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CLT3370 Classical Mythology Spring 2015 EXAM STUDY GUIDE 2 Scotty Pham Michael Lattuca TERMS Hubris extreme pride or self confidence Often in the use of challenging the gods Ex Arachne VS Athena Leto VS Niobe etc Epithets Types a Fusion of two gods once worshipped separately Ex Athena Alea Poseidon Erectheus b Sanctuary Name Ex Zeus Olympios Apollo Delios c Role of the God Ex Zeus Xenios Erastes Eromenos Athens of the same class Lover one who is being loved Ex Older man young beautiful boy Relationship built around education apprenticeship politics friendship Between people of any age Ex Upper class lover Lower class dominated Expected to get married Rome PEOPLE Zeus Zeus is the son and successor of Titan Cronus He is the king of the gods and is often known for being the guardian for guests and travelers because of Xenia Zeus most famous weapon is his thunderbolt but according to some legends he is seen holding the strongest shield the aegis He as well as the other Olympians resides on Mount Olympus Roman Name Jupiter Latin Name Zeus Epithets a Cloud Gatherer b Zeus Olympios Olympian c Zeus Panhellenios all Hellenes d Zeus Herkeios guardian of the house e Zeus Horkios keeper of oaths f Zeus Agoraios agora g Zeus Meilichios weather Attributes Lightning Bolt weapon Beard Aegis goat skin shield Major Site of Worship Olympia Sacred Animal Eagle sky Bull powerful fertility Sacred Plant Oak Dana A Princess of Argos who was prophesied to bare a son whom should overthrow her father King Acrisius Because of this the King imprisoned Dana in a bronze tower Zeus seduced her in the form of a golden shower and she gave birth to a son the hero Perseus When Acrisius becomes aware of this he puts both Dana and Perseus in a chest and tosses it out to sea exposing them to the elements Eventually the two land on the island of Seriphus where the brother of King Polydectes finds them Here the King finds liking to Dana but Perseus is protective of his mother Polydectes wants to get rid of Perseus in order to win his mother s love so he tricks Perseus into going on a quest to retrieve the head of Medusa Leda A Queen of Sparta who was seduced by Zeus in the form of swan She laid an egg from which were hatched the twins one Pollox was the son of Zeus the other Castor the son of her husband Tyndareus According to some she was also the mother of egg hatched Helen of Troy Ganymede A handsome young Trojan boy who was carried off to Olympus by Zeus in the form of an eagle He was to be Zeus lover and cup bearer of the gods Ganymede is made immortal and this represented a form of Homosexuality love in Ancient Greece Zeus takes pity for Ganymede s father and sends Hermes to Tros and tells his father not to worry and gives Ganymede s father some rich horses Europa A Phoenician women who was lusted by Zeus and abducted by the form of a bull Zeus disguised as a bull blends in to Europa s father s bull flock catches her eye Zeus compels Europa to climb on to his back once then Zeus jumps into the ocean and swims from Lebanon to Crete This is where Europa was made queen She bore him three sons one of which being Minos Mnemosyne Titan goddess of memory remembrance and time She is also the inventress of language and words Mnemosyne is the daughter of Uranus and was in charge of preserving the stories of history and myths She is often represented as the mother of the nine muses The Muses Goddesses of music song and dance and the source of inspiration They were also referred to as the goddesses of knowledge who remember all things that had come to pass They re mother was said to be Mnemosyne There are a total of nine muses all of whom were assigned specific artistic areas spheres Themis Titan goddess of divine law and order She was a prophetic goddess who presided over the most ancient oracles She was the first divine voice who first instructed mankind in the primal laws of justice and morality In Greek the word Themis refers to divine law She was the early bride of Zeus and was often represented seated beside his throne advising him on the divine law and the rules of fate The Fates Moirae The three goddesses of fate who personified the inescapable destiny of man They assigned to every person his or her fate or share in the scheme of all things The three fates are Clotho spinner Lachesis allotter Atropos unturning Clotho spins the thread of life Lachesis measures the thread of life and Atropos cuts the thread of life Athena Olympian goddess of wisdom and battle strategy She is also known to be the best weaver of all time She is the daughter of Zeus and Metis When Metis became pregnant Zeus was warned by Gaia that a son born to Metis would overthrow him Zeus swallows Metis and in time Zeus is overwhelmed with an excruciating headache and summoned Hephaestus to split his head open Out of the skull sprang forth Athena fully grown and clothed in battle armor Because of this she is referred to as the goddess of intelligence and battle strategy She is also one of the three virgin goddesses Roman Name Minerva Latin Name Athena Epithets a Glaukopis Grey Eyed a Violence Strategy b Horses Chariot c Flocks weaving d Vengeance Law and Justice Attributes Helmet spear armor aegis shield snake headed gorgon s head Medusa Weaving Arete Honor Excellence Skills Military Political Domestic Taming of Horses Ships Chariots Sacred Animal Owl Snake Sacred Plant Olive Tree Major Site of Worship Athens Pallas Nymph of Lake Tritonis In some myths it is said that Pallas and Athena were daughters of Triton father figure a Libyan sea god who identified with Poseidon In their childhood war games Athena accidentally kills Pallas with Zeus Aegis Out of sadness and regret Athena created the Palladium a statue of Pallas This story inspired a yearly festival in Libya dedicated to Athena and Pallas Nike Victoria Winged goddess of victory As Zeus was gathering allies during the Titanomachy Styx provided him with her four children Nike Victory Zelus Rivalry Kratos Strength and Bia Force Nike was appointed his charioteer and all four were appointed as sentinels standing beside Zeus throne Nike was closely identified with the goddess Athena sometimes appearing as an attribute of the goddess sometimes called Athena Nike Parthenos Epithet of Athena for Virgin This statue of Athena made of gold and ivory is displayed in the Parthenon in Athens It was designed by Phidias who was considered the most acclaimed sculptor of ancient Greece The statue stood 40 ft tall

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