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Ch 13 Trace Minerals Iron RDA for 19 50 yr old adults Men 8 mg day Women 18 mg day Fxn part of hemoglobin RBC myoglobin muscles O2 carrying protein o Co factors in metabolic rxns Prod of am acids collage hormones neurotransmitters alertness behavior Food sources o Meat fish dark greens dried fruit tomatoes beans good source not always helpful for absorption food baked cooked in iron skillet iron goes into food Deficiency disease o Iron Deficiency state of having depleted iron stores Stages iron stores diminish ferritin get levels check hemosiderin transport iron decreases hemoglobin prod decreases o Anemia severe depletion of iron stores low hemoglobin sm pale blood cells microcytic o Pica craving for nonfood substances ice clay paste can lower iron levels o high risk women in child bearing yrs infants kids teens pregnant vegetarian Prevention Distinguishing features o Difficult to excrete excess iron o More absorbed during times of need pregnancy when stores are empty o Heme iron animal flesh absorbed easily than nonheme iron plants Iodine Fxn thyroid hormones help reg growth devel metabolic rate Food sources Iodized salt o o Seafood o Food grown close to sea Deficiency disease maternal intake of Iodine Prevention Distinguishing features o Goiter enlargement of thyroid gland o Cretinism congenital disease mental phys retardation inadequate Ch 14 Nutrition Fitness Benefits of fitness and what comprises fitness Decrease risk obesity heart diseases cancer Stress reliever mood booster Live longer better sleeping habits Cardio Respiratory aerobic uses lg musc grps cont maintained Strength resistance controlled manner full range of motion Flexibility stretching Preferred diet for athletes Adequate E nutrients Maintain approp body fat Hydration High carb diet 60 70 protein 10 20 fat 20 30 Promote optimal recovery from training Special nutrition concerns for athletes Steroids bulking up losing wt Protein requirements for athletes RDA adults 8 g RDA power athletes 1 6 g protein kg bod wt RDA endurance ath 1 2 1 6 g prot kg Excess protein used for E stored as fat NOT muscle Water requirements for athletes 2 hrs before 2 c 15 min before 2 c Every 15 min during 1 c After 2 c lb lost Iron concerns for athletes NEED MORE Pregame Meals end 3 4 hrs before competition 300 750 kcal Plenty fluids light easy to digest avoid high fiber Breads potato pasta juices blenderized drinks Pastgame immediately following activity High carbs 60 g enhances absorption enhances musc protein synthesis 1 3 protien to carbs Protein Creatine increase high E compound creatine phosphate in muscles Supplements enhance performance of repetitive high intense activity Improve performance increase musc strength size hydration muscle load cap Whole protein supplements generally not needed may be convenient athletes need more protein slightly higher than RDA 1 2 1 7 Eating Disorders Female athlete triad ammenorrea bone loss disordered eating Muscle Dysmorphie thinks puny despite muscles Odorless bitter white alkaloid naturally in plants coffee cola tea Only beneficial those who don t have caffeine on regular basis Stimulate nervous system heart fxn blood circ release ephedrine adrenaline Increase utilization mobilize of free fatty acids uses fat acids as fuel exercise Caffeine Highlight 11 Ch 18 Nutrition Disease Cardiovascular Disease Atherosclerosis fibrous plaques mounds of lipids along artery walls Coronary heart disease damage when blood vessels blocked narrowed o Dietary factors against soluble fiber oats legumes fruits Omega 3 fatty acids Alc in mod raises HDL Folate lowers homocystine Hypertension Diabetes DASH Rec low sodium wt control phys activity limit alc diet fruits veggies low fat dairy whole grains lean meats Chronic won t go away can t be cured High blood sugar glucose insufficient ineffective insulin lowers blood glucose Type 1 no insufficient insulin can t be prevented juvenile rapid onset viral hereditary causes Type 2 most common prod insulin but ineffective can be prevented slow onset over 40 yrs old req pills insulin obesity heredity aging factors Cancer Antioxidants protect against free radical damage donate e neutralizes Free radicals unstable highly reactive 1 unpaired e s o Vit E nuts seeds veg oil C beta carotene Phytochemicals nonnutrients in plant foods have biological activity in bod Lignans flaxseed o o Phytoestroens soybeans o o Ellagic acid strawberries o Flavonoids apples dark choc Lycopene tomatoes esp cooked lowers prostate cancer Cruciferous veggies broccoli cauliflower cabbage inhibit cancer devel Adequate protein 8 g protein kg bod wt Vit A C D Infectious Disease Bone Health Weight low BMI at risk Calcium Vit D Phosphorus Vit K Gastrointestinal Health Adequate sol insoluble fiber Special concerns lactose intolerant gluten intolerant gastric reflux disease Previous Material Carbohydrates glucose Energy Monosaccharides glucose fructose galactose Disaccharides maltose sucrose lactose Fats Saturated fully loaded w H s no double bonds heart disease o Most animal fats some veg fats cocoa butter tropical oils Monounsaturated lacks H ONE double bond Canola Olive Peanut oil COP Polyunsaturated lacks H 2 double bond Saf sunflower corn soybean cottonseed Omega 3 fatty acids Linolenic fatty fish canola flaxseed oil nuts seeds o Decrease heart disease blood clots BP o 2 servings wk 9 kcal g of fat 20 34 total kcal from fat Protein 4 kcal g of protein 10 35 from protein 8 g protein kg Animal foods complete contain all 9 20 essential am acids quinoa soy protein Legumes cereals 100 bran whole grains most fruits veggies Fiber 25 g day MINIMUM Cholesterol sterol ONLY in ANIMAL origin foods dairy dietary sources prod in liver 300 mg day Recommendation for alcohol intake 1 day women 2 day men Fat Soluble Vitamins Absorbed in lymphatic system FIRST Less readily excreted stored in fatty tissues Reqires bile for absorption Not needed frequently Water Soluble Absorbed DIRECTLY into blood Kidneys detect excrete excess Needed frequently All DRI definitions Est Ave Req EAR middle ave daily amnt in HALF healthy ppl Dietary Ref Intakes DRI values for dietary nutrition intakes of healthy ppl Rec Dietary Allowance RDA high standard ave daily amnt for ALL Adequate Intake AI ave daily amnt appear sufficient guide when no RDA Tolerable Upper Levels UL max amnt appears safe risk beyond this Calculations for carbohydrate protein and fat and alcohol Fat 9 kcal g fat ppl are bigger 12 g fat 12 x 9 108 kcal g Carbs 4 kcal

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UD NTDT 200 - Trace Minerals

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