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Nutrition 1 Recommended Total Fats in Diet a b c d Fat 20 35 Trans Low as possible Cholesterol 300 mg Sat Fat Less than 10 LOOK AT REVIEW IN BACK OF THE BOOK 2 3 Describe the roles of phospholipids and Sterols Soluble in both fats and water a b Act as emulsifiers 4 Fats a Contain glucose FALSE b provide energy c d protect against organ shock give vitamins a d k 5 How proteins function in the body and what they do a Hormones Proteins that regulate body processed b Acid Base Balance Act as buffers c Antibodies d e Transpiration Energy in Glucose 6 Body stores energy for future use in 7 Body starts to synthesize glucose from a a Triglycerides Ketone Bodies 8 Body derives most of its energy from a Glucose and Fatty acids 9 Hydrolysis is an example of Catabolic Reaction a b Breaking apart two molecules with the use of water 10 Which provides highest quality of proteins a Animal products b Eggs ideal source of protein Used as reference protein 11 In the stomach hydrochloric acid a Denatures proteins and activates pepsin 12 Which part of chemical structure differentiates one amino acid from another 13 Lipoprotein associated with high risk of heart disease a a a Its R group LDL Lipoproteins 15 Trans fatty acid 14 Transport Vehicles for lipids are called a Has a double bond and the carbons are on different sides of the double bond 16 What double bond corresponds to the degree of saturation a Mono single double bond b Poly multiple double bonds c d Saturated no double bonds and can stack more closely together Less double bonds more saturated less healthy 18 A person who reads 2 200 calories day who wants to meet health recommendations should limit fat 20 Omega 3 and Omega 6 Double bond is 3 6 carbons away from the methyl group 21 Essential Fatty acids include 17 Know what transcription and translation are a b Transcription DNA RNA Translation RNA Protein intake a 20 35 g 19 Components of a triglyceride a Glycerol and then 3 fatty acids Linoleic and linolenic 22 How Vegetarians meet protein requirements Eat complementary proteins Rice and Beans 23 Increases Disease Risks Central Obesity apple shape 24 Reflects height and weight Central 25 A major factor that effect BMR a Hunger b c d Body Composition Men have higher BMR s Food Intake Physical Activity 26 Largest component of energy expenditure a Basal Metabolism 27 Energy Yielding Nutrients a Fats Carbs and Proteins 28 Health Benefits of fish and what they are attributed to a Omega 3 Helps prevent blood clotting and lower risk of cardiovascular disease b Recommended Servings 2x week 29 Amino acid pool a Amino acid you intake from food and the ones that are broken down in body essential and nonessential 30 Coenzymes and service they provide in the metabolism Facilitate enzymes to do their jobs a 31 Ketosis a When you re starving your body 32 Alcohol Liver Disease Fatty acid deteriation 33 Why it s bad choosing foods that are low in fat You will eat more high in unnatural substances still high calories 34 Can you live without cholesterol Yes but you will produce endogenionisis 35 Functions of Cholesterol Too much effects your heart a b Helps produce vitamin D bile acids and hormones 36 Denaturation a Decoiling of the protein which results in amino acids and then the protein doesn t have a function b Occurs in stomach during digestion a lot a a a a a a a 37 Proteins Amino acids Pyruvate Acetyl CoA TCA Cycle ATP 38 Fats Glycerols and Fatty Acids 39 Carbs Glucose MEMORIZE THE STUDY GUIDE

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