KIN 2501 Test 2 Major Themes o The Good Life o Contributions of Other Countries o Perceived value guiding daily lives o School organization Some values are believed to come from sport and physical activities Social stratification class tiers and gender roles expectations for both males and females o Technology industrial revolution Things become more urbanized cities begin to grow Technology that helps people to not have to spend long hours in factories o Changing concept of sport and physical education Overview of U S History o 1500 s Discovery of New World Immigrants to the new world found Native Americans playing sports They were involved in a very popular sport lacrosse and they allowed both males and females to play sports o 1600 s Settling the New World o 1700 s Colonies fight for independence expansion o 1800 s Era of Good Feeling We were at peace between revolutionary and civil war Government was established When we have prosperity we have growth which supports new sports and Inventions such as railroad and telegraphs activities European Influences Colonial Era 1607 1783 o Massachusetts Puritan Work Ethic All work no play Prohibited sporting activities such as sledding football dancing swimming ninepins shuffleboard Prominent in the life of Native Americans They associated it with festivals and celebrations and also as a social relaxation In Massachusetts the Pilgrams came in search of a new life adventure and religious freedom They had strong religious beliefs and they believed that what they did was a service to God They did not have idle play and they believed that work was the most important thing Their primary motivator for physical activity was survival They had to be physically active and strong to survive the labor that they did and the hard winters They passed laws to prohibit the activities that are listed above They also were not allowed to do any activities on a Sunday They had a strong desire to educate their people so they set up schools All games for children had moral teachings discipline team work cooperation etc Taverns were a major social center for them 1635 Boston Latin School 1635 Harvard first university o First public school for children in the United States New York New Amsterdam o Came to the New World with a strong commercial spirit they were wealth seekers o They loved food drinking and gambling and they had a lot of festivals o Bowling ninepins tennis cricket horse racing ice skating Horse racing was becoming very popular at the time New York set an early precedent for sport and at one point they were considered the center of sport The governor of NY organized the first horse race They eventually began to charge admission and prizes were awarded Most games were for upper class people o Had very strong family and community values as well as frugality and diligence o Germans and Dutch settled here o Games were used primarily for merriment pulling the goose Pennsylvania o Came in search of religious freedom o Quakers society of friends William Penn He banned past times and amusements in PA o This territory welcomed settlers from several European countries Sweden Germany France Scotland Ireland People tended to settle in homogenous communities but we began to see a mixture of people settling When leaders would ban 9pins people would play with 10 pins which was a o Peace loving ice skate swim hunt and fish o Sports and games became more accepted over time loophole in the law o Ben Franklin Very strong proponent for physical activity Very well known outspoken and a good writer Proposals for the Education of Youth he said to keep youth healthy they need to strengthen their bodies and be active running jumping swimming Art of Swimming Rendered Easy he said that the exercise of swimming is one of the most healthy and agreeable in the world He also wrote how to begin to swim swimming backwards diving swimming like a dog and treading water By doing this he was beginning to spread the work about how to swim and just how good it was for you Southern Colonies Virginia o Came for economic opportunity rather than for religious freedom o Tobacco was their main crop They used this to make money o They embraced physical activity o 1619 African slaves provided labor o Popular activities foxhunting horse racing golf lawn bowling and dancing o Virginia was the leading southern colony that was strongly influenced by the English Plantation owners sought to acquire many materials as they could so they could be rich influenced by English o They watched boxing but DID NOT play o They had slaves that farmed o There was a clear social system o Horse racing was a very popular sport and a great social event for plantation owners o Some slaves were trained as boxers and they would fight slaves from other plantations at the social events Taverns work Early Education 1647 o Elementary o The social center of town used for meetings socializing entertainment and diversion from o They were very social and not necessarily about getting drunk They had betting cockfighting billiards darts and dice were popular Many colonies had religious catechism There was no physical activity early on and there were seldom any girls o Secondary School Latin grammar school Prepared men for the ministry medicine and law No girls early on o Harvard was the first institution for higher education o 1st academy was founded by Ben Franklin 1749 Lifelong practical skills academic subjects Physical activity proponent of swimming Running leaping wresting were activities used to strengthen the body Some academys began to replace secondary schools By 1840 o 133 towns had more than 2500 people o 26 states belonged to the union o 5 cities were commercial and social centers Boston New York Philadelphia Baltimore Charleston o 12 million immigrants Irish German African Tended to settle in communities and we still see this in big cities From 1800 to 1860 The Era of Good Feelings o Establishment of government LA purchase immigration and colonists began to migrate west development of slavery controversy country really separates from all others and there are certain things about social qualities and issues that are unique to the US we have cities and frontier life that exists at the same time urban and rural areas telegraph allows for increase in communication railroad increased migration westward steamboats made travel slightly easier o Cities Had an interest in leisure time cock fighting and horse racing Work 7 5
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