1 Communication a The process of sending and receiving verbal and non verbal messages to create shared meaning i A dynamic process the sender and the receiver are continuously formulating and sending and interpreting messages ii The signal is the message when its properly interpreted its successful communication when both parties have a shared understand of what s being discussed iii Verbal iv Non verbal b Contexts Where the communication occurs i Intrapersonal occurs when we communicate with ourselves communicating with oneself This can be done through journal writings self talk or when we make decisions in our heads 1 Talking in your head evaluating yourself 2 Even writing in a journal That s just more formal 3 Really important if you want to evolve in life ii between two or more people that have an Interpersonal identifiable relationship Takes place in a speech when we self disclose to audience 1 Counseling interviewing heart to heart with family or friends becomes important for us as speakers because it can occur with self disclosure to the audience iii communication about general topics between two or Impersonal more people iv Small group around a specific task to reach a goal to discuss ideas or to serve social needs groups from 3 to ten people usually centered 1 Many believe this is the most difficult context because they re multiple senders and receivers and is often work related or forced like group projects v Computer mediated idea of using technology to facilitate human communication Communication through a range of technologies that includes interactive sharing through email discussion boards chats etc 1 Interactive sharing discussion boards emails etc a Has to be combined with the idea of digital literacy the ability to effectively understand and use the information available to us through the internet communicating to a live audience of ten or more Public vi Public speaking lecturing etc vii Intercultural occurring between people from different cultures 1 Within the culture there is a co culture and then within that is a subculture viii Mass communication large audiences produced and transmitted via media to 1 News media movies music video blog TV print etc ix All of these kinds of communication contribute to one another c Communication isn t linear its dynamic and transactional 1 Communication apprehension a The fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with others b Types of communication apprehension i Trait like when a person feels anxious about speaking in most situations whether its one on one or in front of a group of people when a person is anxious about speaking in front of a certain group or person ii Audience based 1 Group example classmates co workers 2 Person boss professor parent A short lived anxiety that occurs during a specific iii Situational encounter 1 Examples interviews speaking to a teacher about an assignment or speaking to a significant other about a situation when a person is anxious whenever they have to iv Context based speak in a particular setting 1 Examples public speaking meetings group discussion situations and one on one situations c Everyone gets it you don t get over it its how to manage it methods of managing it i Systematic desensitization ii Cognitive restructuring think about something is the focus of this class iii Skills building iv Extra hints for dealing with anxiety getting used to something simplest form is changing the way we Number one way to better manage anxiety which Identify your fears write them out 1 2 Self talk talk to yourself in a positive way such as you know all this material you can do it 3 Practice practice until you feel like you have 80 down let the other 20 handle itself 4 Know your material If you don t know your material or are uncomfortable with it that will increase your anxiety Practice and revise your speech until you can present it with ease 5 Breathe see tactical breathing below 6 Concentrate on the message not the medium focus your attention on the message and the audience not yourself or how nervous you feel 7 Avoid stimulants or strange foods before you speak no coffee energy drinks etc stimulants increase anxiety 8 Aim to achieve controlled nervousness turn your nerves into positive energy the same energy that causes your fear and be an asset if you turn it into something positive 9 Act like you aren t nervous even if you are a 10 Make eye contact 11 Don t let the individual listener upset you as in ignore those two people who are playing on their phone 12 Forget perfect you don t have to be perfect to succeed everyone makes mistakes your best is good enough 13 Don t apologize for being nervous most people get nervous and usually cant tell when you are and if they can they know what it feels like so they wont judge you 14 Remember that the audience wants you to succeed 15 Experience d Not usually that we lack the skill but that we think we do if you do lack them good thing you re here because that s what we do e Comfort can be a form of hyper communication where you think you re really good at it because you re comfortable but you actually lack the skills or fail to prepare properly i Best way to get over the discomfort is to figure out what s triggering your fear its better to articulate what it is that s freaking you out as a starting point intrapersonal communication f Don t over generalize all bad experiences don t mean all will be bad don t get over nervous experience eases that recognize the physical symptoms of fear Heart rate shallow breathing sweating hives g Tactical breathing square breathing i Inhale four exhale four in through your nose out through your mouth 2 Recognizing the importance of competence a Unconscious incompetence things were not aware of i Like as a filler b Becoming aware of unconscious incompetency allows us to move to conscious incompetency moving us toward conscious competence and then we re unconsciously competence Gain experience gain skill gain confidence gain good public speaking Nothing will replace words 3 Content and Delivery a Content words we use to craft a message b Delivery how we convey that message c Methods Styles of delivery i Impromptu speaking with limited preparation 1 When you introduce yourself to some one spontaneous colorful but we sometimes don t say what we wish we had ii Manuscript reading directly from a manuscript 1 Hopefully in a conversational way every word is there 2 Allows us to chose our words language
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