CHD 2220 EXAM 1 Chapter 1 HISTORY THEORY REASEARCH STRATEGIES DOMAINS OF DEVELOPMENT Combined and integrated to yield the living growing child Each domain influences one another o Physical Changes in body size proportions appearance function of the body systems perceptual and motor capacities and physical health o Cognitive o Emotional Social Changes in intellectual abilities including attention memory academic and everyday knowledge problem solving imagination creativity and language Changes in emotional communication self understanding knowledge about other people interpersonal skills friendships intimate relationships more reasoning and behavior PERIODS OF DEVELOPMENT Prenatal period conception birth Infancy and toddlerhood birth 2 o 9 months o Most rapid time of change o One cell organism transformed into human body o Body and brain begin to support motor perceptual o Infancy 1st year o Toddlerhood 2nd year intellectual capacities beginning of language intimate ties First steps more autonomy Early childhood 2 6 o Body longer leaner o Refined motor skills more self control self sufficient o Make believe play psychological development o Sense of morality o Friendships blossom o Improved athletic ability participation in organized activities o Logical thought process o Mastery of fundamental academic knowledge with rules Middle childhood 6 11 1 CONTINUOUS vs DISCONTINUOUS Continuous development CHD 2220 EXAM 1 Adolescence 11 18 o Understanding self morality and friendships o Transition into adulthood o Puberty o Abstract and idealistic thoughts Adult size body sexual maturity Schooling directed toward higher education and working world o Autonomy from family o Define personal values and goals skill s that were there to begin with o Happens gradually adding more and more of the same types of Infants and preschoolers respond to the world in much of the same way adults do Ex Thinking may be as logical and well organized as ours o Limitation may be that they cannot perform these skills with as much information and precision as us Discontinuous development STAGE THEORY o Process in which new ways of thinking emerge at specific times Paget s theory Ex Child not able to organize objects or remember and interpret experiences as we do Child will move through a serious of developmental steps each has unique features until highest level of functioning is obtained o Stage theory Qualitative changes in thinking feeling and behaving that characterize specific periods of development Ex Climbing a staircase o Steps corresponding to a more mature o Periods of rapid transformation as move up the reorganized way of functioning steps with plateaus standing solidly within stage NATURE NURTURE Combination of both that influence development ALWAYS 2 SENSITIVE vs CRITCAL Ethology CHD 2220 EXAM 1 o Nature o Nurture Organisms biological inheritance Genes Ex Stability from heredity o Children who are high or low in characteristics verbal ability anxiety and sociability will remain so at later ages Environmental experiences family Ex Early experiences establish lifelong pattern of behavior Plasticity o Open to change in response to influential experiences o Adaptive or survival value of behavior and its evolutionary o Behavior is strongly influenced by biology history Critical period Sensitive period Limited time span during which the child is biologically prepared to acquire certain adaptive behaviors but needs the support of an appropriately stimulating environment Ex Imprinting Time that is biologically optimal for certain capacities to emerge because the individual is especially responsive to environmental influences o Boundaries are less well defined than critical o Development can occur later but it s harder to period induce THEORIES ERIKSON 3 CHD 2220 EXAM 1 throughout the entire lifespan o Developed a full stage based model of development o Focused on the development of identity o Developed the epigenetic principle interactions between o Our environment determines if some genes present o 8 stage model of development environment and genetics themselves and to what extent they express themselves 4 CHD 2220 EXAM 1 stages First 5 parallel to Freud s stages but he added 3 adult First to recognize the lifespan nature of development Each stage describes a developmental task or Can be a positive or negative resolution of each stage What we gain or don t gain is carried onto the next challenge to be accomplished stage Infancy 0 1 Trust vs Mistrust Toddlerhood 1 2 Autonomy vs Shame Preschool 3 5 Initiative vs Guilt Childhood 6 11 Industry vs Inferiority Adolescence 12 19 Identity vs Role Confusion Young Adulthood 20 40 Intimacy vs Isolation Middle Adulthood 41 65 Generativity vs Stagnation Late Adulthood 65 Integrity vs Despair PIAGET o Cognitive development theory and explore their world Children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate o Four broad stages characterized by qualitatively distant ways of thinking Sensorimotor birth 2 5 CHD 2220 EXAM 1 Children move from being completely reflex bound to goal directed behavior o Pulling a level to hear the sound of a music Preoperational 2 7 box Children think the least like adults illogical thinkers Make believe play Understanding symbolic representation Egocentric Animistic thinking animism Conserve o Unless we add something or take it away an objects identity stays the same Reasoning becomes more logical and better Understand conservation organized o Same amount of play dough even though a Objects organized into hierarchies of classes and different shape Concrete operational 7 11 subclasses Formal operational 11 Abstract systematic thinking o Hypothesizing make deductions manipulate o Evaluate logic of verbal statements without variables and make inferences referring to real world situations Information Processing o Not a stage theory 6 CHD 2220 EXAM 1 Mind is like a computer we manipulate information monitor it and strategize about it Behaviorism social learning o Directly observable events stimuli and responses are the o Pavlov appropriate focus of the study Classical conditioning Taught dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell by pairing it with the presentation of food Operant conditioning B F Skinner Frequency of a behavior can be increased by following it with a wide variety of reinforcers o Food praise friendly smile new toy or behavior decreased through punishment o Disapproval or withdrawal privileges o Social learning theory Albert Bandura
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