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Lennon Edwards Summer 2015 NTDT 200 194 195 EXAM 4 REVIEW SHEET The exam contains 51 multiple choice questions and a matching section The exam is worth a total of 80 points Chapter 13 Know general characteristics of the minerals food content dependent on soil water composition can come from food processing interactions between trace minerals can be positive to increase absorption or negative which involves competition of minerals for absorption out of small intestine Iron where is it stored in the body i e hemoglobin and myoglobin Iron is found in the body as hemoglobin in red blood cells that carries O2 in blood and myoglobin in muscle that makes O2 available to muscles Storage and Transport proteins associated with iron ferritin mucosal cells in intestine store excess iron in mucosal ferritin iron storage protein and it releases iron to mucosal transferrin a transport protein which hands off iron to another transferrin that travels through the blood to the rest of the body Hemosiderin is a storage protein used when concentrations of iron are extremely high Heme vs nonheme iron types of food found in and how much Heme iron is from flesh of animal foods makes up 40 iron in meat fish poultry Nonheme iron is in plants and makes up 60 MFP makes up 100 in milk and dairy Heme iron accounts for 10 average daily iron intake but 25 of it is absorbed Nonheme iron accounts for remaining 90 but only 17 is absorbed MFP factor Meat fish and poultry MFP factor promotes absorption of nonheme iron from other foods in that meal and vitamin C on iron absorption helps promote absorption as well What can decrease its absorption phytates and fiber grains veggies oxalates spinach beets rhubarb calcium phosphorus in milk EDTA Tannic acid tea coffee Iron as most common deficiency microcytic hypochromic anemia severe depletion of iron stores small cells with too little color causes fatigue weakness and apathy affects 1 2 billion people most commonly affects women in reproductive years pregnant women infants young children and teenagers How do we lose iron any blood loss incurs iron losses giving 1pt blood losing 2 5mg iron menstruation bleeding ulcers Pica habit of eating ice clay paste and other nonfood substances generally seen in women and children from low income groups and iron overload hemochromatosis genetic disorder that enhances iron absorption occurs more commonly in men can also be caused by repeated blood transfusions and massive doses of supplemental iron How do iron containing pans increase iron content of foods Contamination iron is found in foods that are contaminated by inorganic iron salts from iron cookware or iron containing soils Zinc roles metalloenzymes trace mineral that supports work of many metalloenzymes contains 1 or more minerals as part of its structure involved in growth development and immune system sperm and fetal development What is metallothionein 1 of possible 2 fates of zinc in intestinal cells zinc is retained in cell by metallothionein a special protein that holds zinc in storage Albumin transport of zinc zinc is transported by protein albumin Metallothionein releases zinc to albumin and transferrin for transport to the rest of the body What happens with zinc deficiency in childhood Symptoms growth retardation delayed sexual maturation impaired immune function and hair loss 1 Lennon Edwards Summer 2015 Good sources of zinc red meat shellfish poultry legumes and can be bound by phytates and fiber in diet although rare Iodine role food sources Indispensable to life regulates body temp metabolic rate reproduction growth blood cell production nerve muscle function etc Found in iodized salt seafood bread and dairy products Goiter iodine deficiency causes reduction in thyroid hormone and thyroid gland cells enlarge to trap iodine resulting in visible lump in neck and cretinism severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy that causes extreme and irreversible mental and physical retardation Chapter 8 Concept of energy balance energy in energy out Fast vs slow weight loss on fat and lean tissue Define bomb calorimeter measures heat energy released when foods are burned direct calorimetry direct measure of heat energy released bomb calorimeter overstates amount of energy derived from food physiological fuel value difference between kcalories measured w calorimetry vs kcalories human body derives from food Role of hunger painful sensation caused by lack of food physiological response originating in hypothalamus brain center that controls a of activities satiety feeling of satisfaction that occurs after a meal and inhibits eating until next meal determines how much time passes between meals and satiation feeling of satisfaction due to stomach receptors stretching increase in CCK person stops eating 3 ways that the body expends energy BMR 50 65 Physical activities 30 50 and Thermic effect of food 10 What factors increase decrease BMR lean body mass age height growth gender fever stress temperature in environment malnutrition hormones smoking caffeine sleep What influences energy requirements gender growth age physical activity and body composition and size What is BMI body mass index measures relative wt for ht and reflects disease risks doesn t measure body composition knowing the BMI categories 18 5 underweight 18 5 24 9 normal 25 29 9 overweight 30 39 9 obese 40 extreme obese and the risks of very low or high BMIs on health Compare contrast body composition in men and women Normal ranges Men is 13 21 and women is 23 31 Central obesity and waist circumference waist circumference can predict risk of central obesity which can lead to heart disease and diabetes For women 35in and men 40in Highlight 8 Chapter 9 Female athlete triad what are 3 components eating disorder amenorrhea and osteoporosis Compare contrast anorexia nervosa distorted body image impacts judgment high levels of denial need for self control restrict eating bulimia nervosa more prevalent than anorexia secretive nature not physically apparent restrictive diet followed by binge purge cycle done in secret and binge eating disorder periodic binging typically no purging exert less restraint in diet contrasts to bulimia nervosa in that no purging is involved Development of fat cells number size can increase size by 20 fold and by several thousandfold see diagram of process in lecture notes Role of lipoprotein lipase enzyme that promotes fat storage in adipose and muscle cells 2 Lennon Edwards Summer 2015 Leptin acts as

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