CLT 3370 Exam 1 A A Actaeon Adonis Aegis A hunter who accidentally saw Artemis bathing in a pool She transformed him into a stag a male deer His hunting dogs kill him as he is transforming He violated her chastity by seeing her Son of Cinyras and Myrrha He is a mortal who captures Aphrodite s attention He hunts to prove his masculinity Aphrodite warns him to be careful A boar attacks him and kills him the boar may have been a jealous Ares He is turned into the Adonis flower The breastplate that Athena wears Cuirass Has Medussa s head on it It belongs to Zeus and is used as a shield with miraculous protective powers aprotopaic In Homer s Iliad it was made by Hephaestus and given to her by Zeus In Virgil s Aeneid it was made by a Cyclopse and the Gorgon head was affixed to it after Medusa was slain It is made of skin Maybe the skin of Pallas a giant that Athena killed Maybe Almathea the goat that nursed Zeus Aeschylus A poet from the 5th century CE Wrote Prometheus the Fire Bringer Prometheus Bound and Prometheus Unbound Aetiological Myth An explanation myth Ex Hera with the peacock Persephone with the seasons etc The Ages of Man According to Hesiod man is recreated at the beginning of each age Ovid describes the 4 ages excluding the age of heroes but Hesiod s version are preferred Age of Gold man worshipped as they were supposed to and they lived long lives and eventually died peacefully in their sleep They lived as gods and had no trouble During the time of Cronus They are called holy spirits and watch over judgment and cruel deeds Age of Silver man worshipped less were arrogant and didn t live as long During this age is when women appeared During the reign of Zeus They were buried under the earth and are called blessed by mortals Age of Bronze man became warlike and didn t live as long During the reign of Zeus They went down into the dark house of Hades and black death seized them CLT 3370 Exam 1 Amalthea Amazons Amphitrite Anchises Aphrodite Age of Heroes great Greek heroes lived including Odysseus Aggamemnon Achilles Eteocles and Polyneices During the reign of Zeus The age of the demigods Cronus rules as king over them because they released him the Blessed Age of Iron men worked long days and were servants to the gods and don t live of his bonds Honor and glory attend these on the Islands of as long We are still in this age During the reign on Zeus The goat that nursed Zeus as a baby on Mount Dicte All female nation in the East They chop off their left breast so that they will be able to shoot an arrow better They wear cheetah skin They sleep with men only to procreate and then kill them They favor Artemis and Ares A Nereid Daughter of Nerius and Doris Married to Poseidon Mother of Triton Angry and vengeful when Poseidon cheats According to Virgil he is the prince of Dardania and a Trojan Ally Aphrodite was seduced by him and swears him to secrecy because she doesn t want it getting around that she slept with a mortal He reveals their act and she cripples his leg They have a child named Aeneas Goddess of Beauty Love Marriage Pleasure etc Ourania pandemos Cytherea of shapely form risen from the sea of the sea deceptive one Etruscan Version Turan Roman Version Venus She can be depicted as beautiful clothed or nude matron or seductive with Eros Cupid holding a scallop shell a mirror a dove a swan or an apple represents fertility of the Golden Apple that Paris gave to her that represents her beauty In one version she is born because Cronus threw his father s Oranus s testicles into the ocean by an island called Cythera but this is a false etymology because her name is actually not derived from the word aphros which means of foam In this version she is pure is arrives in the sea naked but is clothed almost immediately Aphrodite Ourania heavenly In another version she is the daughter of Zeus and the goddess Dione In this version she is known as the goddess of pleasure and is always pictured naked She is shown as having Kallipygos a beautiful behind butt Aprhodite Pandemos common to all people CLT 3370 Exam 1 Aka Cytherea of the beautiful crown aka cythera aka cyporogenes and akaphilomedes genital loving In a competition to deem who was the most beautiful she offered Paris the opportunity to marry Helen of Troy if he picked her over Athena and Hera She is married to Hephaestus but she doesn t love him Their union represents the goddess of beauty married to an ugly god he has a limp leg She is known for impulse while he is known for planning and their personalities just don t match up Her main lover is Ares but she does have many others Her son with Ares is Cupid She has another son named Priapus and his father is unknown She has another son with Hermes named Hermaphroditus She has another son with Anchises named Aeneas She sends Psyche on 5 missions in order to win Cupid s heart back Adonis and Anchises were 2 mortal lovers of hers Son of Leto and Zeus Twin Brother of Artemis Artemis helped deliver him God of prophecy oracles music and song poetry archery sun and light healing plague and disease Phoebus Cynthius Delphinieus Pythius of the oracle foreseeing shooter from afar leader of the muses Depicted as youthful beardless long hair bow and arrow and quiver laurel wrath lyre a musical instrument a raven and with Artemis His name came from the Hittite God Apaliumas Had bad luck with women Cassandra Daphne Coronis etc Father to Asclepius Apollo Apotropaic Arachne Protective devices Ex Herms Statues and the Aegis A mortal female who is good at weaving Other mortals and nymphs would marvel at her She has hubris and claimed that she was better than Athena in Ovid s Metamorpheses Athena appears in the disguise of an old woman and asks Arachne to take back the claim But Arachne refused and thus Athena revealed herself and challenged her to a competition Arachne s tapestry was about the deceptions of the gods and rape of mortal women by the gods and this further her hubris Athena weaves about her competition between Poseidon over Athens and foreshadows her victory Athena couldn t see any flaws in Arachne s weaving and so she hit her on the head with a shuddle This is an example of a metaphorical rape CLT 3370 Exam 1 Ares Arachne hangs herself in violation and Athena turns her into a spider out of pity or rage Now Arachne can only weave the same thing over and over again This is an Etiological myth of why spiders exist God of War battle lust and manly courage He is impulsive violent
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