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SPC2608 Exam 1 study Guide Communication create shared meaning the process of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages to o Context o Message refers to the where the communication occurs sent from sender to receiver Successful communication is when both parties understand of all communication is nonverbal 67 93 Intrapersonal Communication Communicating with oneself o This can be done through journal writings self talk or when we make decisions in our heads Interpersonal Communication identifiable relationship with each other communication between people who have an o Interviewing counseling relationships Takes place in a speech when we self Communication between two people about general topics communication that occurs in groups of about 3 10 disclose to audience Impersonal Communication Small group Communication people social needs o Usually centers around a specific task to reach a goal to discuss ideas or to serve Computer Mediated Communication that includes interactive sharing through email discussion boards chats etc Communicating to an audience of more than 10 people Public Communication Communication through a range of technologies o Public speaking lecturing etc Intercultural Communication people from different cultures interact large audience Mass Communication o TV print movies music etc Communication that occurs whenever two or more communication that is produced and transmitted via media to a Communication Apprehension the fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated Communication Apprehension communication with others Types of Communication Apprehension o Trait like o Audience based When a person feels anxious about speaking in most situations whether is it one on one or in front of a group of people group ex Classmates coworkers or person ex Professor boss parent etc a short lived anxiety that occurs during a specific encounter when a person is anxious about speaking in front of a certain o Situational Interviews speaking to a professor about an assignment or speaking to a significant other about a situation when a person is anxious whenever he she has to speak in a Public speaking meetings group discussion situations and one on one o Content based particular setting situations How to deal with public speaking anxiety write them out use positive vs negative see yourself succeeding practice until you feel like you have 80 let the other 20 take care of itself If you are not familiar with the material your nerves will Self talk Visualize Practice Know your material Identify your fears increase Learn how to relax breathe Concentrate on the message not the medium Act poised and confident Make eye contact Don t apologize for your nerves Remember your audience wants you to succeed Approaches to Communication Apprehension Systematic Desensitization Cognitive Restructuring Skills Building thinking about it differently what we do in class best way Gaining experience getting use to and familiar with what you re anxious about Unconscious competence is our goal Content Delivery words to use How we convey those words Content and Delivery Methods styles of Delivery speaking with limited preparation Manuscript speaking Memorized Extemporaneous Impromptu speaking from a manuscript written out in its entirety speaking a full manuscript from memory speaking from an outline after careful research and preparation o I Have a Dream is the best one ever given Four things to consider when making a speech taking into account the needs attitudes and values of I Our Audience is our audience considered Audience centered the audience II III IV make purpose clear Our Content Our Structure Our Delivery Intro Body Conclusion Effective What is Delivery o The way we communicate our message orally and visually through the use of voice face and body o Convey through nonverbal channels Effective delivery is listener centered Principles of nonverbal communication It is inevitable o We re always sending messages Nonverbal cues are believed o Nonverbal cues verbal cues It is culturally and situational bound Mean different things in different settings Nonverbal cues are seldom isolated come simultaneously Types of Nonverbal Cues Proxemics Chronemics Appearance the way in which we use space and distance to communicate the meanings we attach to time professional and neat grooming gives creditability o Dress a little more formally than the audience Consider your topic dress Eye Contact the most expressive source of non verbal communication appropriately to subject o 90 eye contact is the goal o Seek to connect with audience Body Language the body communicates in many ways important to reinforce hand movements clarifies structure communicates confidence and credibility o Facial expressions o Gestures o Posture o Motivated Movement listeners Voice also nonverbal paralanguage all parts of voice besides language enhance gestures to make a point Intentional helps Verbal Quality o Rate 100 200 words per minute o Volume how loudly softly we speak o Pitch our tone of voice high or low o Pronunciation how we sat words and the parts we stretch o Enunciation the art of speaking clearly Vocal Variety o All elements of vocal quality and Stress Pausing Conversation style talking with the audience Introductions and Conclusions we are more likely to remember the first and last items Primacy Recency Effect conveyed orally in a series than the items in between Developing an Intro o Get attention with a quote story startling fact or statistic action or humor o Clearly reveal topic Keep it simple o Establish Rapport How its relevant to the audience o Establish Creditability Why we re experts o Preview main points Tell what you re going to tell Conclusions o Provide a sense of closure o Reinforce central ideas Reiterate central idea Briefly restate main points o Motivate listeners to remember with clincher Language and Style Strength of Delivery Macrostructure Microstructure 3 key elements of Language and style Intro Body Conclusion language and style words o Appropriateness o Clarity o Vividness Appropriateness and Clarity can o Increase understanding o Foster inclusion o Arouse emotion o Boost confidence Oral Communication is less formal o AS speakers we should Use simple language and sentence structure Use repetition Use personal pronouns Helps create relationship with audience Use appropriate language and strive for clarity o Language is symbolic and arbitrary The word is not the thing The Semantic

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