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AFTERLIFE MYTHOLOGY PART 1 Necromancy where you stay in the land of the living and you summon the dead to you Calabasas where a living person physically descends to hell and talks to the dead HOMERS NEKUIA Book 1 of odyssey 800BC The basic theme of the poem is the attempt of Odysseus a Greek solider who tries to go home It takes him 10 years to do so For the Greeks a true hero has to go to hell and come back Neukia rites y which the dead are called up dead people are summoned Think of it like the Ouija board or a medium Homers said there was two ways to talk to the dead which he fuses the two ways together in book 2 1 2 Odysseus goes to the island from sailing around and speaks to a witch He gets goats and cuts their throats to get their blood and allows it to drip into a hole that he dug on the portal and the souls smell the blood and rise to him They talk to him All of the sudden he magically goes to hell that if surrounded by trees and such The underworld is the house of Hades TIRESIAS A witch told him to speak to Tiresias who is a blind prophet that would tell Odysseus what his hardships would be Tiresias lived in the city of Thebes He is blind who has the gift of foresight which allowed him to see the will of the gods At first he was just a regular guy walking around the woods when he saw two snakes having sex He takes his walking sticks and smacks them At that moment he happens to be turned into a woman for 7 years One day he goes back to the woods and sees the same two snakes having sex and smacks them again and he turns back to a man Then he goes to Olympus where the gods have a party Zeus and Hera were fighting about who has the most pleasure from sex girls or boys Zeus turns to Tiresias who has been both female and male and asks him who enjoys sex more He tells Zeus that women enjoy sex 10 times more than man Hera gets mad and turns him blind Zeus felt bad and gave him the gift of prophecy DEATH AND THE HOUSE OF HADES Psyche soul this is related to the breath that we breathe You know because they don t have bodies Homer is saying that Odysseus is talking to souls A soul is nothing but a breath of life that left he body Incorporeal has no body but still a thing Anticleia Odysseus mother she happens to be dead because she died from the grief of the past 18 years that Odysseus was away The soul exists forever that goes to another realm that s dark and gloomy Achilles said to Odysseus that he d rather be a poor man rather than the king of the dead Basically Achilles was an honored warrior and he died as one When he went down to hell the other souls still worshiped him but he doesn t like that anymore and wants to be human and alive because hell is that horrible even if you re not part of the torture side Souls can also remember their lives Ajax who also was a warrior from the Trojan War committed suicide during the war because he got into an argument with Odysseus Odysseus tried to apologize about the argument but Ajax ignored him and walked away Everyone goes to the house of Hades when they die There is no Heaven and hell like the bible says There is no judgment being made good or bad What has to happen is to get a proper burial Elpenor asks Odysseus to find him his body and give it a proper burial Basically he s allowed to roam around everywhere and on earth and he doesn t have rest He died by falling off a mountain and no one saw him or know that he s dead He will float around in the no man s land where there is no rest and the souls are allowed to haunt the living CANONICAL SINNERS Odysseus looked over to the side and sees a group of 3 sinners There is no judgment of souls but there are three characters that are being punished for what they did 1 Tityus He raped Leto the mother of Apollo and Artemis He was sent to the underworld where he is chained to the ground while vultures devour his liver The same as Prometheus This was more tortuous for Tityus because unlike Prometheus who had the foresight to see that he would one day be set freed Tityus would not be Tantalus He was at a banquet with the gods and he tried to feed the human flesh of his son to 2 the gods Gods don t eat humans His punishment is to forever hungry and thirsty He stands in a river where he can t drink its water and there is an apple tree and every time he tries to grasp an apple it moves out of reach He is being forever teased To tantalize torment through temptation 3 close to the top the boulder rolls down Sisyphus He tried to cheat death He rolls a boulder up a mountain and every time he gets AFTERLIFE MYTHOLOGY PART 2 VIRGIL S AENEID 20 BC It is an epic poem which means its very long and has action in it considered to be manly There was a guy named Aeneas son of Aphrodite and anchises He was a demi god and a Trojan warrior Once all of the men of Sparta killed all of the Trojan men and gathered the women as sex slaves Aeneas fled from all of the madness and went to Italy The Romans claimed him as the founding father of the roman race The Romans called themselves the Aeneadae the descendants of Aeneas BOOK 6 Halfway through the epic Aeneas descends into the underworld to meet his dead father Anchises Aeneas has a guide named Sibyl a priestess and prophet of Apollo to guide him through the underworld The way to Hell in Virgil s account he goes into the gate of hell and walks in The entrance is located in Cumae in southern Italy lake Avernus lake of no birds He is told by Sibyl that he has to find the golden bough brance from a tree and snap it off to prove that he is worthy of going to the underworld Once he finds it he is granted access to the underworld The tree is located in a forest with millions of other trees He asks his mother Aphrodite to help him find the tree She sends down a flock of doves to lead him to the tree He gives the bough to Persephone as a gift and is given the ticket to hell Sibyl walks with him and they go to a river Charon a ferryman takes souls of the dead to the River Styx The …

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