1 miles Creation of International Sport Federations o Wanted some structure and an organization to run the games o Each sport had rules and regulations that governed how the sport ran universally set of rules that was followed o Began to solidify things and more countries began to participate o 1912 Stockholm Over 2000 participants games is growing One of the most interesting innovations is the introduction of the modern pentathlon cross country riding fencing pistol shooting 30m swim and 4k Cross country race it is different today Used to be over 5 days Now the pentathlon is done over one day Athletes that participate in this are considered the greatest athletes Based on French messenger story o De Coubertin was responsible for creating pentathlon event o 1916 Berlin Games were canceled because of WWI Only a few sports operating under federation rules World championships in sports o Weight lifting tennis ice hockey Far Eastern games Davis cup Tour de France o Stemmed from the international team from the YMCA in 1913 o Soccer created a championship in South America o Tour de France is still the biggest cycling race International Sports between the World Wars Post WWI 1918 o Competitions in 24 sports in the o Inter Allied games USA French initiative Held in Paris Grew out of a military initiative between US And France Tons of countries participated 1920 Belgium for WWI o Germany and any of their allies were denied participation in the Olympics 2 o Helping rebuild the city and country o One of the innovations in Belgium was the Olympic flag with the 5 intertwined rings was flown for the first time at the games approved as a flag in 1914 o Opening ceremonies IOC developed a policy that there is an oath taken by a representative that is taken by an athlete for their entire country at the opening ceremony that pledged that they would uphold the integrity and honor of the games to play fairly Winter Olympics for one week o 1924 Pierre de Coubertin is about to day and the games are at Paris o About 3000 athletes o Introduction of the winter Olympics by the site of the previous Olympic again summer games o The French did not allow the Germans to participate again in the Olympics because they could not guarantee the safety of their athletes o Expulsion of tennis following the 1924 games Tennis federation refused to abide by the strict amateur rulings of the IOC most of the players were professional 64 years they were not a part of the Olympic games until 1988 o 1928 Amsterdam The participation of female athletes in 5 track and field events In between that time women were waiting for inclusion o 1932 Los Angeles 3 000 athletes Awareness that Europe was the center of international sports Photo finish cameras Automatic timing devices o 1936 Berlin Used for political purpose Used the games to exploit the supremacy of the Arian white race US did not to boycott and went to the Olympic games Games were not a spectacle at this time IOC did not take a side In other countries boycott movements were started No publicizing and recognizing the feats at the Olympic games Soccer World Cup 1930 s Other regional game o 1926 Central American Games o 1934 Western Asian Games 3 o 1930 British Empire Games o 1932 Jewish Olympics Jesse Owens Born in 1913 in Alabama one of 12 children His family moved to Cleveland Ohio in the early 1920s o Elementary school teacher misunderstood him and called him Jesse instead of J C James Cleveland In junior high he began organized sport mainly basketball and track In 1930 He was in high school accomplishing many feats on the track but not a single black college made an attempt to recruit him so he wound up at Ohio State in the fall 1933 o On campus housing was barred for blacks o Only one movie theater was accessible upstairs o No university restaurants would serve them In May 1935 at the National Intercollegiate Meet in Michigan he broke three world records and tied another o the most superlative feat ever accomplished in the history of the sport In July 1936 Owens and his teammates sailed to Germany o Mobbed by autograph seekers Hilter s snub o Would not shake his hand Long jump attempts and help from rival o You are good enough to win the whole event why don t you take off before the board so you won t be disqualified he ended up winning the whole event Jewish runners not allowed to run in the US relay Owens won four gold medals in 1936 Olympic Games International Sports and the Cold War Politics influenced who was allowed to enter the games Presidents of the IOC had political agendas Avery Brundage expelled John Carlos and Tommie Smith from Mexico Battle to protect amateurism Soviet Union had state amateurs Avery Brundage 1952 1972 Strongly believed in the maintenance of strict amateur rules Held idealistic view about separation of sports and politics 4 o 1968 Olympics Mexico City o 1972 Olympics Munich Arab terrorists killed Israeli athletes Commercialism

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LSU KIN 2501 - International Sports in the 20th century

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