FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE Character List Part II Daphne She is a nymph and she is a virgin Apollo made fun of Eros also known as Cupid and Eros shot him with a golden arrow The golden arrow made him fall in love with her Eros then shot Daphne with a leaden arrow The leaden arrow meant that she could never love him back She was turned into a laurel tree so that she could hide and be safe from Apollo Hence the Greek word Daphne translates to Laurel Artemis She is the daughter of Zeus and Leto Twin sister of Apollo She is known as the goddess of the hunt wild animals and virginity The deer and cypress were sacred to her Her hunting companion Orion was known as the only person to have won her heart Potnia Theron This is term used by Homer in the Illiad It generally refers to Artemis It also describes female divinities associated with animals The origin of the word Potnia is Mycanean but was inherited by the classical Greeks Its direct translation is The Mistress of Animals Niobe She is punished by Leto because she boasted of her fourteen kids Her excessive hubris is mentioned in Homer s Illiad Her punishment included losing her children Her punishment was 9 days with no food while her children lay unburied Artemis killed her daughters and Apollo killed her sons Her father was the ruler of Sipylus Actaeon He was trained by the Centaur Chiron to be a hunter Actaeon came into the cave the girls thronged their body around Artemis and she took up water and flung it in Actaeons face She turned him into a stag Dogs then devoured him He is a symbol of ritual human sacrifice Callisto vowed to remain a virgin followed Artemis Zeus disguised himself as Artemis to lure her into his embrce He forced himself on her Pregnancy discovered while bathing with Diana and her fellow nymphs Diana shunned her from the rest of the nymphs Nymph transformed into a bear and set among the stars Encountered her son Arcas in the form of a bear while he was hunting Demeter Goddess of corn grain and the harvest She is also known for her seasons She made crops grow first loaf made from annual harvest was offered to her Daughter Persephone abducted by Hades so she cursed land plants wither and die The months of the winter are the months she greives Spring occurs when Persephone returns Hades Ruler of dead and the underworld Became god of wealth due to the metals mined from the earth Weapon is a pitchfork used to make Earthquakes this is similar to Poseidon s trident Married Persephone after he abducted her while she was picking flowers He took her down on a four horse golden chariot Persephone abducted by Hades while she was picking flowers Demeter is her mother she ate the pomegranate seeds that Hades gave her trapping her for 1 3 of the year period that she remains in the underworld corresponds with winter her given epithets call her Despoina which means mistress of the house Demophoon Demeter stayed in his father s homes disguised as an old woman to reward her father for his hospitality she planned to make Demophon a god wanted to immortalize him by burning away his moral spirit away in family fire couldn t complete ritual because his mother walked in screaming in fright funeral games in his honor established at Eleusis Eleusis Son of Hermes Eleusis is now a city Persephone found by Demeter at Eleusis the city goddess struck him dead when he discovered Demeter trying to make Demophoon immortal The Furies female deities of vengenance when Cronus threw Uranus genitalia into the sea the Furies emerged from the drops of blood when it fell on Gaia others sources say they emerged from a union between air and mother Earth task is to hear complaints from mortals against child to parent hosts to guests victims die in torment Fields of Elysium conception of afterlife Homer says located on west edge of Earth by Stream of Okeanos In the Odyssey described as paradise where life is easiest for men separate from realm of Hades admission was reserved for mortals related to gods expanded to those chosen by gods people live blessed and happy life employment is whatever they want Dionysus Hera arranged for Dionysus death by having the Titans kill him However Rhea brought him back to life He is the god of fertility and wine reflects dual nature of wine he brought joy but brought brutality and rage only god with a mortal parent Semele Dionysus could bring a dead person back from the underworld Festival for Dionysus held in spring when vines would start bearing leaves Greek plays and performance theatre in general the focal point of Festival for Dionysus Ariadne immortal wife of Dionysus daughter of King Minos king of Crete mostly associated with mazes and labryinths due to her involvement with Minotaur and Theseus Theseus abandoned her sleeping on Naxos where Dionysus discovered and wedded her Killed by Perseus Semele she was the only parent of a god Zeus fell in love with her while watching her sacrifice a bull on his altar and visited her many times after Semele decided to ask Zeus to grant her a wish asked him to appear to her in all of his glory She died bursting into flames Thrysos is a wand or staff covered with ivy vines and leaves always topped with a pine cone associated with Dionysus and the Satyrs symbol of prosperity fertility and pleasure suggested phallic nature fennel shat of penis and pine cone in the seed served with Kantharos wine cup another symbol of Dionysus symbolizes the male and female relationship Satyr companion of Dionysus is one witth horse like features they are Dionysiac creatures that are lovers of wine and woman they roam to the music and often love the flute Because of their love of wine they are often depicted holding wine cups they have a special form of dance called sikinnis they dance with nymphs and they chase maenads Silenus companion and tutor to Dionysus has ears of a horse along with horse tail and legs he is older than the rest of the satyrs and is considered the wisest notorious consumer of wine usually drunk while intoxicated SIlenus was said to possess special powers of prophecy Maenads Female followers of Dionysus name translates to raving ones portrayed as dancing and intoxicated dressed in fawn skins carrying thyrsus wearing bull helmet ivy wreaths murdered King Pentheus after he banned worship of Dionysus Dionysia Festival in honor of Dionysus central events were theatrical performances two festivals during different time of the years Rural Dionysia and City Dionysia Theatre of Dionysia
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