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SPC2608 Exam 1 Study Guide Breakdown Outline of chapters 1 23 of The Pocket Guide to Public Speaking Lecture Material is integrated within the chapter outlines THIS MATERIAL IS BASED OFF THE 3RD EDITION OF THE BOOK CHAPTER NUMBERS MAY BE OFF BUT THE MATERIAL IS STILL THE SAME Chapter 1 Becoming a public speaker Becoming a strong public speaker has many life benefits Being a strong public speaker makes you a better candidate in the world of employment It sharpens your ability to think critically and reasoning skills Aids in organization skills structuring ideas and strengthening weak links in thinking Helps you become a more engaged citizen How to be a good Public speaker Uncover the audience s interests and needs before speaking Use familiar terms easy to follow sentences and transitional words and phrases Repeat key words and phrases Audience members want to know what the speaker thinks and feels about the message being relayed Be an Inclusive speaker involve the audience respect different viewpoints take into account the audience s needs and include all cultures ethnicities genders age disabilities and other relevant characteristics Public Speaking is one of the categories of human communication Communication process of sending and receiving verbal and non verbal messages to create shared meaning 67 93 of communication is Non Verbal Intrapersonal communication communication with yourself 1 2 Dyadic communication aka interpersonal between two people as in conversation 3 4 5 Computer Mediated occurs when using technology and social medial for communication Small Group Occurs b w groups of 3 10 people who can see and speak directly with each other Impersonal communication that involves general topics like small talk texting IM Video Chat 6 Public Communication communication to an audience of 10 people 7 Mass Communication communication via media to large audiences broadcasts YouTube 8 Intercultural two different cultures interacting Source sender the person who creates a message Encoding the process of converting thoughts into words Receiver the audience the recipient s source Decoding the process of interpreting the message Feedback the audience s response to a message which can be non verbal and verbal Message is the content of the communication process thoughts and ideas put into meaningful expressions expressed verbally and nonverbally Channel The medium in which the speaker sends the message Noise is any interference with the message Shared Meaning is the mutual understanding of a message between speaker and audience can be as simple as having the audience s attention to the co creation of the meaning Context includes anything that influences the speaker the audience the occasion and thus the speech Rhetorical Situation a circumstance calling for public response All speeches are given in response to these situations Good Speeches must be Audience Centered that is that you keep the needs values attitudes and wants of your listeners firmly in focus A clearly defined speech purpose or goal is a crucial prerequisite for an effective speech History of Public Speaking Originally the practice of giving speeches was known as rhetoric also called oratory Flourished in the Greek city Athens Speeches were generally given in the public square called the agora Later in the roman republic citizens spoke in the public space called a forum An orator called Cicero divided the speech process into five parts called canons of rhetoric Arrangement is organizing the speech in ways to best suit the topic and audience Invention refers to adapting speech information to the audience in order to make your case Style is the way the speaker uses language to express the speech ideas Memory and Delivery are the methods of rehearsing and presenting the speech so that you can achieve the most effective blend of content voice and non verbal behavior Chapter 2 Overview of creating a speech Select a topic Analyze the Audience Determine Purpose Let your interests guide you unless the topic is assigned your topic must also be of interest to the audience Determine how receptive the audience will be to the topic and how best to spark their interest and engagement Determine the audience demographics and take into consideration how this will affect receptiveness Informative Speech provides audience with new information general purpose to increase audience s awareness Persuasive Speech intends to influence attitudes beliefs values or acts of others Special Occasion Speech marks a special event such as a wedding funeral commencement or banquet Purpose is to celebrate commemorate inspire or set a social agenda Compose a Thesis Develop the Main Points A statement which states the specific purpose of the speech and what you want to achieve with the speech Organize the speech around two or three main points These points are you primary source of knowledge or you key arguments Gather supporting Material Separate Speech into its main parts Supporting materials illustrate your speech points by clarifying elaborating and verifying your ideas Has three major parts Introduction Body Conclusion Develop each separately and then connect them with transition statements Intro introduces the topic to the audience and alerts them your specific purpose Body contains the speech s main points and sub points all which support the thesis Conclusion restates the purpose and reiterates how the main points confirms the purpose Outline the Speech Outline the speech to create a logical order of information in a series of points of varying levels of importance Consider using presentation aids such as charts graphs and pictures Practice delivering the speech success depends on how well prepared you is Vocal delivery includes volume pitch rate variety pronunciation and articulation Nonverbal Delivery facial expressions gestures general body movement and overall physical appearance Chapter 3 Speech Anxiety At least 75 of students face speech anxiety Identify what makes you anxious Pre preparation Anxiety nervousness as soon as you know you are going to be giving a speech Preparation Anxiety nervousness about the amount of time and planning required Pre performance Anxiety nervousness just before the speech or during rehearsal Performance Anxiety the moments before speaking and during the speech One of the Best ways to get rid of anxiety and practice and preparation Visualization a highly effective way to reduce nervousness closing your eyes and

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