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CLT3370 Midterm study guide Section 1 Athene the goddess of wisdom and military victory patron of the city Athens and Hercules half sister Daughter of Zeus and Metis Zeus was afraid she would be the lord of heaven so he swallowed Metis while she was pregnant Hephaistos opended Zeus head with an axe and Athena stepped out in full armor Zeus God of the sky and rain and ruler of the Olympian gods Zeus can create all phenomena in the sky storms and used lighting bolts as weapons Married to Hera but often cheated Zeus is known for rewarding truth chairty and fairness and punishesses perjury and cruelty Poseidon God of the sea and protector for all of aquatic features Brother of Zeus and Hades and Poseidon was the second most powerful God Poseidon created the first horse in order to impress Demeter Dionysus Bacchus god of fertility and wine later considered a patron of the arts He had a dual nature one one hand he brought brought joy and divine ecstasy or he would bring brutal and blinding rage reflecting the dual nature of wine Son of Zeus and Semele being the only god to have a mortal parent Dionysus wandered the world spreading his cult accompanied by wild women flush with wine wearing fawn skins His followers worshipped him in the woods and go into states of ecstacy and madness and rip apart any animals and eating them raw Dionysus could bring a dead person back from the underworld The festival for Dionysus was held in the spring when vines would start bearing leaves with the theater becoming a focal point of the festival Gaea a primal Greek goddess one of the dieties that governed the universe before the Titans She symbolized the earth and was the mother of everything Hesiod tells us that Gaea and Uranus gave birth to the Giants Titans Oceanus and the whole world Gaea allied with her son Cronus to overthrow Uranus but due to the cruelty of Cronus and determination to remain on the throne Gaea and Zeus overthrew Cronus marking the end of age of the Titans Achilles son of mortal Peleus king of the Myrmidons and sea nymph Thetis Achilles was the bravest handsomest and greatest warrior of the army Agamemnon in the Trojan War Thetis dipped Achilles in the River Styx by which he became invulnerable except for the part of his heel by which she held him by According to Homer he was raised with his cousin and inseperable companion Patroclus Amazons member of a race of women warriors Lived in a matriarchal society where women fought and governed and men performed household tasks Each amazon had to kill a man before she could marry and all male children were either killed or maimed at birth The Amazons cut off one breast in order to shoot and throw spears more effectively Several Greek gods proved their mettle against the Amazons Hercules took the golden girdle of Ares from their queen Hippolyte Theseus abducted Hippolyte s sister and then defeated a venegeful army of Amazons at Athens Some Amazons fought with the Trojans under Penthesilea Aphrodite goddess of love desire and beauty born from sea foam after Cronus castrated Uranus and tossed his severed genitals into the sea Because of her natural beauty everyone desired her Aphrodite was married to Haphaestus but cheated with her brother Ares Eros Greek god of love son of Aphrodite and either Ares or Hermes He carried a bow and arrow and could make any human being fall in love with the first person they would see The most prevelant myth regarding Eros is that of Eros and Psyche Aphrodite was jealous Psyche s beauty and asked Eros to make her fall in love with the ugliest creature in the land but Eros fell in love with her Mnemosyne one of the Titans daughter of Uranus of Ghea and the goddess of memory Zeus slept with her which resulted in nine muses The name Mnemosyne was also used for a river in the underworld Hades The Muses Greek goddesses who ruled over the arts and sciened and offered inspiration in those subjects They were the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne who represented memory which was important for the Muses because they had to carry their work in their memories Muses Calliope epic poetry Clio history Erato love poetry Euterpe music Melpomene tradgedy Polyhymnia sacred poetry Terpsichore dance Thalia comedy and Urania astronomy Uranus primal Greek god symbolizing the sky According to Hesiod s theology he was born by Ghea alone Uranus had many children but banished them and Ghea to Tartarus inside Ghea which angered Ghea so she gave a diamond sickle to Cronus and he castrated Uranus ending his rule and beginning Cronus Titans also known as the elder gods ruled the Earth before the Olympians overthrew them The ruler of the titans was Cronus who was de throwned by his son Zeus Most of the Titans fought with Cronus against Zeus and the other Olympians and were punished by being banished to Tartarus in the underworld Cronus the ruling Titan after he castrated his father Uranus His wife was Rhea and their children were the first of the Olympians Cronus ate each of his children which angered Rhea so she tricked him into swallowing a rock instead of Zeus Zeus revolted when he grew up and banished Cronus and the other Titans to Tartarus Cronus escaped to Italy and ruled as Saturn which is said to be the Golden Age Rhea one of the Titans daughter of Uranus and Ghea sister and wife of Cronus She was responsible for the ways things flow at the kingdom Rhea and Cronus had six children Poseidon Hestia Hades Demeter Hera and Zeus Rhea tricked Cronus into swallowing a rock and saved Zeus Metis one of the Titans daughter of Oceanus and Tethys and the first wife of Zeus and became the goddess of wisdom prudence and deep thought According to the prophecy she would have two children one being Athena and the other a son so powerful that would overthrow Zeus Zeus being afraid of this tricked Metis into turning into a fly and swallowed her When Zeus had a terrible headache he asked Hephaestus to hit his head with an axe Athena jumped out in full armor Hera Zeus wife and sister and was raised by the Titans Oceanus and Tethys She was the supreme goddess patron of marriage and childbirth having a special interest in protecting married women Hera attempted to get revenge on Zeus and tied him up but he was freed by a loyal Hecatoncheires and he hung Hera from the sky with gold chains He released her because her weeping kept him up Hephaestus Greek god of blacksmiths sculptures metallurgy fire and volcanoes he is symbolized with a hammer anvil and tongs

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