Introduction to the eText 02 04 2015 The concept of Development Development the gradual accumulation and integration of relatively permanent age related changes in biological and psychological systems through transactions with the environment o changes of the system or of focus focus a child learning to stand years etc developmental change is gradual and takes time weeks months o parents need to be aware of the changes that are coming so that they are able to make the necessary environmental changes example if a baby is learning to lift their head up they need to be put in the prone on their stomach position change is cumulative they build upon one another o each feature combines with new additional features to create more complex ones the creeping movement that a baby makes will start to combine with their advances in muscle strength and coordination enabling them to crawl climb and walk Change is relatively permanent and typically irreversible o Milestones every child moves at a different pace but there are general time frames for each forward progression If development slows down notice it if progress starts to move backward the child is regressing Regression deprivation illness abuse or sever trauma can be caused serious injury Regression is unlikely to correct itself Development is transactional o The environment influences children just as children influence the environment One cannot exist without the other the child is not isolated from the world outside of their own Risks and Opportunities Every child s path of development contains risk and opportunity that determines how much of their potential they will reach Most childhood experiences have both risk and opportunity o A toddler learning to climb the stairs for the first time is faced with the opportunity to improve his fine motor skills and the risk of a serious injury development and sacrifice the child s potential aspects of a child s life that threatens to undermine o Risk Example Parents who aren t engaged are a risk factor lousy babysitters are a risk factor o Opportunity realization of the child s potential supports development and promotes the A Good first grade teacher is critical good teachers recognize the potential for learning and anticipates teachable moments Factors within the child that affect their potential tendency to fall prey to risk tendency to overcome risk o Vulnerability o Resiliency Individual differences in these factors have critical impacts on developmental outcome Example reaction to a divorce one child has initial difficulty but adapts and proceeds normally another other child is continuously getting more depressed withdrawn and noncompliant Facilitating development Development is gradual it takes time suggesting that we should be patient Its cumulative and irreversible every experience is important Developmental change is transactional o Change is not dependent on you its not a result that comes from doing or not doing something to a child o Change is not predetermined passively sitting back and observing is not going to encourage development To promote optimal development we must enter into transactions with our child We must be prepared to grow through experiences with our child Conception Prenatal Development 02 04 2015 Conception The most influential factor on your child s long term outcome is who you choose to have that baby with o Genetic issues should form this choice if you or your partner have any genetic illness you need to consider whether or not its fair to risk bringing a baby into those o When a relationship is serious start talking about babies you don t want to end up pregnant and have a partner who didn t want children o Get your partner around children and see their reactions o Pieces of our parents are embedded into us meet your partners parents Show up to an event earlier than you were expected and see the parents reaction see how they react to small crises o Use these tools to asses their potential ability to parent o 15 of couples who have actively been trying to get pregnant o approximately 30 of the time it is the male that causes the issue 20 of the time its both o infertility causes stress on relationships if a partner doesn t want to have sex it causes issues the more issues there are the more intense the arguments get the more arguments there are the less chance there is of sex at all which means no chance of getting pregnant o extensive drinking causes infertility problems in both sexes Getting pregnant for a year can t Female reproduction For conception ejaculation needs to be against the cervix gravity helps get the sperm to the right place lifting of the hips after intercourse will help the process o Cervix is a part of the uterus but a separate organ Its job to protect the inner workings of the system The wall secretes a thick mucus that fills the cavity like a gateway to keep bacteria out of the uterus Around the time of ovulation the mucus thins to allow sperm in Cervical hostility if the hormones aren t working correctly the mucus wont be thin enough to allow the sperm in this is a source of infertility Can be corrected with hormone treatment The uterus is about the size of your a woman s fist o The musculature of the uterus holds a baby in place while pregnant then contracts to push the baby out through the cervix during birth o The lining of the uterus is called endometrium o The timing of the hormone secretions and the processes they regulate are known as the menstrual cycle Hormones from the pituitary gland stimulate the growth of several immature eggs in the ovaries Several eggs with ripen but normally only one fully develops After about 14 days after the end of a cycle the egg will break through the ovary wall a process called ovulation The corpus lutem is the pocket that holds the egg in the ovary once the egg has broken through it produces progesterone Progesterone signals the endometrium to engorge with blood and thicken to prepare for the fertilized egg Fertilization penetration of egg by sperm takes place in the fallopian tube sometimes eggs will implant themselves in the fallopian tube mostly they terminate on their own but if they grow it leads to ectopic pregnancy which can be life threatening to the mother After about 3 days in the fallopian tube the eggs will try to attach itself to the endometrium half of the time this step fails Most failures are due to the endometrium not engorging blood Implantation attaches itself to the uterian
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