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Parenting Changes as managers Co regulation induction o In middle childhood the amount of time kids spend with parents declines greatly kid s growing independence means that parents must deal with new issues o Despite these new concerns child rearing becomes easier for parents who established an authoritative style during the early years reasoning is more effective with school age kids bc of their higher respect for parents expert knowledge when parents communicate openly with kids and engage in joint decision making when possible kids are more likely to listen to their parents perspectives in situations where compliance is vital o At younger ages moms spend more time than dads with school aged kids and know more about kid s daily activities although many dads are highly involved both parents however devote more time to kid of their own gender in parents separate activities with kids moms are more concerned with caregiving ensuring kids meet responsibilities for HW after school lessons and chores while dads are focus on achievement related rec pursuits o Co regulation is a form of supervision where parents exercise general oversight while lettings kids take charge of moment by moment decision making it grows out of a warm cooperative parent child relationship based on give and take mutual respect o Parents must guide monitor their kids from a distance and effectively communicate expectations when with their kids kids must inform parents of their whereabouts activities and problems so parents can intervene when needed o Coregulation supports protects kids while prepping them for teen years when they ll make many important decisions themselves o In middle childhood kids become able to describe themselves in terms of psychological traits to compare their own traits with those of their peers and to speculate about causes of their strengths weaknesses these transformations in self understanding have a major impact on kid s self esteem o These evaluative self descriptions result from school age kid s frequent social comparisons judgments of their looks abilities behavior in relation to those of others Self descriptions Self concept self esteem how to improve o Self esteem is the global evaluation of oneself It is important but can be accurate or inaccurate i e a kid may think they re smart and feel good about themselves even if they aren t really smart Erikson Today people worry that kids have inflated self esteem Not based on reality but on the way we clap for kids when they do the smallest things Self esteem declines during 1st few elementary school years as kids evaluate themselves in various areas the decline occurs as kids receive more competence related feedback as their performances are increasingly judged How do we effectively increase self esteem Identify causes of low self esteem Provide emotional support and social approval Help kids achieve Help kids cope o Self concept refers to domain specific evaluations of the self i e academic athletic appearance etc During the school years kids refine their self concept organizing their observations of behaviors and internal states into general dispositions a major change occurs between ages 8 and 11 o According to him kids whose previous experiences have been positive enter middle childhood prepared to direct their energies from make believe of early childhood into realistic accomplishment he believed that combo of adult expectations and kid s drive toward mastery sets the stage for psychological conflict of middle childhood AKA Industry vs inferiority 6 12 which is resolved positively when experiences lead kid to develop a sense of competence at useful skills and tasks World is expanding to include neighborhood school community not just family Developing competence at useful skills and tasks Beginning of formal schooling kids engage in work If kids do not feel good about their abilities they will feel inferior Overall his sense of industry combines several developments of middle childhood a positive but realistic self concept pride in accomplishment moral responsibility and cooperative participation with agemates Piaget advances of thought seriation o 3rd stage of development concrete operations 7 12 yo Can think logically can take multiple aspects of a situation into account but only about the here and now Can now differ between appearance reality Can think things through mentally Thought is becoming less egocentric less centered can conserve o Cognitive advances Conservation horizontal decalage they can conserve in some areas but not others Spatial reasoning better understand spatial relationships directions maps Cognitive maps mental reps of familiar large scale spaces neighborhood school Seriation ability to order items along a quantative dimension line up sticks from shortest to longest Classification ability to categorize helps kids think logically seriation class inclusion more flowers or more roses Gender stereotyping o Kid s understanding of gender roles broadens in middle childhood and their gender identities change as well o By age 5 gender stereotyping of activities and occupations is well established during the school years knowledge of stereotypes increases in the less obvious areas of personality traits and achievement Personality traits Achievement areas Kids derive these distinctions from observing gender differences in behavior as well as from adult treatment parents often less encourage girls to make their own decisions both parents teachers more often praise boys for knowledge and accomplishment girls for obedience Shortly after entering elementary school school age kids quickly figure out which academic subjects and skill areas are masculine and which are feminine they often regard reading spelling art and music as more for girls and math sports and mechanics more for boys These stereotypes and the attitudes behaviors of parents and teachers that promote them influence kid s preferences for and sense of competence at certain subjects Prejudice o In kids aware of the injustice of discrimination prejudice may still operate unintentionally and w o awareness as it does in many adults o An effective way to reduce prejudice is through intergroup contact where racially and ethnically different kids work toward common goals and become personally acquainted o Another way is long term contact and collaboration in neighborhoods schools and communities o Additionally inducing kids to view others traits as changeable by

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FSU CHD 2220 - Parenting Changes

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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Exam 3

Exam 3

20 pages

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

19 pages

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

13 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

16 pages

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

11 pages

Test 3

Test 3

11 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

48 pages

Test 2

Test 2

35 pages

Exam III

Exam III

29 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

19 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

20 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

16 pages



11 pages

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

21 pages



24 pages



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Chapter 9

Chapter 9

14 pages

Test 1

Test 1

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Exam 2

Exam 2

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