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1 Exam 3 Classical Myth Bold Font PowerPoint Notes Regular Font My Notes Grey Highlight Terms Homer s Odyssey Books 1 16 Homer ca 800 BC Odyssey story of Odysseus o Odyssey means any kind of long journey that is hard and difficult o Epic poem in 24 Books i e chapters They are like chapter length chunks of text o Plot Odysseus return to Ithaca after war in Troy o Troy is up in northwestern turkey Odysseus is trying to go back home to Ithaca after the war of 10 years It takes a long time to go home 10 years and we will see why it took him this long in the middle of things in medias res Poem begins When the poem opens he has been missing from home for 20 years We are going to start off with the war having been over this guy trying to go home for 20 years then it will go towards the middle of the poem in real time and then there will be an elaborate flashback from when troy fell to now o When Odysseus gets into this flashback he really goes into detail We will talk about the credibility of this narrative Is it being embellished in such a way to make an impact Books 1 4 often called the Telemachy story of Telemachus o Telemachus is Odysseus s son First word of the poem o Andra the man o Odysseus is the man o This man is said to be polutropos Much travelled Of many devices shifty We know now that this poem of this guy who has travelled all around the world but also that he has used cleverness and he is cunning and he used that to navigate o Thus the epic s main focus will be on this man s dangerous journey home which he will navigate successfully largely by use of his cleverness Book 1 When poem opens where is Odysseus o Trapped on island with a goddess named Calypso the concealer 2 o Calypso is concealing him from the rest of the world He has been on this Island with Calypso for seven long years Troy to the island takes three years and then he is captive with the goddess for seven years What s going on in Ithaca o There are suitors at the house Devouring Odysseus wealth while wooing his wife Penelope She is being pressured by these men from various places and they are trying to convince her that Odysseus isn t coming back and that she should marry them Telemachus role up to now o Nothing apparently o Telemachus has not really done anything so far to resolve the situation at home o This all changes with visit by whom Athena Athena disguised as Mentes prompts Telemachus to do what She shows up in disguise as a guy named Mentes o Be a man o She says stop being childish and grow up The Telemachy is thus a miniature epic of sorts o A coming of age story centered on Telemachus o His story is going to me a coming of age story that starts here and much later in the end of the poem he will take his stand next to his father and face down these suitors in a bloodbath This will prove his medal and in fact prove he is his father s son In the beginning he is very wishy washy and he sometimes even doubted Odysseus was his dad because his whole life his dad was gone Even he says things like I guess I am Odysseus s son but at the end he is 100 sure he is Odysseus s son Telemachus even gets a mini odyssey of his own o Voyage to Pylos and from there to Sparta o This is obviously a shorter story and not the same as Odysseus s but it is his striking out into the world on his own freed from his mothers presence Athena will go with him and he will learn what it is to be a noble man in the Greek Ethos o He voyages down to Pylos by ship from Ithaca then goes across land to a city of Sparta An interesting way to begin an Odyssey o What are some of the effects of this beginning o Telemachy is in the beginning of the story o Your desire to find Odysseus is mimicked by the characters in the poem All the characters are also wondering where Odysseus is He is the topic in the movie and also in the movie theater 3 Background info suspense to pique our interest establish themes e g xenia guest host relationship anger of Poseidon Suitors in Odysseus s house are a bad violation of Xenia Xenia might be an important theme to establish in the beginning of the Odyssey because when he is travelling around he is homeless When he gets home he is kind of a bum and he has to rely on the kindness of strangers to take him in take care of him give him rest Another theme is the wrath of Poseidon Books 1 2 Note the constant references to the murder of Agamemnon o Agamemnon got axed to death by his wife in the bathtub o This is constantly in the air in fact it is mentioned as one of the recent stories making the rounds that everyone is talking about People were all talking about what should have been done His son killed him mom and his mother s lover Aegisthus to avenge the death of Agamemnon And revenge taken by Orestes his son o Orestes avenged his father s death by killing Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus Effects of this theme o Orestes as example for Telemachus to follow Will Penelope play role of Clytemnestra this killing Odysseus forcing Telemachus to play role of Orestes This will not happen Penelope stays loyal to her husband and has fidelity Odysseus and Penelope will have a great reunion at the end of the text and be happy again Books 3 4 Odysseus Aided by Athena Telemachus tries to learn the whereabouts of He also tries to get the suitors out unsuccessfully o Travels to o Pylos to speak with Nestor Nestor s basic job like a grandpa will start telling stories and go on for a very long time He has lots of stories but not lots about where Odysseus is o Sparta to speak with Menelaus Menelaus has a prominent role in role of troy because his wife was Helen The fact that she has run off from this guy from troy is one of the triggering events that sets off the war Nestor and Menelaus both follow proper rules of xenia 4 Book 5 They are kind proper hosts Telemachus is getting almost an education of how aristocratic men are supposed to act as hosts He had only ever seen the negative things going on in his house o An important theme throughout the poem o Telemachus in essence learns the proper way to act among noble men by seeing how their households are run Nestor is full …

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FSU CLT 3370 - Exam 3 Classical Myth

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